A string with a maximum length of 2^20 (1MB) characters.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar Clob
link Require by
- CallDetailRecordImportRecipeA recipe for importing call detail records (CDRs).
- CreateInvoiceTemplateMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createInvoiceTemplate mutation.
- DidImportRecipeA recipe for importing DIDs.
- ImportAn import.
- ImportRecipetypes.import_recipe
- ImportrecipeableInterfaceAn entity that defines the recipe for an `Import`.
- Querynull
- RateCenterA rate center.
- UpdateInvoiceTemplateMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateInvoiceTemplate mutation.
- VoiceProviderA `VoiceProvider`.
- VoiceProviderRateImportRecipeA recipe for importing voice provider rates.