The type of entity that owns this Ticket
link GraphQL Schema definition
- enum TicketableType {
- # An `Account`.
- # A `NetworkSite`.
- }
link Require by
- AccountA customer account.
- CreateInternalTicketMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createInternalTicket mutation.
- CreatePublicTicketMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createPublicTicket mutation.
- InboundMailboxAn inbound mailbox.
- InventoryItemAn inventory item.
- JobA job, typically in the field.
- NetworkSiteA network site.
- Querynull
- TicketA ticket.
- TicketCategoryA ticket category.
- TicketCommentA comment on a `Ticket`.
- TicketGroupA ticket group.
- TicketRecipientA ticket recipient.
- TicketReplyA reply on a `Ticket`.
- UpdateTicketMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateTicket mutation.
- UserA user that can login to Sonar.