The primary type of a Service
link GraphQL Schema definition
- enum ServiceType {
- # A recurring service
- # An expiring service
- # A service that applies a one time charge
- # A service that applies a data overage
- # A service that can be used to apply an adjustment to an account
- # A data service.
- # A voice service.
- }
link Require by
- AccountA customer account.
- AccountGroupAn account group.
- AccountServiceThe relationship between an `Account` and a `Service`.
- AddressListAn address list defines some criteria by which to group accounts for network policy enforcement.
- AdjustmentServiceDetailDetails about an adjustment `Service`.
- BillingServiceThe service items and overrides for linked billing defaults.
- BillingSettingBilling configuration settings.
- CallDetailRecordA call detail record (CDR).
- CompanyA company you do business as.
- DataServiceDetailDetails regarding a specific data `Service`.
- DataUsageTopOffA data usage top off.
- DebitA debit.
- DidAssignmentA direct inward dial (DID) assignment.
- DidAssignmentHistoryA historical record of a direct inward dial (DID) assignment.
- DiscountA discount.
- ExpiringServiceDetailDetails regarding a specific expiring `Service`.
- FractionalDebitA fractional debit, stored to accurately calculate multi month billing.
- GeneralLedgerCodeA general ledger code.
- IntegrationServiceMappingAn entity which maps a service to a vendor specific service name
- InvoiceAn invoice.
- JobServiceA `Service` associated with a `Job`.
- JobTypeThe type of a `Job`.
- OverageServiceDetailDetails regarding a specific overage `Service`.
- PackageServiceThe relationship between a `Package` and a `Service`.
- Querynull
- RadiusGroupA RADIUS group.
- RecurringServiceDetailDetails regarding a specific recurring `Service`.
- ServiceA service.
- ServiceMetadataFields that store metadata about individual instances of `Service`s.
- ServiceTaxThe relationship between a `Service` and a `Tax`.
- ServiceTaxDefinitionThe relationship between a `Service` and a `TaxDefinition`.
- TransactionInterfaceA type of transaction.
- UsageBasedBillingPolicyA usage based billing policy.
- UserA user that can login to Sonar.
- VendorItemAn item that can be purchased from a particular vendor.
- VoiceServiceDetailDetails regarding a specific voice `Service`.