Allows the addition of custom field data to the parent entity.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input CustomFieldDataMutationInput {
- # The ID of a CustomField that is associated with this type of entity.
- Int64Bit! :
- # The value of the custom field. For custom fields of the TEXT type, this should
- # be arbitrary text, or one of the allowed values. For custom fields of the DATE
- # type, this should be a date in YYYY-MM-DD format. For custom fields of the
- # BOOLEAN type, this should be 1 or 0.
- String! :
- }
link Require by
- CreateAccountMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createAccount mutation.
- CreateContactMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createContact mutation.
- CreateGenericInventoryAssigneeMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createGenericInventoryAssignee mutation.
- CreateInternalTicketMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createInternalTicket mutation.
- CreateJobMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createJob mutation.
- CreateLinkedAddressesMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createLinkedAddresses mutation.
- CreateMailingAddressMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createMailingAddress mutation.
- CreateNetworkSiteMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createNetworkSite mutation.
- CreatePrimaryContactMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the Contact mutation.
- CreatePublicTicketMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createPublicTicket mutation.
- CreatePurchaseOrderOrderItemsMutationInputAdd items to a new purchase order.
- CreateServiceableAddressMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createServiceableAddress mutation.
- UpdateAccountMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateAccount mutation.
- UpdateContactMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateContact mutation.
- UpdateEntityCustomFieldsMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateEntityCustomFields mutation.
- UpdateGenericInventoryAssigneeMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateGenericInventoryAssignee mutation.
- UpdateJobMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateJob mutation.
- UpdateMailingAddressMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateMailingAddress mutation.
- UpdateNetworkSiteMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateNetworkSite mutation.
- UpdatePurchaseOrderOrderItemsMutationInputAdd items to a new purchase order.
- UpdateServiceableAddressMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateServiceableAddress mutation.
- UpdateTicketMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateTicket mutation.