
A geographical address.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Address implements SearchableInterface, InventoryitemableInterface, GenericinventoryitemableInterface, GenericinventoryitemactionloggableInterface, CustomfielddataableInterface, FileableInterface, LoggableInterface, AccessloggableInterface {
  • # The ID of the entity.
  • id: Int64Bit!
  • # An ID that uniquely identifies this entity across the whole Sonar system.
  • sonar_unique_id: ID!
  • # The date and time this entity was created.
  • created_at: Datetime!
  • # The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • updated_at: Datetime!
  • # A string that shows the version of this entity. It will be incremented whenever
  • # the entity is modified.
  • _version: String!
  • # Address status ID.
  • address_status_id: Int64Bit
  • # The ID of the entity that owns this address.
  • addressable_id: Int64Bit
  • # The type of entity that owns this address.
  • addressable_type: AddressableType
  • # The address ID for the Anchor address
  • anchor_address_id: Int64Bit
  • # The attainable download speed in kilobits per second.
  • attainable_download_speed: Int
  • # The attainable upload speed in kilobits per second.
  • attainable_upload_speed: Int
  • # Avalara PCode.
  • avalara_pcode: String
  • # The ID of a BillingDefault.
  • billing_default_id: Int64Bit
  • # The year used for calculating fips and census tract information.
  • census_year: Int
  • # A city.
  • city: String
  • # A two character country code.
  • country: Country
  • # A US county. Only used for US addresses.
  • county: UsCounty
  • # Only used in the USA, this is the census tract information used for calculating
  • # things like FCC Form 477.
  • fips: String
  • # Whether or not this address is an anchor
  • is_anchor: Boolean!
  • # A decimal latitude.
  • latitude: Latitude
  • # Address line 1.
  • line1: String
  • # Address line 2.
  • line2: String
  • # A decimal longitude.
  • longitude: Longitude
  • # Whether or not the address is serviceable, and can be used for new accounts.
  • serviceable: Boolean!
  • # A state, province, or other country subdivision.
  • subdivision: Subdivision
  • # The timezone you want times in the system displayed in.
  • timezone: Timezone
  • # The type.
  • type: AddressType!
  • # A ZIP or postal code.
  • zip: String
  • # The serviceable address that is a anchor of this linked account.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # address_status_id: Address status ID.
  • # addressable_id: The ID of the entity that owns this address.
  • # addressable_type: The type of entity that owns this address.
  • # anchor_address_id: The address ID for the Anchor address
  • # attainable_download_speed: The attainable download speed in
  • # kilobits per second.
  • # attainable_upload_speed: The attainable upload speed in
  • # kilobits per second.
  • # avalara_pcode: Avalara PCode.
  • # billing_default_id: The ID of a BillingDefault.
  • # census_year: The year used for calculating fips and census
  • # tract information.
  • # city: A city.
  • # country: A two character country code.
  • # county: A US county. Only used for US addresses.
  • # fips: Only used in the USA, this is the census tract
  • # information used for calculating things like FCC Form 477.
  • # is_anchor: Whether or not this address is an anchor
  • # latitude: A decimal latitude.
  • # line1: Address line 1.
  • # line2: Address line 2.
  • # longitude: A decimal longitude.
  • # serviceable: Whether or not the address is serviceable, and can
  • # be used for new accounts.
  • # subdivision: A state, province, or other country subdivision.
  • # timezone: The timezone you want times in the system displayed
  • # in.
  • # type: The type.
  • # zip: A ZIP or postal code.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • anchor_address(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • address_status_id: Int64Bit,
  • addressable_id: Int64Bit,
  • addressable_type: AddressableType,
  • anchor_address_id: Int64Bit,
  • attainable_download_speed: Int,
  • attainable_upload_speed: Int,
  • avalara_pcode: String,
  • billing_default_id: Int64Bit,
  • census_year: Int,
  • city: String,
  • country: Country,
  • county: UsCounty,
  • fips: String,
  • is_anchor: Boolean,
  • latitude: Latitude,
  • line1: String,
  • line2: String,
  • longitude: Longitude,
  • serviceable: Boolean,
  • subdivision: Subdivision,
  • timezone: Timezone,
  • type: AddressType,
  • zip: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): Address
  • # An address status.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # color: Color.
  • # icon: An icon.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • address_status(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • color: HtmlHexColor,
  • icon: Icon,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AddressStatus
  • # Default billing settings that are applied to some accounts on creation.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_type_id: The ID of an AccountType.
  • # aggregate_invoice_taxes: Whether or not to aggregate invoice
  • # taxes instead of printing with each charge.
  • # aggregate_linked_debits: Whether or not to aggregate linked
  • # debits on Anchor invoices.
  • # anchor_default_id: The ID of a BillingDefault acting as an
  • # Anchor default.
  • # anchor_delinquency_logic: Determines if delinquency settings on
  • # an Anchor default is applied only to the Anchor account or the Linked accounts
  • # as well.
  • # auto_pay_day: If `invoice_day` is not null, this allows you to
  • # select whether `auto_pay_days` is calculated from the billing day, or the
  • # invoice day.
  • # auto_pay_days: The number of days after `auto_pay_day` that
  • # autopay runs for an invoice.
  • # bill_day: The day that billing runs.
  • # bill_day_mode: Whether the account bill and invoice day are
  • # fixed, the account activation day is used as bill day, or the account activation
  • # day is used as the invoice day.
  • # bill_mode: The type of bill this account receives.
  • # days_of_delinquency_for_status_switch: If
  • # `switch_status_after_delinquency` is `true`, then this is the number of days of
  • # delinquency to allow before the status switch.
  • # default: If this is `true`, then this is the default billing
  • # default that is used, if there is no more specific billing default option for an
  • # account.
  • # default_for: Determines if the billing parameters apply by
  • # account type or for anchor / linked types.
  • # delinquency_account_status_id: If
  • # `switch_status_after_delinquency` is true, this is the account status that the
  • # account will be moved into after `days_of_delinquency_for_status_switch` days of
  • # delinquency.
  • # delinquency_removal_account_status_id: If
  • # `switch_status_after_delinquency` is `true`, then this is the status the account
  • # will be moved back into if delinquency is cleared while the account is set to
  • # the `delinquency_account_status_id` account status.
  • # due_days: The number of days after the invoice date that it is
  • # due.
  • # due_days_day: If `invoice_day` is not null, this allows you to
  • # select whether `due_days` is calculated from the billing day, or the invoice
  • # day.
  • # fixed_bill_day: Whether or not to use a fixed bill day, versus
  • # anniversary day billing. Use `bill_day_mode` for further customization.
  • # grace_days: The number of days after the invoice due date that
  • # the invoice is marked delinquent.
  • # invoice_day: The day that automatic billing invoices are
  • # generated for. If this is `null`, then `bill_day` is used.
  • # lifeline: Whether or not this account participates in the
  • # federal Lifeline program.
  • # months_to_bill: The number of months to bill at a time.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # print_invoice: Whether this account receives a printed invoice.
  • # switch_status_after_delinquency: Whether or not this account
  • # should be moved into another status after being delinquent for a preset period.
  • # tax_exempt: Whether or not this account is tax exempt.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • billing_default(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_type_id: Int64Bit,
  • aggregate_invoice_taxes: Boolean,
  • aggregate_linked_debits: Boolean,
  • anchor_default_id: Int64Bit,
  • anchor_delinquency_logic: AnchorDelinquencyLogic,
  • auto_pay_day: BillingParameterDayOption,
  • auto_pay_days: Int,
  • bill_day: Int,
  • bill_day_mode: BillDayModeOption,
  • bill_mode: BillMode,
  • days_of_delinquency_for_status_switch: Int,
  • default: Boolean,
  • default_for: BillingDefaultFor,
  • delinquency_account_status_id: Int64Bit,
  • delinquency_removal_account_status_id: Int64Bit,
  • due_days: Int,
  • due_days_day: BillingParameterDayOption,
  • fixed_bill_day: Boolean,
  • grace_days: Int,
  • invoice_day: Int,
  • lifeline: Boolean,
  • months_to_bill: Int,
  • name: String,
  • print_invoice: Boolean,
  • switch_status_after_delinquency: Boolean,
  • tax_exempt: Boolean,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): BillingDefault
  • # The owner of this `Address`.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • addressable(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String
  • ): AddressableInterface
  • # An inventory item.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # claimed_user_id: The ID of the `User` that claimed this.
  • # deployment_type_id: The ID of a `DeploymentType`.
  • # flapping: Whether this inventory item is flapping or not.
  • # icmp_device_status: The current ICMP monitoring status of an
  • # `InventoryItem`.
  • # icmp_status_flap_count: The number of times the ICMP status has
  • # flapped.
  • # icmp_status_last_change: The timestamp of when the ICMP status
  • # last changed.
  • # icmp_threshold_violation: The ICMP monitoring threshold
  • # violation type.
  • # inventory_model_id: The ID of an `InventoryModel`.
  • # inventoryitemable_id: The ID of the entity that this inventory
  • # item is assigned to.
  • # inventoryitemable_type: The type of entity that this inventory
  • # item is assigned to.
  • # latitude: A decimal latitude.
  • # longitude: A decimal longitude.
  • # metadata: The metadata.
  • # overall_status: The overall status of an `InventoryItem` (the
  • # worse of ICMP/SNMP status).
  • # parent_inventory_item_id: The ID of the parent `InventoryItem`.
  • # preseem_status: The status of the device, as read from Preseem.
  • # purchase_order_item_id: The ID of a purchase order item
  • # purchase_price: The purchase price of this item.
  • # snmp_device_status: The current SNMP monitoring status of an
  • # `InventoryItem`.
  • # snmp_status_flap_count: The number of times the SNMP status has
  • # flapped.
  • # snmp_status_last_change: The timestamp of when the SNMP status
  • # last changed.
  • # snmp_status_message: The SNMP monitoring status message.
  • # status: The physical status of this item.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • inventory_items(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • claimed_user_id: Int64Bit,
  • deployment_type_id: Int64Bit,
  • flapping: Boolean,
  • icmp_device_status: InventoryItemDeviceStatus,
  • icmp_status_flap_count: Int,
  • icmp_status_last_change: Datetime,
  • icmp_threshold_violation: InventoryItemIcmpThresholdViolation,
  • inventory_model_id: Int64Bit,
  • inventoryitemable_id: Int64Bit,
  • inventoryitemable_type: InventoryitemableType,
  • latitude: Latitude,
  • longitude: Longitude,
  • metadata: String,
  • overall_status: InventoryItemDeviceStatus,
  • parent_inventory_item_id: Int64Bit,
  • preseem_status: PreseemStatus,
  • purchase_order_item_id: Int64Bit,
  • purchase_price: Int,
  • snmp_device_status: InventoryItemDeviceStatus,
  • snmp_status_flap_count: Int,
  • snmp_status_last_change: Datetime,
  • snmp_status_message: String,
  • status: InventoryItemStatus,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): InventoryItemConnection!
  • # A generic inventory item.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # genericinventoryitemable_id: The type of entity that owns this
  • # generic `InventoryItem`.
  • # genericinventoryitemable_type: The ID of the entity that owns
  • # this generic `InventoryItem`.
  • # inventory_model_id: The ID of an `InventoryModel`.
  • # quantity: The quantity for this service.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • generic_inventory_items(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • genericinventoryitemable_id: Int64Bit,
  • genericinventoryitemable_type: InventoryitemableType,
  • inventory_model_id: Int64Bit,
  • quantity: Int,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): GenericInventoryItemConnection!
  • # A log of an action taken against a set of generic inventory items.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # action: The action that was performed.
  • # genericinventoryitemactionloggable_id: The ID of the entity
  • # that this `GenericInventoryItemActionLog` is for.
  • # genericinventoryitemactionloggable_type: The type of entity
  • # that this `GenericInventoryItemActionLog` is for.
  • # inventory_model_id: The ID of an `InventoryModel`.
  • # purchase_price: The purchase price of this item.
  • # quantity: The quantity for this service.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • generic_inventory_item_action_logs(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • action: GenericInventoryItemActionLogAction,
  • genericinventoryitemactionloggable_id: Int64Bit,
  • genericinventoryitemactionloggable_type: InventoryitemableType,
  • inventory_model_id: Int64Bit,
  • purchase_price: Float,
  • quantity: Int,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): GenericInventoryItemActionLogConnection!
  • # Data entered into a `CustomField`.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # custom_field_id: The ID of a CustomField that is associated
  • # with this type of entity.
  • # customfielddataable_id: The ID of the entity that owns this
  • # custom field data.
  • # customfielddataable_type: The type of entity that owns this
  • # custom field data.
  • # value: The value.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • custom_field_data(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • custom_field_id: Int64Bit,
  • customfielddataable_id: Int64Bit,
  • customfielddataable_type: CustomfielddataableType,
  • value: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): CustomFieldDataConnection!
  • # A file.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # description: A human readable description.
  • # file_size_in_bytes: The file size, in bytes.
  • # fileable_id: The ID of the entity that owns this file.
  • # fileable_type: The type of entity that owns this file.
  • # filename: The file name.
  • # mime_type: The MIME type of the file.
  • # primary_image: An image file may be set to the primary image.
  • # This will be used as the displayed image for the object that this file is
  • # associated to throughout Sonar.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • files(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • description: String,
  • file_size_in_bytes: Int64Bit,
  • fileable_id: Int64Bit,
  • fileable_type: FileableType,
  • filename: String,
  • mime_type: String,
  • primary_image: Boolean,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): FileConnection!
  • # A log entry.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # current: Current data.
  • # legacy: Whether or not this log was transferred from a Sonar v1
  • # instance. If so, the formatting will not match current version logs.
  • # legacy_title: A title which is only populated on logs that were
  • # imported from Sonar v1.
  • # level: The severity level.
  • # loggable_id: The ID of the entity that this log is attached to.
  • # loggable_type: The type of entity that this log is attached to.
  • # logged_entity_id: The entity ID that triggered the log.
  • # logged_entity_type: The entity that triggered the log.
  • # message: The message.
  • # previous: Previous data.
  • # relation_data: Data from objects related to this change.
  • # type: The type.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • logs(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • current: Text,
  • legacy: Boolean,
  • legacy_title: String,
  • level: LogLevel,
  • loggable_id: Int64Bit,
  • loggable_type: String,
  • logged_entity_id: Int64Bit,
  • logged_entity_type: String,
  • message: Text,
  • previous: Text,
  • relation_data: Text,
  • type: LogType,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): LogConnection!
  • # An access log history on an entity.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # access_datetime: The date and time that this entity was
  • # accessed.
  • # accessloggable_id: The ID of the entity that this access log
  • # belongs to.
  • # accessloggable_type: The entity that this access log belongs
  • # to.
  • # entity_id: The ID of the entity that this access log belongs
  • # to.
  • # entity_name: The entity that this access log belongs to.
  • # user_id: The ID of the user that accessed this entity.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • access_logs(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • access_datetime: Datetime,
  • accessloggable_id: Int64Bit,
  • accessloggable_type: String,
  • entity_id: Int64Bit,
  • entity_name: String,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AccessLogConnection!
  • # A list of linked addresses that this address is a anchor for.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # address_status_id: Address status ID.
  • # addressable_id: The ID of the entity that owns this address.
  • # addressable_type: The type of entity that owns this address.
  • # anchor_address_id: The address ID for the Anchor address
  • # attainable_download_speed: The attainable download speed in
  • # kilobits per second.
  • # attainable_upload_speed: The attainable upload speed in
  • # kilobits per second.
  • # avalara_pcode: Avalara PCode.
  • # billing_default_id: The ID of a BillingDefault.
  • # census_year: The year used for calculating fips and census
  • # tract information.
  • # city: A city.
  • # country: A two character country code.
  • # county: A US county. Only used for US addresses.
  • # fips: Only used in the USA, this is the census tract
  • # information used for calculating things like FCC Form 477.
  • # is_anchor: Whether or not this address is an anchor
  • # latitude: A decimal latitude.
  • # line1: Address line 1.
  • # line2: Address line 2.
  • # longitude: A decimal longitude.
  • # serviceable: Whether or not the address is serviceable, and can
  • # be used for new accounts.
  • # subdivision: A state, province, or other country subdivision.
  • # timezone: The timezone you want times in the system displayed
  • # in.
  • # type: The type.
  • # zip: A ZIP or postal code.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • linked_addresses(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • address_status_id: Int64Bit,
  • addressable_id: Int64Bit,
  • addressable_type: AddressableType,
  • anchor_address_id: Int64Bit,
  • attainable_download_speed: Int,
  • attainable_upload_speed: Int,
  • avalara_pcode: String,
  • billing_default_id: Int64Bit,
  • census_year: Int,
  • city: String,
  • country: Country,
  • county: UsCounty,
  • fips: String,
  • is_anchor: Boolean,
  • latitude: Latitude,
  • line1: String,
  • line2: String,
  • longitude: Longitude,
  • serviceable: Boolean,
  • subdivision: Subdivision,
  • timezone: Timezone,
  • type: AddressType,
  • zip: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AddressConnection!
  • # A `ServiceableAddressAccountAssignmentHistory` for accounts and addresses.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # address_id: The ID of the address.
  • # end_date: The date that this ends.
  • # start_date: The start date for this `ScheduleAvailability`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • serviceable_address_account_assignment_histories(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • address_id: Int64Bit,
  • end_date: Date,
  • start_date: Date,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ServiceableAddressAccountAssignmentHistoryConnection!
  • # The `Account` disconnections log.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # disconnected_at: The date and time that the account was
  • # disconnected.
  • # disconnected_by_user_id: The `User` that disconnected the
  • # `Account`.
  • # serviceable_address_id: The ID of the serviceable address to
  • # use for this account.
  • # serviceable_address_reference_record: The deleted address
  • # object, as a formatted single line, that was disconnected. Used for historical
  • # reporting when address is deleted.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • disconnection_logs(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • disconnected_at: Datetime,
  • disconnected_by_user_id: Int64Bit,
  • serviceable_address_id: Int64Bit,
  • serviceable_address_reference_record: Text,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): DisconnectionLogConnection!
  • # An expected change of serviceable address account assignment.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # address_id: The ID of the address.
  • # note: A note about this expected change of serviceable address
  • # account assignment.
  • # target_date: The date this is targeted to happen.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • serviceable_address_account_assignment_futures(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • address_id: Int64Bit,
  • note: Text,
  • target_date: Date,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ServiceableAddressAccountAssignmentFutureConnection!
  • # A TowerCoverage submission.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # email_address: An email address.
  • # full_name: The full name.
  • # is_visible: is_visible of the information
  • # message: The message.
  • # note: A note about this TowerCoverage submission.
  • # phone_number: A telephone number.
  • # raw_xml: The raw XML.
  • # received_at: The time that the TowerCoverage submission was
  • # received.
  • # serviceable_address_id: The ID of the serviceable address to
  • # use for this account.
  • # success: Will be true if the operation succeeded.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • towercoverage_submission(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • email_address: EmailAddress,
  • full_name: String,
  • is_visible: Boolean,
  • message: Text,
  • note: Text,
  • phone_number: Numeric,
  • raw_xml: Text,
  • received_at: Datetime,
  • serviceable_address_id: Int64Bit,
  • success: Boolean,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): TowercoverageSubmission
  • # Network site serviceable address list.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # network_site_id: Network site id.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • network_site_serviceable_address_lists(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • network_site_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): NetworkSiteServiceableAddressListConnection!
  • }