
The input object that defines the fields for the updateSystemSettings mutation.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input UpdateSystemSettingsMutationInput {
  • # A supported language.
  • language: Language
  • # The currency the system displays money in.
  • currency: Currency
  • # The date format to use.
  • date_format: DateFormat
  • # The time format to use.
  • time_format: TimeFormat
  • # The character used to separate digits in numbers.
  • digit_separator: DigitSeparator
  • # The character used to separate decimals in numbers.
  • decimal_separator: DecimalSeparator
  • # The timezone you want times in the system displayed in.
  • timezone: Timezone
  • # A state, province, or other country subdivision.
  • subdivision: Subdivision
  • # A two character country code.
  • country: Country
  • # A city.
  • city: String
  • # Automatically create a RADIUS account when a new account is created.
  • create_radius_account_on_account_creation: Boolean
  • # A text prefix to use when automatically creating a new RADIUS account.
  • radius_account_prefix: String
  • # Application firewall enabled.
  • application_firewall_enabled: Boolean
  • # The system of units.
  • units: Units
  • # Whether all or only primary contacts may access the customer portal.
  • customer_portal_contact_access: CustomerPortalContactAccess
  • # The date and time to suppress inventory item status alerts until.
  • suppress_alerts_until_datetime: Datetime
  • # Invoices will be created in both English and French for all customers.
  • bilingual_invoices: Boolean
  • # The source for the company used to populate the DBA name on the FCC Form 477.
  • # Supports one of service, account, or default.
  • fcc_form_477_company_source: FccForm477CompanySource
  • # If an invoice is past due, will include red watermark stamp saying "Past Due" in
  • # the local language.
  • past_due_stamp_invoice: Boolean
  • # If true then DHCP leases with Option82 remote_id will assign the IP address to a
  • # matching customer MAC address instead of a matching remote_id MAC address.
  • option_82_assign_to_customer_mac: Boolean
  • # The default name to use in email From fields
  • default_message_from_name: String
  • # The default user name to use in email From address. For example the 'jane' in
  • #
  • default_message_from_email_user_prefix: String
  • # The id of the Email Domain to use in email From address.
  • default_message_from_email_domain_id: Int64Bit
  • # the id of the Phone Number to use as default sender for SMS messages.
  • default_message_from_phone_number_id: Int64Bit
  • # The default language for messages.
  • default_message_language: Language
  • # The id of the default signature to use for Single Recipient Messages.
  • single_recipient_signature_id: Int64Bit
  • # The id of the default signature to use for Mass Messages.
  • mass_message_signature_id: Int64Bit
  • # The id of the default signature to use for Triggered Messages.
  • triggered_message_signature_id: Int64Bit
  • # Whether or not to disable the default sonar login and require the use of SSO.
  • force_sso_login_web: Boolean
  • # Setting this value to `true` will set `city` to null.
  • unset_city: Boolean
  • # Setting this value to `true` will set `suppress_alerts_until_datetime` to null.
  • unset_suppress_alerts_until_datetime: Boolean
  • # Setting this value to `true` will set `default_message_from_email_domain_id` to
  • # null.
  • unset_default_message_from_email_domain_id: Boolean
  • # Setting this value to `true` will set `default_message_from_phone_number_id` to
  • # null.
  • unset_default_message_from_phone_number_id: Boolean
  • # Setting this value to `true` will set `default_message_language` to null.
  • unset_default_message_language: Boolean
  • # Setting this value to `true` will set `single_recipient_signature_id` to null.
  • unset_single_recipient_signature_id: Boolean
  • # Setting this value to `true` will set `mass_message_signature_id` to null.
  • unset_mass_message_signature_id: Boolean
  • # Setting this value to `true` will set `triggered_message_signature_id` to null.
  • unset_triggered_message_signature_id: Boolean
  • }

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