An email address in user@domain format.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar EmailAddress
link Require by
- AccessLogAn access log history on an entity.
- AccountA customer account.
- AddressA geographical address.
- AlertingRotationAn alerting rotation.
- AuthenticationFactorA user's authentication factors.
- CalendarIcalAn iCalendar calendar.
- CallDetailRecordImportRecipeA recipe for importing call detail records (CDRs).
- CallLogA call log.
- CompanyA company you do business as.
- CompanyDepartmentA department in a company.
- CompanyDepartmentInputDepartment information for a company.
- ContactA contact person.
- ContractA contract.
- CreateContactMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createContact mutation.
- CreateEmailMessageMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createEmailMessage mutation.
- CreateMassEmailMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createMassEmail mutation.
- CreateMassMessageMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createMassMessage mutation.
- CreatePrimaryContactMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the Contact mutation.
- CreateTicketRecipientDuringTicketCreationMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createTicketRecipient mutation.
- CreateTicketRecipientMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createTicketRecipient mutation.
- CreateTicketReplyMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createTicketReply mutation.
- CreateUserMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createUser mutation.
- DebitA debit.
- DepartmentA department.
- DidImportRecipeA recipe for importing DIDs.
- DisconnectionLogThe `Account` disconnections log.
- DiscountA discount.
- EmailAn email.
- EmailCategoryA categorization of an `Email` by type.
- EmailClickA single click for a sent email.
- EmailMessageAn email message.
- EmailMessageContentThe localized content of an `EmailMessage`.
- EmailOpenA single open for a sent email.
- FccForm477ReportA generated FCC Form 477 report.
- FileA file.
- HandwrittenSignatureThe signature on a contract.
- InstanceManagementRequestRequests from Sonar staff to access your Sonar instance.
- InventoryItemAn inventory item.
- JobA job, typically in the field.
- JobCheckInThe record of a check in to a `Job`.
- LogA log entry.
- LookerExploreLicenseA report builder license.
- LookerViewLicenseA report viewer license.
- MassEmailA mass email communication.
- MeYou!
- MessageCategoryA categorization of a message by type.
- NetworkSiteA network site.
- NoteA note.
- NotificationA `Notification`.
- NotificationSettingA user's notification setting.
- OrderGroupUserThe relationship between an order group and a user.
- PhoneNumberA phone number.
- PrintedInvoiceBatchA single PDF containing multiple invoices for printing.
- PurchaseOrderA purchase order for items from a third party vendor.
- Querynull
- RefundedPaymentA record of a refund applied to a `Payment`.
- ReversedPaymentA record a `Payment` reversal.
- RoleA role defines the permission set that a user has.
- SavedMessageCategorySaved message category.
- ScheduleAddressThe geographical point that a technician starts or ends their day at.
- ScheduleAvailabilityAvailability for `Job`s to be scheduled.
- ScheduleBlockerAn event that blocks off part of a calendar otherwise availability due to `ScheduleAvailability`.
- ScheduleBlockerOverrideAn override to a particular day and time a `ScheduleBlocker` would otherwise cover.
- ScheduleTimeOffTime off that removes availability from a `ScheduleAvailability`.
- SearchFilterA user-defined search filter that applies to a specific type of entity.
- SmtpEventA single SMTP event for an email.
- StoredViewA stored view.
- StoredViewUserA `StoredView` associated with a `User`.
- SubscriptionA subscription to notifications for an entity.
- TaskA task.
- TicketA ticket.
- TicketCommentA comment on a `Ticket`.
- TicketGroupA ticket group.
- TicketRecipientA ticket recipient.
- TicketReplyA reply on a `Ticket`.
- TowercoverageSubmissionA TowerCoverage submission.
- TriggeredEmailAn `Email` that is sent when a particular event occurs.
- TriggeredMessageA message that is sent when a specific event occurs.
- UpdateContactMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateContact mutation.
- UpdateEmailMessageMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateEmailMessage mutation.
- UpdateMeMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateMe mutation.
- UpdateTicketRecipientMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateTicketRecipient mutation.
- UpdateUserMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateUser mutation.
- UserA user that can login to Sonar.
- VehicleA vehicle.
- VendorA third party vendor of inventory models.
- VoiceProviderRateImportRecipeA recipe for importing voice provider rates.
- VoidedPaymentA record of a `Payment` that was voided.