
link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Query {
  • # All access logs for this entity.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # access_datetime: The date and time that this entity was
  • # accessed.
  • # accessloggable_id: The ID of the entity that this access log
  • # belongs to.
  • # accessloggable_type: The entity that this access log belongs
  • # to.
  • # entity_id: The ID of the entity that this access log belongs
  • # to.
  • # entity_name: The entity that this access log belongs to.
  • # user_id: The ID of the user that accessed this entity.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • access_logs(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • access_datetime: Datetime,
  • accessloggable_id: Int64Bit,
  • accessloggable_type: String,
  • entity_id: Int64Bit,
  • entity_name: String,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AccessLogConnection!
  • # Account billing parameters.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # aggregate_invoice_taxes: Whether or not to aggregate invoice
  • # taxes instead of printing with each charge.
  • # aggregate_linked_debits: Whether or not to aggregate linked
  • # debits on Anchor invoices.
  • # anchor_delinquency_logic: Determines if delinquency settings on
  • # an Anchor default is applied only to the Anchor account or the Linked accounts
  • # as well.
  • # auto_pay_day: If `invoice_day` is not null, this allows you to
  • # select whether `auto_pay_days` is calculated from the billing day, or the
  • # invoice day.
  • # auto_pay_days: The number of days after `auto_pay_day` that
  • # autopay runs for an invoice.
  • # bill_day: The day that billing runs.
  • # bill_day_mode: Whether the account bill and invoice day are
  • # fixed, the account activation day is used as bill day, or the account activation
  • # day is used as the invoice day.
  • # bill_mode: The type of bill this account receives.
  • # billing_default_id: The ID of a BillingDefault.
  • # days_of_delinquency_for_status_switch: If
  • # `switch_status_after_delinquency` is `true`, then this is the number of days of
  • # delinquency to allow before the status switch.
  • # default_for: Determines if the billing parameters apply by
  • # account type or for anchor / linked types.
  • # delinquency_account_status_id: If
  • # `switch_status_after_delinquency` is true, this is the account status that the
  • # account will be moved into after `days_of_delinquency_for_status_switch` days of
  • # delinquency.
  • # delinquency_removal_account_status_id: If
  • # `switch_status_after_delinquency` is `true`, then this is the status the account
  • # will be moved back into if delinquency is cleared while the account is set to
  • # the `delinquency_account_status_id` account status.
  • # due_days: The number of days after the invoice date that it is
  • # due.
  • # due_days_day: If `invoice_day` is not null, this allows you to
  • # select whether `due_days` is calculated from the billing day, or the invoice
  • # day.
  • # grace_days: The number of days after the invoice due date that
  • # the invoice is marked delinquent.
  • # grace_until: A temporary override that stops the account
  • # becoming delinquent until this date.
  • # invoice_day: The day that automatic billing invoices are
  • # generated for. If this is `null`, then `bill_day` is used.
  • # lifeline: Whether or not this account participates in the
  • # federal Lifeline program.
  • # months_to_bill: The number of months to bill at a time.
  • # print_invoice: Whether this account receives a printed invoice.
  • # switch_status_after_delinquency: Whether or not this account
  • # should be moved into another status after being delinquent for a preset period.
  • # tax_exempt: Whether or not this account is tax exempt.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • account_billing_parameters(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • aggregate_invoice_taxes: Boolean,
  • aggregate_linked_debits: Boolean,
  • anchor_delinquency_logic: AnchorDelinquencyLogic,
  • auto_pay_day: BillingParameterDayOption,
  • auto_pay_days: Int,
  • bill_day: Int,
  • bill_day_mode: BillDayModeOption,
  • bill_mode: BillMode,
  • billing_default_id: Int64Bit,
  • days_of_delinquency_for_status_switch: Int,
  • default_for: BillingDefaultFor,
  • delinquency_account_status_id: Int64Bit,
  • delinquency_removal_account_status_id: Int64Bit,
  • due_days: Int,
  • due_days_day: BillingParameterDayOption,
  • grace_days: Int,
  • grace_until: Date,
  • invoice_day: Int,
  • lifeline: Boolean,
  • months_to_bill: Int,
  • print_invoice: Boolean,
  • switch_status_after_delinquency: Boolean,
  • tax_exempt: Boolean,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AccountBillingParameterConnection!
  • # Account Calix Service Details.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_service_id: The ID of an AccountService.
  • # calix_integration_id: Calix Inegartion ID.
  • # custom_json: Custom JSON.
  • # cvlan: C-VLAN.
  • # global_vlan: Global VLAN.
  • # ont_port_id: ONT Port ID.
  • # policy_map: Policy Map.
  • # use_custom_json: Use Custom JSON.
  • # vlan: VLAN.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • account_calix_service_details(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_service_id: Int64Bit,
  • calix_integration_id: Int64Bit,
  • custom_json: String,
  • cvlan: Int,
  • global_vlan: String,
  • ont_port_id: String,
  • policy_map: String,
  • use_custom_json: Boolean,
  • vlan: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AccountCalixServiceDetailConnection!
  • # Account events.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # current: Current data.
  • # event: An event.
  • # event_datetime: The date and time of an event sent from
  • # Mandrill
  • # previous: Previous data.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • account_events(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • current: String,
  • event: AccountUpdateEvent,
  • event_datetime: Datetime,
  • previous: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AccountEventConnection!
  • # Account groups.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • account_groups(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AccountGroupConnection!
  • # Services that have been attached to accounts.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # addition_prorate_date: If this service was prorated when added,
  • # this is the date it was prorated from.
  • # data_usage_last_calculated_date: The date data usage was last
  • # calculated.
  • # name_override: Overriding the service name will alter the
  • # service name printed on an invoice.
  • # next_bill_date: The next date this service will bill. If this
  • # is null, it will bill on the next account billing date.
  • # number_of_times_billed: The number of times this particular
  • # service has been billed to the customer. This is only used for expiring
  • # services.
  • # package_id: The ID of a `Package`.
  • # price_override: The amount that this service price has been
  • # overridden to. If this is null, then the service price is used.
  • # price_override_reason: The reason that the price of a service
  • # has been overridden.
  • # quantity: The quantity for this service.
  • # service_id: The ID of a Service.
  • # unique_package_relationship_id: A unique ID that describes this
  • # unique instance of a `Package` assignment.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • account_services(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • addition_prorate_date: Date,
  • data_usage_last_calculated_date: Date,
  • name_override: String,
  • next_bill_date: Date,
  • number_of_times_billed: Int,
  • package_id: Int64Bit,
  • price_override: Int,
  • price_override_reason: String,
  • quantity: Int,
  • service_id: Int64Bit,
  • unique_package_relationship_id: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AccountServiceConnection!
  • # Account statuses.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # activates_account: Whether or not this status activates the
  • # account.
  • # color: Color.
  • # icon: An icon.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • account_statuses(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • activates_account: Boolean,
  • color: HtmlHexColor,
  • icon: Icon,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AccountStatusConnection!
  • # Account types.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # color: Color.
  • # icon: An icon.
  • # invoice_message_id: The ID of an `InvoiceMessage`.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # type: The type.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • account_types(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • color: HtmlHexColor,
  • icon: Icon,
  • invoice_message_id: Int64Bit,
  • name: String,
  • type: AccountTypeEnum,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AccountTypeConnection!
  • # Details of a voice service attached to an account.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_service_id: The ID of an AccountService.
  • # price_override: The amount that this service price has been
  • # overridden to. If this is null, then the service price is used.
  • # price_override_reason: The reason that the price of a service
  • # has been overridden.
  • # quantity: The quantity for this service.
  • # voice_service_generic_parameter_id: The ID of a voice service
  • # configuration parameter.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • account_voice_service_details(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_service_id: Int64Bit,
  • price_override: Int,
  • price_override_reason: String,
  • quantity: Int,
  • voice_service_generic_parameter_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AccountVoiceServiceDetailConnection!
  • # Customer accounts.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_status_id: The ID of an AccountStatus.
  • # account_type_id: The ID of an AccountType.
  • # activation_date: The date an account was first activated.
  • # activation_time: The time an account was first activated.
  • # company_id: The ID of the company that this entity operates
  • # under.
  • # data_usage_percentage: The percentage of the data usage cap
  • # that this account has consumed this month, taking into account any data usage
  • # top offs.
  • # geopoint: A geo-point.
  • # is_delinquent: Whether or not this account is delinquent.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # next_bill_date: The next date this service will bill. If this
  • # is null, it will bill on the next account billing date.
  • # next_recurring_charge_amount: The next recurring charge amount
  • # for an account. This is the sum of data, expiring, recurring, and voice services
  • # of an account for this billing cycle, including tax.
  • # parent_account_id: The ID of the `Account` that is this
  • # `Account`s master.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • accounts(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_status_id: Int64Bit,
  • account_type_id: Int64Bit,
  • activation_date: Date,
  • activation_time: Time,
  • company_id: Int64Bit,
  • data_usage_percentage: Int,
  • geopoint: Geopoint,
  • is_delinquent: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • next_bill_date: Date,
  • next_recurring_charge_amount: Int,
  • parent_account_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AccountConnection!
  • # ACH batches.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # ach_sequence: The batch ID that gets inserted into the ACH file
  • # on generation.
  • # format: The provider to use when transacting against bank
  • # accounts.
  • # payments_after: This batch includes payments after this date.
  • # payments_before: This batch includes payments before this date.
  • # type: Whether this is a batch of debits or credits.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • ach_batches(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • ach_sequence: Int64Bit,
  • format: BankAccountProvider,
  • payments_after: Datetime,
  • payments_before: Datetime,
  • type: AchBatchType,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AchBatchConnection!
  • # Address lists.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_status: The types of account statuses for accounts that
  • # are part of this grouping.
  • # delinquency: The delinquency state for accounts that are part
  • # of this grouping.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • address_lists(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_status: AddressListAccountStatus,
  • delinquency: AddressListDelinquency,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AddressListConnection!
  • # Address statuses.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # color: Color.
  • # icon: An icon.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • address_statuses(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • color: HtmlHexColor,
  • icon: Icon,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AddressStatusConnection!
  • # Geographical addresses.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # address_status_id: Address status ID.
  • # addressable_id: The ID of the entity that owns this address.
  • # addressable_type: The type of entity that owns this address.
  • # anchor_address_id: The address ID for the Anchor address
  • # attainable_download_speed: The attainable download speed in
  • # kilobits per second.
  • # attainable_upload_speed: The attainable upload speed in
  • # kilobits per second.
  • # avalara_pcode: Avalara PCode.
  • # billing_default_id: The ID of a BillingDefault.
  • # census_year: The year used for calculating fips and census
  • # tract information.
  • # city: A city.
  • # country: A two character country code.
  • # county: A US county. Only used for US addresses.
  • # fips: Only used in the USA, this is the census tract
  • # information used for calculating things like FCC Form 477.
  • # is_anchor: Whether or not this address is an anchor
  • # latitude: A decimal latitude.
  • # line1: Address line 1.
  • # line2: Address line 2.
  • # longitude: A decimal longitude.
  • # serviceable: Whether or not the address is serviceable, and can
  • # be used for new accounts.
  • # subdivision: A state, province, or other country subdivision.
  • # timezone: The timezone you want times in the system displayed
  • # in.
  • # type: The type.
  • # zip: A ZIP or postal code.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • addresses(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • address_status_id: Int64Bit,
  • addressable_id: Int64Bit,
  • addressable_type: AddressableType,
  • anchor_address_id: Int64Bit,
  • attainable_download_speed: Int,
  • attainable_upload_speed: Int,
  • avalara_pcode: String,
  • billing_default_id: Int64Bit,
  • census_year: Int,
  • city: String,
  • country: Country,
  • county: UsCounty,
  • fips: String,
  • is_anchor: Boolean,
  • latitude: Latitude,
  • line1: String,
  • line2: String,
  • longitude: Longitude,
  • serviceable: Boolean,
  • subdivision: Subdivision,
  • timezone: Timezone,
  • type: AddressType,
  • zip: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AddressConnection!
  • # Details related to an adjustment service.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # amount: The amount that can be adjusted using this service
  • # within the period defined in `adjustment_service_days`.
  • # days: The period of time in which transactions are tracked to
  • # calculate against the total defined in `adjustment_service_amount`.
  • # service_id: The ID of a Service.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • adjustment_service_details(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • amount: Int,
  • days: Int,
  • service_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AdjustmentServiceDetailConnection!
  • # Alerting rotation days and times.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # alerting_rotation_id: The alerting rotation ID.
  • # day: A day.
  • # end_time: The end time for the day.
  • # start_time: The start time for the day.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • alerting_rotation_days(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • alerting_rotation_id: Int64Bit,
  • day: Day,
  • end_time: Time,
  • start_time: Time,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AlertingRotationDayConnection!
  • # Inventory items associated with alerting rotations.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # alerting_rotation_id: The alerting rotation ID.
  • # inventory_item_id: The ID of an `InventoryItem`.
  • # last_alerted_datetime: The date and time that this rotation was
  • # last notified of a status change.
  • # last_overall_status: The last monitoring status of an inventory
  • # item.
  • # last_status_change_datetime: The date and time that the
  • # inventory item status last changed.
  • # next_alert_datetime: The next date and time to send a status
  • # alert for this rotation.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • alerting_rotation_inventory_items(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • alerting_rotation_id: Int64Bit,
  • inventory_item_id: Int64Bit,
  • last_alerted_datetime: Datetime,
  • last_overall_status: InventoryItemDeviceStatus,
  • last_status_change_datetime: Datetime,
  • next_alert_datetime: Datetime,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AlertingRotationInventoryItemConnection!
  • # Alerting rotations.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # all_accounts: Whether to include all account equipment in this
  • # rotation.
  • # all_inventory_models: Whether to include all inventory models
  • # in this rotation.
  • # all_network_sites: Whether to include all network site
  • # equipment in this rotation.
  • # down_time_in_minutes_before_alerting: The number of minutes a
  • # device can be in a down state before generating alert.
  • # down_time_in_minutes_before_repeat: The number of minutes a
  • # device can remain in a down state before sending a repeat alert.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # infinite_repetitions: Whether this repeats forever or not.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # repetitions: The number of times this repeats.
  • # start: The start.
  • # warning_time_in_minutes_before_alerting: The number of minutes
  • # a device can be in a warning state before generating alert.
  • # warning_time_in_minutes_before_repeat: The number of minutes a
  • # device can remain in a warning state before sending a repeat alert.
  • # weeks_between_repetitions: The number of weeks between
  • # repetitions.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • alerting_rotations(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • all_accounts: Boolean,
  • all_inventory_models: Boolean,
  • all_network_sites: Boolean,
  • down_time_in_minutes_before_alerting: Int,
  • down_time_in_minutes_before_repeat: Int,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • infinite_repetitions: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • repetitions: Int,
  • start: Date,
  • warning_time_in_minutes_before_alerting: Int,
  • warning_time_in_minutes_before_repeat: Int,
  • weeks_between_repetitions: Int,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AlertingRotationConnection!
  • # Application firewall rules.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # description: A human readable description.
  • # subnet: An IPv4/IPv6 subnet.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • application_firewall_rules(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • description: String,
  • subnet: SubnetScalar,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ApplicationFirewallRuleConnection!
  • # Auth providers.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # auth0_client_id: The Auth0 client ID.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # type: The type.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • auth_providers(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • auth0_client_id: String,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • type: AuthProviderType,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AuthProviderConnection!
  • # Available explores.
  • available_explores: AvailableExploresConnection!
  • # Available reports.
  • available_reports: AvailableReportsConnection!
  • # Avalara tax categories.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # value: The value.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • avalara_tax_categories(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • name: String,
  • value: Int,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AvalaraTaxCategoryConnection!
  • # Avalara tax definitions.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # archived: Whether or not this entity is archived.
  • # is_custom: Whether or not this tax definition is custom.
  • # service_name: The service name as defined by Avalara.
  • # service_type: The service type as defined by Avalara.
  • # transaction_name: The transaction name as defined by Avalara.
  • # transaction_type: The transaction type as defined by Avalara.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • avalara_tax_definitions(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • archived: Boolean,
  • is_custom: Boolean,
  • service_name: String,
  • service_type: Int,
  • transaction_name: String,
  • transaction_type: Int,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AvalaraTaxDefinitionConnection!
  • # Bank account processor credentials.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # bank_account_processor_id: The ID of a BankProcessor.
  • # credential: The credential name.
  • # value: The value.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • bank_account_processor_credentials(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • bank_account_processor_id: Int64Bit,
  • credential: BankAccountProviderCredential,
  • value: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): BankAccountProcessorCredentialConnection!
  • # Processors of transactions to and from bank accounts.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # primary: Whether or not this is the primary type of entity.
  • # provider: The provider for this processor.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • bank_account_processors(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • primary: Boolean,
  • provider: BankAccountProvider,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): BankAccountProcessorConnection!
  • # Bank accounts.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # auto: Whether or not this payment method is enabled for
  • # automatic payments.
  • # bank_account_processor_id: The ID of a BankProcessor.
  • # bank_account_type: The type of bank account this is.
  • # customer_profile_id: The profile ID provided by a credit card
  • # processing service.
  • # masked_account_number: A partial account number that can be
  • # used for identification.
  • # name_on_account: The name on the account.
  • # routing_number: The bank routing number.
  • # token: The tokenized value that represents a credit card,
  • # provided by a credit card processing service.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • bank_accounts(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • auto: Boolean,
  • bank_account_processor_id: Int64Bit,
  • bank_account_type: BankAccountType,
  • customer_profile_id: String,
  • masked_account_number: String,
  • name_on_account: String,
  • routing_number: String,
  • token: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): BankAccountConnection!
  • # Default billing values for new accounts.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_type_id: The ID of an AccountType.
  • # aggregate_invoice_taxes: Whether or not to aggregate invoice
  • # taxes instead of printing with each charge.
  • # aggregate_linked_debits: Whether or not to aggregate linked
  • # debits on Anchor invoices.
  • # anchor_default_id: The ID of a BillingDefault acting as an
  • # Anchor default.
  • # anchor_delinquency_logic: Determines if delinquency settings on
  • # an Anchor default is applied only to the Anchor account or the Linked accounts
  • # as well.
  • # auto_pay_day: If `invoice_day` is not null, this allows you to
  • # select whether `auto_pay_days` is calculated from the billing day, or the
  • # invoice day.
  • # auto_pay_days: The number of days after `auto_pay_day` that
  • # autopay runs for an invoice.
  • # bill_day: The day that billing runs.
  • # bill_day_mode: Whether the account bill and invoice day are
  • # fixed, the account activation day is used as bill day, or the account activation
  • # day is used as the invoice day.
  • # bill_mode: The type of bill this account receives.
  • # days_of_delinquency_for_status_switch: If
  • # `switch_status_after_delinquency` is `true`, then this is the number of days of
  • # delinquency to allow before the status switch.
  • # default: If this is `true`, then this is the default billing
  • # default that is used, if there is no more specific billing default option for an
  • # account.
  • # default_for: Determines if the billing parameters apply by
  • # account type or for anchor / linked types.
  • # delinquency_account_status_id: If
  • # `switch_status_after_delinquency` is true, this is the account status that the
  • # account will be moved into after `days_of_delinquency_for_status_switch` days of
  • # delinquency.
  • # delinquency_removal_account_status_id: If
  • # `switch_status_after_delinquency` is `true`, then this is the status the account
  • # will be moved back into if delinquency is cleared while the account is set to
  • # the `delinquency_account_status_id` account status.
  • # due_days: The number of days after the invoice date that it is
  • # due.
  • # due_days_day: If `invoice_day` is not null, this allows you to
  • # select whether `due_days` is calculated from the billing day, or the invoice
  • # day.
  • # fixed_bill_day: Whether or not to use a fixed bill day, versus
  • # anniversary day billing. Use `bill_day_mode` for further customization.
  • # grace_days: The number of days after the invoice due date that
  • # the invoice is marked delinquent.
  • # invoice_day: The day that automatic billing invoices are
  • # generated for. If this is `null`, then `bill_day` is used.
  • # lifeline: Whether or not this account participates in the
  • # federal Lifeline program.
  • # months_to_bill: The number of months to bill at a time.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # print_invoice: Whether this account receives a printed invoice.
  • # switch_status_after_delinquency: Whether or not this account
  • # should be moved into another status after being delinquent for a preset period.
  • # tax_exempt: Whether or not this account is tax exempt.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • billing_defaults(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_type_id: Int64Bit,
  • aggregate_invoice_taxes: Boolean,
  • aggregate_linked_debits: Boolean,
  • anchor_default_id: Int64Bit,
  • anchor_delinquency_logic: AnchorDelinquencyLogic,
  • auto_pay_day: BillingParameterDayOption,
  • auto_pay_days: Int,
  • bill_day: Int,
  • bill_day_mode: BillDayModeOption,
  • bill_mode: BillMode,
  • days_of_delinquency_for_status_switch: Int,
  • default: Boolean,
  • default_for: BillingDefaultFor,
  • delinquency_account_status_id: Int64Bit,
  • delinquency_removal_account_status_id: Int64Bit,
  • due_days: Int,
  • due_days_day: BillingParameterDayOption,
  • fixed_bill_day: Boolean,
  • grace_days: Int,
  • invoice_day: Int,
  • lifeline: Boolean,
  • months_to_bill: Int,
  • name: String,
  • print_invoice: Boolean,
  • switch_status_after_delinquency: Boolean,
  • tax_exempt: Boolean,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): BillingDefaultConnection!
  • # Services associated with a linked billing default.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # anchor_subsidy: The amount of the service that will be invoiced
  • # to the anchor account. Cannot exceed price provided.
  • # billing_default_id: The ID of a BillingDefault.
  • # name_override: Overriding the service name will alter the
  • # service name printed on an invoice.
  • # price: The price per unit of this item.
  • # service_id: The ID of a Service.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • billing_services(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • anchor_subsidy: Int,
  • billing_default_id: Int64Bit,
  • name_override: String,
  • price: Int,
  • service_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): BillingServiceConnection!
  • # Billing settings.
  • billing_setting: BillingSetting!
  • # Cable modem provisioner credentials.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # cable_modem_provisioner_id: The ID of a
  • # `CableModemProvisioner`.
  • # credential: An individual credential to authenticate to a cable
  • # modem provisioner.
  • # value: The credential value (e.g. username, password, etc.)
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • cable_modem_provisioner_credentials(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • cable_modem_provisioner_id: Int64Bit,
  • credential: CableModemProvisionerAuthenticationCredential,
  • value: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): CableModemProvisionerCredentialConnection!
  • # Cable modem provisioners.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # hostname: Hostname.
  • # last_synchronized: The date and time this device was last
  • # synchronized.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # status: The status.
  • # status_message: A message describing what caused the current
  • # status of this device.
  • # synchronization_queued: Whether or not a synchronization
  • # request is queued.
  • # synchronization_start: The date/time that synchronization
  • # started.
  • # type: The type.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • cable_modem_provisioners(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • hostname: String,
  • last_synchronized: Datetime,
  • name: String,
  • status: ProvisioningDeviceStatus,
  • status_message: String,
  • synchronization_queued: Boolean,
  • synchronization_start: Datetime,
  • type: CableModemProvisionerType,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): CableModemProvisionerConnection!
  • # Calendar - iCalendar
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # url: The url that can be used on remote calendars for
  • # integration of Sonar events.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • calendar_icals(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • url: URL,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): CalendarIcalConnection!
  • # Calix Cloud audits.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # calix_cloud_setting_id: The ID of a `CalixCloudSetting`.
  • # subscriber: The Calix Cloud subscriber json object.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • calix_cloud_audits(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • calix_cloud_setting_id: Int64Bit,
  • subscriber: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): CalixCloudAuditConnection!
  • # Calix Cloud settings.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # client_id: The Auth0 client ID.
  • # client_secret: The Auth0 client secret.
  • # company_id: The ID of the company that this entity operates
  • # under.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # last_synchronized: The date and time this device was last
  • # synchronized.
  • # subscriber_field1_id: The ID of a `CustomField` that will map
  • # to Calix subscriber field1.
  • # subscriber_field2_id: The ID of a `CustomField` that will map
  • # to Calix subscriber field2.
  • # subscriber_field3_id: The ID of a `CustomField` that will map
  • # to Calix subscriber field3.
  • # subscriber_field4_id: The ID of a `CustomField` that will map
  • # to Calix subscriber field4.
  • # subscriber_field5_id: The ID of a `CustomField` that will map
  • # to Calix subscriber field5.
  • # synchronization_audit_ran: Whether or not a synchronization
  • # audit has been run.
  • # synchronization_queued: Whether or not a synchronization
  • # request is queued.
  • # synchronization_start: The date/time that synchronization
  • # started.
  • # synchronization_status: Status of the synchronization process.
  • # synchronization_status_message: Details regarding the current
  • # synchronization status if any.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • calix_cloud_settings(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • client_id: String,
  • client_secret: String,
  • company_id: Int64Bit,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • last_synchronized: Datetime,
  • subscriber_field1_id: Int64Bit,
  • subscriber_field2_id: Int64Bit,
  • subscriber_field3_id: Int64Bit,
  • subscriber_field4_id: Int64Bit,
  • subscriber_field5_id: Int64Bit,
  • synchronization_audit_ran: Boolean,
  • synchronization_queued: Boolean,
  • synchronization_start: Datetime,
  • synchronization_status: SynchronizationStatus,
  • synchronization_status_message: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): CalixCloudSettingConnection!
  • # Unique Calix SMx server configuration.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # alarms_change_device_status: Controls if Sonar updates the ICMP
  • # device status from SMx alarms
  • # alarms_create_logs: Controls if Sonar should add SMx device
  • # alarms to inventory item logs
  • # alarms_update_ip_assignment: Controls if Sonar updates the
  • # inventory item's soft IP address from SMx DHCP lease alarms.
  • # bounce_ports: Disable, pause, then re-enable Calix ONT ports
  • # after creating or removing service. Recommended for deployments using DHCP
  • # within SMx.
  • # commercial_delinquency_policy_map: The Calix policy map name to
  • # use when a commercial account becomes delinquent.
  • # commercial_delinquency_service_template: The Calix service
  • # template name to use when a commercial account becomes delinquent.
  • # enable_ont_synchronization: Controls whether to turn on
  • # synchronization of Calix ONTs and Subscribers, from Sonar Inventory Items and
  • # Accounts.
  • # government_delinquency_policy_map: The Calix policy map name to
  • # use when a government account becomes delinquent.
  • # government_delinquency_service_template: The Calix service
  • # template name to use when a government account becomes delinquent.
  • # industrial_delinquency_policy_map: The Calix policy map name to
  • # use when an industrial account becomes delinquent.
  • # industrial_delinquency_service_template: The Calix service
  • # template name to use when an industrial account becomes delinquent.
  • # last_synchronized: The date and time this device was last
  • # synchronized.
  • # org_id: Subscriber organization ID to use for integration
  • # residential_delinquency_policy_map: The Calix policy map name
  • # to use when a residential account becomes delinquent.
  • # residential_delinquency_service_template: The Calix service
  • # template name to use when a residential account becomes delinquent.
  • # senior_citizen_delinquency_policy_map: The Calix policy map
  • # name to use when a senior citizen account becomes delinquent.
  • # senior_citizen_delinquency_service_template: The Calix service
  • # template name to use when a senior citizen account becomes delinquent.
  • # smx_credentials: The basic auth credentials to use with SMx,
  • # username:password
  • # smx_url: The URL of the SMx server including the SMx API port,
  • # eg. mysmx.org:18443 (SMx uses 18443 as the default API port)
  • # smx_version: The software version of SMx that will be used in
  • # integration
  • # status: The status.
  • # status_message: A message describing what caused the current
  • # status of this device.
  • # subscriber_custom_field_id: The ID of the account custom field
  • # which holds the SMx subscriber ID of the account.
  • # synchronization_queued: Whether or not a synchronization
  • # request is queued.
  • # synchronization_start: The date/time that synchronization
  • # started.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • calix_integrations(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • alarms_change_device_status: Boolean,
  • alarms_create_logs: Boolean,
  • alarms_update_ip_assignment: Boolean,
  • bounce_ports: Boolean,
  • commercial_delinquency_policy_map: String,
  • commercial_delinquency_service_template: String,
  • enable_ont_synchronization: Boolean,
  • government_delinquency_policy_map: String,
  • government_delinquency_service_template: String,
  • industrial_delinquency_policy_map: String,
  • industrial_delinquency_service_template: String,
  • last_synchronized: Datetime,
  • org_id: String,
  • residential_delinquency_policy_map: String,
  • residential_delinquency_service_template: String,
  • senior_citizen_delinquency_policy_map: String,
  • senior_citizen_delinquency_service_template: String,
  • smx_credentials: String,
  • smx_url: String,
  • smx_version: CalixIntegrationVersion,
  • status: ProvisioningDeviceStatus,
  • status_message: String,
  • subscriber_custom_field_id: Int64Bit,
  • synchronization_queued: Boolean,
  • synchronization_start: Datetime,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): CalixIntegrationConnection!
  • # Calix provisioning list.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # list_type: The type.
  • # calix_integration_id: Calix Inegartion ID.
  • # inventory_item_id: The ID of an `InventoryItem`.
  • # smx_url: The URL of the SMx server including the SMx API port,
  • # eg. mysmx.org:18443 (SMx uses 18443 as the default API port)
  • # smx_credentials: The basic auth credentials to use with SMx,
  • # username:password
  • # smx_version: The software version of SMx that will be used in
  • # integration
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • calix_provisioning_list(
  • list_type: CalixProvisioningListType,
  • calix_integration_id: Int64Bit,
  • inventory_item_id: Int64Bit,
  • smx_url: String,
  • smx_credentials: String,
  • smx_version: CalixIntegrationVersion,
  • paginator: Paginator
  • ): CalixProvisioningListConnection!
  • # Call Detail Record Import Recipes
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # clean_records: How many records passed validation checks during
  • # import.
  • # errors: Any errors encountered for this import.
  • # failed_records: How many records did not pass validation checks
  • # during import.
  • # flatfile_batch_identifier: The identifier of a unique batch at
  • # Flatfile.
  • # hash: A hash of the data content of an import.
  • # progress: The progress of an import as a percentage.
  • # start_datetime: The start date and time for the import.
  • # status: The status.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # voice_provider_id: The ID of a `VoiceProvider`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • call_detail_record_import_recipes(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • clean_records: Int,
  • errors: Clob,
  • failed_records: Int,
  • flatfile_batch_identifier: String,
  • hash: String,
  • progress: Int,
  • start_datetime: Datetime,
  • status: ImportStatus,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • voice_provider_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): CallDetailRecordImportRecipeConnection!
  • # Call Detail Record Imports
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # call_data_record_import_id: The ID of a call data record (CDR)
  • # import.
  • # clean_records: How many records passed validation checks during
  • # import.
  • # errors: Any errors encountered for this import.
  • # failed_records: How many records did not pass validation checks
  • # during import.
  • # status: The status.
  • # voice_provider_id: The ID of a `VoiceProvider`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • call_detail_record_imports(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • call_data_record_import_id: Int64Bit,
  • clean_records: Int,
  • errors: Text,
  • failed_records: Int,
  • status: AsyncImportStatus,
  • voice_provider_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): CallDetailRecordImportConnection!
  • # Call Detail Records
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # amount: The amount, in the smallest currency value (e.g. cents,
  • # pence, pesos.)
  • # charge_rate: The rate that is charged to a customer.
  • # description: The prefix description for the call detail record
  • # having provider rated prefix.
  • # direction: The direction of the call.
  • # length_in_seconds: The total length of the call in seconds.
  • # matched_prefix: The matched prefix of this call record.
  • # monthly_billing_completion_id: The ID of a
  • # `MonthlyBillingCompletion`.
  • # originating_number: The DID that initiated the call.
  • # prefix_type: The prefix type of this call record.
  • # receiving_number: The DID that received the call.
  • # service_id: The ID of a Service.
  • # started_at: When the call was started.
  • # voice_provider_id: The ID of a `VoiceProvider`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • call_detail_records(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • amount: Float,
  • charge_rate: Float,
  • description: String,
  • direction: CallDetailRecordDirection,
  • length_in_seconds: Int,
  • matched_prefix: String,
  • monthly_billing_completion_id: Int64Bit,
  • originating_number: String,
  • prefix_type: CallDetailRecordPrefixType,
  • receiving_number: String,
  • service_id: Int64Bit,
  • started_at: Datetime,
  • voice_provider_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): CallDetailRecordConnection!
  • # Call Logs for accounts.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # body: The body.
  • # subject: The subject.
  • # time_in_seconds: The time in seconds.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • call_logs(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • body: Text,
  • subject: String,
  • time_in_seconds: String,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): CallLogConnection!
  • # Canned replies.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # body: The body.
  • # canned_reply_category_id: The ID of a `CannedReplyCategory`.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • canned_replies(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • body: Text,
  • canned_reply_category_id: Int64Bit,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): CannedReplyConnection!
  • # Canned reply categories.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • canned_reply_categories(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): CannedReplyCategoryConnection!
  • # Canned reply with variable replacement.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # canned_reply_id: fields.canned_reply_id
  • # ticket_id: The ID of a `Ticket`.
  • canned_reply_with_variable_replacement(
  • canned_reply_id: Int64Bit!,
  • ticket_id: Int64Bit!
  • ): CannedReply!
  • # Companies that you do business as.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # billing_communication_delay_end_local_time: The daily end time
  • # of the period during which billing communication e.g. new invoices, delinquency,
  • # etc. will not be sent.
  • # billing_communication_delay_start_local_time: The daily start
  • # time of the period during which billing communication e.g. new invoices,
  • # delinquency, etc. will not be sent.
  • # checks_payable_to: On an enabled remittance slip, who should
  • # checks be made payable to?
  • # country: A two character country code.
  • # customer_portal_url: The URL to your customer portal.
  • # default: Whether or not this entity is a default entry.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # isp_type: The ISP type of this `Company`.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # phone_number: A telephone number.
  • # primary_color: The primary color to use in Sonar.
  • # secondary_color: The secondary color to use in Sonar.
  • # show_remittance_slip: Whether or not to include a detachable
  • # remittance slip on the invoice.
  • # tax_identification: A tax identification number. Should only be
  • # entered if you are required to share some type of tax identification information
  • # with your customers.
  • # website_address: The address of the company website.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • companies(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • billing_communication_delay_end_local_time: Time,
  • billing_communication_delay_start_local_time: Time,
  • checks_payable_to: String,
  • country: Country,
  • customer_portal_url: URL,
  • default: Boolean,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • isp_type: IspType,
  • name: String,
  • phone_number: Numeric,
  • primary_color: HtmlHexColor,
  • secondary_color: HtmlHexColor,
  • show_remittance_slip: Boolean,
  • tax_identification: String,
  • website_address: URL,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): CompanyConnection!
  • # Departments in a company.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # company_id: The ID of the company that this entity operates
  • # under.
  • # country: A two character country code for this phone number.
  • # department_id: The ID of a department.
  • # email_address: An email address.
  • # extension: The extension.
  • # number: The number.
  • # number_formatted: A phone number formatted for human
  • # readability.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • company_departments(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • company_id: Int64Bit,
  • country: Country,
  • department_id: Int64Bit,
  • email_address: EmailAddress,
  • extension: Numeric,
  • number: Numeric,
  • number_formatted: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): CompanyDepartmentConnection!
  • # A contact person.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # contactable_id: The ID of the entity that owns this contact.
  • # contactable_type: The type of entity that owns this contact.
  • # email_address: An email address.
  • # language: A supported language.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # primary: Whether or not this is the primary type of entity.
  • # role: The role of the contact, e.g. "CEO" or "Network
  • # Engineer".
  • # username: A username, used for authentication.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • contacts(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • contactable_id: Int64Bit,
  • contactable_type: ContactableType,
  • email_address: EmailAddress,
  • language: Language,
  • name: String,
  • primary: Boolean,
  • role: String,
  • username: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ContactConnection!
  • # Contract templates.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # body: The body.
  • # company_id: The ID of the company that this entity operates
  • # under.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # term_in_months: The term in months.
  • # ticket_group_id: The ID of a `TicketGroup`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • contract_templates(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • body: Text,
  • company_id: Int64Bit,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • term_in_months: Int,
  • ticket_group_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ContractTemplateConnection!
  • # Contracts.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # body: The body.
  • # contact_id: The ID of the contact that owns this.
  • # contract_template_id: The ID of a `ContractTemplate`.
  • # custom_message: The custom message.
  • # expiration_date: The expiration date.
  • # handwritten_signature_id: The ID of a `HandwrittenSignature`.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # term_in_months: The term in months.
  • # unique_link_key: Part of the unique URL used for signing.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • contracts(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • body: Text,
  • contact_id: Int64Bit,
  • contract_template_id: Int64Bit,
  • custom_message: Text,
  • expiration_date: Date,
  • handwritten_signature_id: Int64Bit,
  • name: String,
  • term_in_months: Int,
  • unique_link_key: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ContractConnection!
  • # Core credit cards.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # auto: Whether or not this payment method is enabled for
  • # automatic payments.
  • # credit_card_processor_id: The ID of a CreditCardProcessor.
  • # credit_card_type: The type of a credit card (e.g. Visa,
  • # Mastercard.)
  • # customer_profile_id: The profile ID provided by a credit card
  • # processing service.
  • # expiration_month: The month the credit card expires.
  • # expiration_year: The year the credit card expires.
  • # masked_number: A partial credit card number that can be used
  • # for identification.
  • # name_on_card: The name on the credit card.
  • # token: The tokenized value that represents a credit card,
  • # provided by a credit card processing service.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • core_credit_cards(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • auto: Boolean,
  • credit_card_processor_id: Int64Bit,
  • credit_card_type: CreditCardType,
  • customer_profile_id: String,
  • expiration_month: Int,
  • expiration_year: Int,
  • masked_number: String,
  • name_on_card: String,
  • token: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): CreditCardConnection!
  • # Core invoices.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # auto_pay_attempts: The number of times that autopay has been
  • # attempted.
  • # auto_pay_date: The date that autopay will be attempted.
  • # child_invoice_remaining_due: The sum of all due amounts on
  • # child invoices.
  • # company_id: The ID of the company that this entity operates
  • # under.
  • # date: A date
  • # delinquency_date: The date that this became delinquent.
  • # delinquent: Whether or not this entity is delinquent.
  • # due_date: The date this invoice is due by.
  • # end_date: The date that this ends.
  • # frozen: If an invoice is frozen, payments will not be
  • # automatically applied to it, and it cannot be modified.
  • # invoice_template_version_id: The ID of the Invoice Template
  • # Version which was active when this invoice was generated.
  • # late_fee_applied: Whether or not a late fee has been applied.
  • # late_fee_only: Whether or not the invoice includes only late
  • # fees.
  • # message: The message.
  • # number_of_months: The number of months of service this invoice
  • # was billed for.
  • # parent_invoice_id: The ID of the `Invoice` that is this
  • # `Invoice`s master.
  • # pending_email: Used by system to indicate the invoice has been
  • # marked to be sent to email contacts.
  • # remaining_due: The amount remaining to be paid.
  • # status: The phase of the invoice moving through creation.
  • # tax_committed: Whether this entity's taxes have been committed
  • # or not.
  • # tax_provider_id: The ID of an `TaxProvider`.
  • # total_debits: The sum of all debits that make up this invoice.
  • # total_taxes: The sum of all taxes on debits that make up this
  • # invoice.
  • # void: Whether or not this entity has been voided.
  • # voided_at: When this was voided.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • core_invoices(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • auto_pay_attempts: Int,
  • auto_pay_date: Date,
  • child_invoice_remaining_due: Int,
  • company_id: Int64Bit,
  • date: Date,
  • delinquency_date: Date,
  • delinquent: Boolean,
  • due_date: Date,
  • end_date: Date,
  • frozen: Boolean,
  • invoice_template_version_id: Int64Bit,
  • late_fee_applied: Boolean,
  • late_fee_only: Boolean,
  • message: Text,
  • number_of_months: Int,
  • parent_invoice_id: Int64Bit,
  • pending_email: Boolean,
  • remaining_due: Int,
  • status: String,
  • tax_committed: Boolean,
  • tax_provider_id: Int64Bit,
  • total_debits: Int,
  • total_taxes: Int,
  • void: Boolean,
  • voided_at: Datetime,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): InvoiceConnection!
  • # Core transactions.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • core_transactions(account_id: Int64Bit, paginator: Paginator): TransactionConnection!
  • # Credit card processor credentials.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # credential: The credential name.
  • # credit_card_processor_id: The ID of a CreditCardProcessor.
  • # value: The value.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • credit_card_processor_credentials(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • credential: CreditCardProviderCredential,
  • credit_card_processor_id: Int64Bit,
  • value: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): CreditCardProcessorCredentialConnection!
  • # Credit card processors configured in Sonar.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # amex: American Express.
  • # dankort: Dankort.
  • # dinersclub: Diner's Club.
  • # discover: Discover.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # forbrugsforeningen: Forbrugsforeningen.
  • # jcb: JCB
  • # maestro: Maestro.
  • # mastercard: MasterCard.
  • # moto_enabled: Enables processor specific `Mail Or Telephone
  • # Order` functionality. Currently only applicable for `Stripe`.
  • # primary: Whether or not this is the primary type of entity.
  • # provider: The company that provides credit card processing
  • # services.
  • # unionpay: Union Pay.
  • # visa: Visa
  • # visaelectron: VISA Electron.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • credit_card_processors(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • amex: Boolean,
  • dankort: Boolean,
  • dinersclub: Boolean,
  • discover: Boolean,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • forbrugsforeningen: Boolean,
  • jcb: Boolean,
  • maestro: Boolean,
  • mastercard: Boolean,
  • moto_enabled: Boolean,
  • primary: Boolean,
  • provider: CreditCardProvider,
  • unionpay: Boolean,
  • visa: Boolean,
  • visaelectron: Boolean,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): CreditCardProcessorConnection!
  • # Credit cards.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # auto: Whether or not this payment method is enabled for
  • # automatic payments.
  • # credit_card_processor_id: The ID of a CreditCardProcessor.
  • # credit_card_type: The type of a credit card (e.g. Visa,
  • # Mastercard.)
  • # customer_profile_id: The profile ID provided by a credit card
  • # processing service.
  • # expiration_month: The month the credit card expires.
  • # expiration_year: The year the credit card expires.
  • # masked_number: A partial credit card number that can be used
  • # for identification.
  • # name_on_card: The name on the credit card.
  • # token: The tokenized value that represents a credit card,
  • # provided by a credit card processing service.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • credit_cards(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • auto: Boolean,
  • credit_card_processor_id: Int64Bit,
  • credit_card_type: CreditCardType,
  • customer_profile_id: String,
  • expiration_month: Int,
  • expiration_year: Int,
  • masked_number: String,
  • name_on_card: String,
  • token: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): CreditCardConnection!
  • # Credits applied to invoices.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # amount: The amount, in the smallest currency value (e.g. cents,
  • # pence, pesos.)
  • # creditable_id: The ID the transaction that created this credit.
  • # creditable_type: The type of transaction that created this
  • # credit.
  • # invoice_id: The ID of an `Invoice`.
  • # void: Whether or not this entity has been voided.
  • # voided_at: When this was voided.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • credits(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • amount: Int,
  • creditable_id: Int64Bit,
  • creditable_type: CreditableType,
  • invoice_id: Int64Bit,
  • void: Boolean,
  • voided_at: Datetime,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): CreditConnection!
  • # Data in custom fields.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # custom_field_id: The ID of a CustomField that is associated
  • # with this type of entity.
  • # customfielddataable_id: The ID of the entity that owns this
  • # custom field data.
  • # customfielddataable_type: The type of entity that owns this
  • # custom field data.
  • # value: The value.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • custom_field_data(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • custom_field_id: Int64Bit,
  • customfielddataable_id: Int64Bit,
  • customfielddataable_type: CustomfielddataableType,
  • value: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): CustomFieldDataConnection!
  • # Custom fields.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # entity_type: The type of entity this custom field will be
  • # associated with.
  • # enum_options: A list of values that are valid for this field,
  • # if this is a TEXT field. If this is empty, and the field is a TEXT type, then
  • # any value will be allowed.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # required: Whether or not this field is required.
  • # type: The type.
  • # unique: Whether or not the value of this custom field must be
  • # unique throughout the system.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • custom_fields(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • entity_type: CustomfielddataableType,
  • enum_options: [String],
  • name: String,
  • required: Boolean,
  • type: CustomFieldType,
  • unique: Boolean,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): CustomFieldConnection!
  • # Aggregate values for a given date.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # context: Additional context regarding the item.
  • # date: A date
  • # key: Key for a specific value.
  • # value: The value.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • daily_aggregate_values(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • context: Text,
  • date: Date,
  • key: AggregateKey,
  • value: Float,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): DailyAggregateValueConnection!
  • # Details related to a data service.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # billing_frequency: How often this service bills, in months.
  • # download_speed_kilobits_per_second: The download speed of the
  • # service in kilobits per second.
  • # service_id: The ID of a Service.
  • # technology_code: The FCC technology code for the service. Only
  • # relevant to US ISPs filing FCC Form 477.
  • # telrad_global_service_profile_name: The global service profile
  • # name for this service if using Telrad provisioning.
  • # upload_speed_kilobits_per_second: The upload speed of the
  • # service in kilobits per second.
  • # usage_based_billing_policy_id: The ID of a
  • # `UsageBasedBillingPolicy`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • data_service_details(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • billing_frequency: Int,
  • download_speed_kilobits_per_second: Int,
  • service_id: Int64Bit,
  • technology_code: TechnologyCode,
  • telrad_global_service_profile_name: String,
  • upload_speed_kilobits_per_second: Int,
  • usage_based_billing_policy_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): DataServiceDetailConnection!
  • # Data usage.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # start_datetime: The date and time that this starts.
  • # end_datetime: The date and time that this ends.
  • # time: The time.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • data_usage(
  • start_datetime: Datetime,
  • end_datetime: Datetime,
  • time: Datetime,
  • account_id: Int64Bit!
  • ): [DataUsage]!
  • # Data usage history.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # billable_in_bytes: The total billable inbound data in bytes.
  • # billable_out_bytes: The total billable outbound data in bytes.
  • # end_time: The end time of this data usage history interval.
  • # free_in_bytes: The total free inbound data in bytes.
  • # free_out_bytes: The total free outbound data in bytes.
  • # policy_cap_at_close_in_bytes: The policy cap when this data
  • # usage history interval was closed.
  • # rollover_available_in_bytes: The total available rollover data
  • # in bytes.
  • # rollover_remainder_bytes: The total remaining rollover data in
  • # bytes.
  • # rollover_unconsumed_bytes: The total unconsumed rollover data
  • # in bytes.
  • # rollover_used_at_close_in_bytes: The rollover used when this
  • # data usage history interval was closed.
  • # start_time: The start time of this data usage history interval.
  • # top_off_total_at_close_in_bytes: The top off total when this
  • # data usage history interval was closed.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • data_usage_histories(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • billable_in_bytes: Int64Bit,
  • billable_out_bytes: Int64Bit,
  • end_time: Datetime,
  • free_in_bytes: Int64Bit,
  • free_out_bytes: Int64Bit,
  • policy_cap_at_close_in_bytes: Int64Bit,
  • rollover_available_in_bytes: Int64Bit,
  • rollover_remainder_bytes: Int64Bit,
  • rollover_unconsumed_bytes: Int64Bit,
  • rollover_used_at_close_in_bytes: Int64Bit,
  • start_time: Datetime,
  • top_off_total_at_close_in_bytes: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): DataUsageHistoryConnection!
  • # Data usage top offs.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # amount_in_bytes: The amount of top off data in bytes.
  • # data_usage_history_id: The ID of a `DataUsageHistory`.
  • # debit_id: The ID of a `Debit`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • data_usage_top_offs(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • amount_in_bytes: Int64Bit,
  • data_usage_history_id: Int64Bit,
  • debit_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): DataUsageTopOffConnection!
  • # Debits.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # amount: The amount, in the smallest currency value (e.g. cents,
  • # pence, pesos.)
  • # company_id: The ID of the company that this entity operates
  • # under.
  • # description: A human readable description.
  • # general_ledger_code: A general ledger code.
  • # general_ledger_code_description: A general ledger code
  • # description.
  • # invoice_id: The ID of an `Invoice`.
  • # linked_debit_id: The ID of the Debit which is linked to the
  • # current Debit.
  • # minutes: The total number of minutes.
  • # number_of_months: The number of months of service this invoice
  • # was billed for.
  • # prorated_from: The date this transaction was prorated from.
  • # prorated_to: The date this transaction was prorated to.
  • # quantity: The quantity for this service.
  • # quantity_prorated_from: The quantity the associated service had
  • # before the quantity was changed and prorated.
  • # quantity_prorated_to: The quantity the associated service was
  • # changed to when the quantity was changed and prorated.
  • # reversed: Whether or not this has been reversed.
  • # reversed_at: When this was reversed.
  • # reversed_by_user_id: The user ID that reversed this.
  • # service_id: The ID of a Service.
  • # service_name: The name of a service.
  • # service_transaction_type: The type of transaction on this
  • # service.
  • # type: The type.
  • # user_id: The ID of the user who created this transaction.
  • # voice_service_generic_parameter_id: The ID of a voice service
  • # configuration parameter.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • debits(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • amount: Int,
  • company_id: Int64Bit,
  • description: String,
  • general_ledger_code: String,
  • general_ledger_code_description: String,
  • invoice_id: Int64Bit,
  • linked_debit_id: Int64Bit,
  • minutes: Float,
  • number_of_months: Int,
  • prorated_from: Date,
  • prorated_to: Date,
  • quantity: Int,
  • quantity_prorated_from: Int,
  • quantity_prorated_to: Int,
  • reversed: Boolean,
  • reversed_at: Datetime,
  • reversed_by_user_id: Int64Bit,
  • service_id: Int64Bit,
  • service_name: String,
  • service_transaction_type: ServiceTransactionType,
  • type: ServiceType,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • voice_service_generic_parameter_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): DebitConnection!
  • # Periods of time in which delinquency is not calculated.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # day: A day.
  • # month: A month.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # year: A year.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • delinquency_exclusions(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • day: Int,
  • month: Int,
  • name: String,
  • year: Int,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): DelinquencyExclusionConnection!
  • # Departments.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • departments(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): DepartmentConnection!
  • # Modes in which a piece of inventory can be deployed.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # inventory_model_id: The ID of an `InventoryModel`.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # network_monitoring_template_id: The ID of a
  • # `NetworkMonitoringTemplate`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • deployment_types(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • inventory_model_id: Int64Bit,
  • name: String,
  • network_monitoring_template_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): DeploymentTypeConnection!
  • # Deposit slips.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # bank_account_line: The bank account name/number
  • # date: A date
  • # memo: The memo.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • deposit_slips(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • bank_account_line: String,
  • date: Date,
  • memo: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): DepositSlipConnection!
  • # Device interface mappings.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # description: A human readable description.
  • # inventory_item_id: The ID of an `InventoryItem`.
  • # mac_address: A MAC address.
  • # metadata: The metadata.
  • # speed_mbps_in: The interface in speed in Mbps.
  • # speed_mbps_out: The interface out speed in Mbps.
  • # type: The type.
  • # up: Whether or not this interface is up.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • device_interface_mappings(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • description: String,
  • inventory_item_id: Int64Bit,
  • mac_address: MacAddress,
  • metadata: Text,
  • speed_mbps_in: Int,
  • speed_mbps_out: Int,
  • type: String,
  • up: Boolean,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): DeviceInterfaceMappingConnection!
  • # DHCP server credentials.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # credential: A credential for a `DhcpServer`.
  • # dhcp_server_id: The ID of a `DhcpServer`.
  • # value: The value of a credential for a `DhcpServer`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • dhcp_server_credentials(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • credential: DhcpServerAuthenticationCredential,
  • dhcp_server_id: Int64Bit,
  • value: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): DhcpServerCredentialConnection!
  • # DHCP sever identifiers.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • dhcp_server_identifiers(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): DhcpServerIdentifierConnection!
  • # DHCP servers.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # api_key: An API key.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # ip_address: An IPv4/IPv6 address.
  • # last_synchronized: The date and time this device was last
  • # synchronized.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # port: A TCP port.
  • # serves_all_pools: Does this `DhcpServer` provide DHCP for all
  • # IP pools?
  • # status: The status.
  • # status_message: A message describing what caused the current
  • # status of this device.
  • # synchronization_queued: Whether or not a synchronization
  • # request is queued.
  • # synchronization_start: The date/time that synchronization
  • # started.
  • # type: The type.
  • # use_source_mac_address: If this is `true`, then Sonar will use
  • # the MAC address of the DHCP relay rather than the MAC address of the requesting
  • # device when writing a lease. This should generally be disabled unless you have a
  • # specific reason to enable it.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • dhcp_servers(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • api_key: String,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • ip_address: IP,
  • last_synchronized: Datetime,
  • name: String,
  • port: Port,
  • serves_all_pools: Boolean,
  • status: ProvisioningDeviceStatus,
  • status_message: String,
  • synchronization_queued: Boolean,
  • synchronization_start: Datetime,
  • type: DhcpServerType,
  • use_source_mac_address: Boolean,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): DhcpServerConnection!
  • # DID assignment histories.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # assigned_datetime: The date and time of assignment.
  • # did_assignment_id: The ID of a `DidAssignment`.
  • # did_id: The ID of a `Did`.
  • # removed_datetime: The date and time of removal.
  • # service_id: The ID of a Service.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • did_assignment_histories(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • assigned_datetime: Datetime,
  • did_assignment_id: Int64Bit,
  • did_id: Int64Bit,
  • removed_datetime: Datetime,
  • service_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): DidAssignmentHistoryConnection!
  • # DID assignments.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # did_id: The ID of a `Did`.
  • # service_id: The ID of a Service.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • did_assignments(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • did_id: Int64Bit,
  • service_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): DidAssignmentConnection!
  • # DID Import Recipes.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # clean_records: How many records passed validation checks during
  • # import.
  • # errors: Any errors encountered for this import.
  • # failed_records: How many records did not pass validation checks
  • # during import.
  • # flatfile_batch_identifier: The identifier of a unique batch at
  • # Flatfile.
  • # hash: A hash of the data content of an import.
  • # progress: The progress of an import as a percentage.
  • # rate_center_id: The ID of a `RateCenter`.
  • # start_datetime: The start date and time for the import.
  • # status: The status.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # voice_provider_id: The ID of a `VoiceProvider`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • did_import_recipes(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • clean_records: Int,
  • errors: Clob,
  • failed_records: Int,
  • flatfile_batch_identifier: String,
  • hash: String,
  • progress: Int,
  • rate_center_id: Int64Bit,
  • start_datetime: Datetime,
  • status: ImportStatus,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • voice_provider_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): DidImportRecipeConnection!
  • # DIDs.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # number: The number.
  • # rate_center_id: The ID of a `RateCenter`.
  • # voice_provider_id: The ID of a `VoiceProvider`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • dids(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • number: String,
  • rate_center_id: Int64Bit,
  • voice_provider_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): DidConnection!
  • # Disbursement details.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # amount: The amount, in the smallest currency value (e.g. cents,
  • # pence, pesos.)
  • # amount_used: The amount used.
  • # disbursable_id: The id of the entity that the disbusement
  • # applies to.
  • # disbursable_type: The type of entity that the disbursement
  • # applies to.
  • # disbursement_id: The ID of a `Disbursement`.
  • # event: The event associated with the disbursement detail
  • # record.
  • # external_id: The payment processor's external ID.
  • # fractional_amount: The fractional portion of the amount.
  • # fractional_amount_used: The fractional portion of the amount
  • # used.
  • # is_fee: Whether or not this record is a fee.
  • # transaction_id: The transaction ID from the credit card
  • # provider.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • disbursement_details(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • amount: Int,
  • amount_used: Int,
  • disbursable_id: Int64Bit,
  • disbursable_type: DisbursableType,
  • disbursement_id: Int64Bit,
  • event: DisbursementDetailEvent,
  • external_id: String,
  • fractional_amount: Int,
  • fractional_amount_used: Int,
  • is_fee: Boolean,
  • transaction_id: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): DisbursementDetailConnection!
  • # Disbursements.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # amount: The amount, in the smallest currency value (e.g. cents,
  • # pence, pesos.)
  • # bank_account: The bank account.
  • # external_id: The payment processor's external ID.
  • # processed_at: The date and time this entity was processed.
  • # schedule: The disbursement payout schedule.
  • # schedule_amount: The amount scheduled to be paid out.
  • # schedule_factor: The disbursement payout scheduling factor.
  • # schedule_unit: The unit of measurement of a disbursement's
  • # payout amount.
  • # status: The status.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • disbursements(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • amount: Int,
  • bank_account: String,
  • external_id: String,
  • processed_at: Datetime,
  • schedule: DisbursementSchedule,
  • schedule_amount: Int,
  • schedule_factor: Int,
  • schedule_unit: DisbursementScheduleUnit,
  • status: DisbursementStatus,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): DisbursementConnection!
  • # Disconnection logs.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # disconnected_at: The date and time that the account was
  • # disconnected.
  • # disconnected_by_user_id: The `User` that disconnected the
  • # `Account`.
  • # serviceable_address_id: The ID of the serviceable address to
  • # use for this account.
  • # serviceable_address_reference_record: The deleted address
  • # object, as a formatted single line, that was disconnected. Used for historical
  • # reporting when address is deleted.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • disconnection_logs(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • disconnected_at: Datetime,
  • disconnected_by_user_id: Int64Bit,
  • serviceable_address_id: Int64Bit,
  • serviceable_address_reference_record: Text,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): DisconnectionLogConnection!
  • # Discounts.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # amount: The amount of the `Discount`.
  • # amount_remaining: The amount remaining that can be used.
  • # company_id: The ID of the company that this entity operates
  • # under.
  • # debit_id: If this discount was created due to reversal of a
  • # `Debit`, this field will link to the reversed `Debit`.
  • # description: A human readable description.
  • # general_ledger_code: A general ledger code.
  • # general_ledger_code_description: A general ledger code
  • # description.
  • # minutes: The total number of minutes.
  • # prorated_from: The date this transaction was prorated from.
  • # prorated_to: The date this transaction was prorated to.
  • # quantity: The quantity for this service.
  • # quantity_prorated_from: The quantity the associated service had
  • # before the quantity was changed and prorated.
  • # quantity_prorated_to: The quantity the associated service was
  • # changed to when the quantity was changed and prorated.
  • # reversed: Whether or not this has been reversed.
  • # reversed_at: When this was reversed.
  • # reversed_by_user_id: The user ID that reversed this.
  • # service_id: The ID of a Service.
  • # service_name: The name of a service.
  • # service_transaction_type: The type of transaction on this
  • # service.
  • # tax_committed: Whether this entity's taxes have been committed
  • # or not.
  • # tax_provider_id: The ID of an `TaxProvider`.
  • # type: The type.
  • # user_id: The ID of the user who created this transaction.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • discounts(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • amount: Int,
  • amount_remaining: Int,
  • company_id: Int64Bit,
  • debit_id: Int64Bit,
  • description: String,
  • general_ledger_code: String,
  • general_ledger_code_description: String,
  • minutes: Float,
  • prorated_from: Date,
  • prorated_to: Date,
  • quantity: Int,
  • quantity_prorated_from: Int,
  • quantity_prorated_to: Int,
  • reversed: Boolean,
  • reversed_at: Datetime,
  • reversed_by_user_id: Int64Bit,
  • service_id: Int64Bit,
  • service_name: String,
  • service_transaction_type: ServiceTransactionType,
  • tax_committed: Boolean,
  • tax_provider_id: Int64Bit,
  • type: ServiceType,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): DiscountConnection!
  • # Disputes.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # amount: The amount, in the smallest currency value (e.g. cents,
  • # pence, pesos.)
  • # case_id: The dispute's case ID.
  • # cycle: The current dispute cycle.
  • # dispute_date: The date the dispute was issued.
  • # external_id: The payment processor's external ID.
  • # payment_id: The ID of a `Payment`.
  • # reason: The reason.
  • # reply_by_date: The date the dispute must be replied to by.
  • # status: The status.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • disputes(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • amount: Int,
  • case_id: String,
  • cycle: String,
  • dispute_date: Date,
  • external_id: String,
  • payment_id: Int64Bit,
  • reason: Text,
  • reply_by_date: Date,
  • status: DisputeStatus,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): DisputeConnection!
  • # Drive times.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # locations: fields.drive_time_locations
  • drive_times(locations: [DriveTimeLocation]!): DriveTimeResultWrapper
  • # Validate contact email address.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # email_address: An email address.
  • # check_if_available: If true, this checks if the contact does
  • # not have a username. If this is false, then it will check if the account has a
  • # username.
  • email_address_lookup(
  • email_address: String!,
  • check_if_available: Boolean
  • ): Contact!
  • # Email categories are associated with contacts, and define the types of emails
  • # those contacts receive. The "default" property determines whether or not the
  • # category is added to newly created contacts by default.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # default: Whether or not this entity is a default entry.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • email_categories(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • default: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): EmailCategoryConnection!
  • # All clicks for each sent email.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # email_id: The ID of an email.
  • # email_location_id: The ID of a location associated with a
  • # record in EmailClick and EmailOpen.
  • # event_datetime: The date and time of an event sent from
  • # Mandrill
  • # ip: An IPv4/IPv6 address.
  • # url: The URL that a user clicked on in a sent email.
  • # user_agent: The user agent string of a user that opened or
  • # clicked on a sent email.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • email_clicks(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • email_id: Int64Bit,
  • email_location_id: Int64Bit,
  • event_datetime: Datetime,
  • ip: IP,
  • url: URL,
  • user_agent: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): EmailClickConnection!
  • # Email domains.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # dkim: Whether or not the DKIM record is valid.
  • # dns_requirements: The DNS requirements for domain validation.
  • # domain: A domain name.
  • # provider_domain_id: The domain ID from the email provider.
  • # ready_for_migration: Indicates that the domain has been
  • # verified for migration.
  • # spf: Whether or not the SPF record is valid.
  • # verified: Whether or not the record is verified.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • email_domains(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • dkim: Boolean,
  • dns_requirements: String,
  • domain: DomainName,
  • provider_domain_id: Int64Bit,
  • ready_for_migration: Boolean,
  • spf: Boolean,
  • verified: Boolean,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): EmailDomainConnection!
  • # Get a list of all locations saved for opened and clicked emails.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # city: A city.
  • # country: A two character country code.
  • # latitude: A decimal latitude.
  • # longitude: A decimal longitude.
  • # postal_code: The zip code of an email location sent by a
  • # Mandrill event.
  • # timezone: The timezone you want times in the system displayed
  • # in.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • email_locations(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • city: String,
  • country: String,
  • latitude: Latitude,
  • longitude: Longitude,
  • postal_code: String,
  • timezone: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): EmailLocationConnection!
  • # Localized email message details for an EmailMessage container.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # body: The body.
  • # email_message_id: The ID of an EmailMessage.
  • # inbox_preview: A short sentence that will be shown as a preview
  • # in compatible email clients.
  • # language: A supported language.
  • # subject: The subject.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • email_message_contents(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • body: Text,
  • email_message_id: Int64Bit,
  • inbox_preview: String,
  • language: Language,
  • subject: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): EmailMessageContentConnection!
  • # Email message templates.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # from_email_address: The email address to send from when using
  • # this email message. If `null`, then the system default will be used.
  • # from_name: The name to send from when using this email message.
  • # If `null`, then the system default will be used.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # saved_message_category_id: ID of the Saved Message Category.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • email_messages(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • from_email_address: EmailAddress,
  • from_name: String,
  • name: String,
  • saved_message_category_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): EmailMessageConnection!
  • # All opens for each sent email.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # email_id: The ID of an email.
  • # email_location_id: The ID of a location associated with a
  • # record in EmailClick and EmailOpen.
  • # event_datetime: The date and time of an event sent from
  • # Mandrill
  • # ip: An IPv4/IPv6 address.
  • # user_agent: The user agent string of a user that opened or
  • # clicked on a sent email.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • email_opens(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • email_id: Int64Bit,
  • email_location_id: Int64Bit,
  • event_datetime: Datetime,
  • ip: IP,
  • user_agent: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): EmailOpenConnection!
  • # Get a list of valid email variables for a specific email trigger.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # trigger: The event that triggers a specific `Email`.
  • email_variables(trigger: EmailTrigger): [EmailVariable]
  • # Emails that have been sent.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # body: The body.
  • # email_address: An email address.
  • # emailable_id: The ID of the entity that this email was sent to.
  • # emailable_type: The type of entity that this email was sent to.
  • # reject_reason: If rejected, the reason for rejection.
  • # status: The status.
  • # subject: The subject.
  • # to_name: The name of the recipient.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • emails(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • body: Text,
  • email_address: EmailAddress,
  • emailable_id: Int64Bit,
  • emailable_type: EmailableType,
  • reject_reason: String,
  • status: EmailStatus,
  • subject: String,
  • to_name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): EmailConnection!
  • # LTE EPCs.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # identifier: The identifier used by the EPC, this is typically
  • # numeric.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • epcs(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • identifier: String,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): EpcConnection!
  • # Details related to an expiring service.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # billing_frequency: How often this service bills, in months.
  • # service_id: The ID of a Service.
  • # times_to_run: The number of times this expiring service should
  • # run.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • expiring_service_details(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • billing_frequency: Int,
  • service_id: Int64Bit,
  • times_to_run: Int,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ExpiringServiceDetailConnection!
  • # External marketing provider credentials.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # external_marketing_provider_id: The ID of an
  • # `ExternalMarketingProvider`.
  • # key: Key for a specific value.
  • # value: The value.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • external_marketing_provider_credentials(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • external_marketing_provider_id: Int64Bit,
  • key: ExternalMarketingProviderAuthCredential,
  • value: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ExternalMarketingProviderCredentialConnection!
  • # External marketing providers.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # provider: The `ExternalMarketingProviderType` for 3rd party
  • # external marketing integration.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • external_marketing_providers(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • provider: ExternalMarketingProviderType,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ExternalMarketingProviderConnection!
  • # The generated FCC Form 477 report.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # date: A date
  • # format: The format of the reporting for FCC Form 477.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • fcc_form_477_reports(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • date: Date,
  • format: FccForm477Format,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): FccForm477ReportConnection!
  • # FiberMap integrations.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_status_id: The ID of an AccountStatus.
  • # account_type_id: The ID of an AccountType.
  • # always_create_new_network_sites: Always create new network
  • # sites
  • # api_token: An API token.
  • # company_id: The ID of the company that this entity operates
  • # under.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # import_accounts_and_contacts: Import plans and contacts
  • # import_serviceable_addresses: Import serviceable addresses
  • # last_synchronized: The date and time this device was last
  • # synchronized.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # status: The status.
  • # status_message: A message describing what caused the current
  • # status of this device.
  • # synchronization_queued: Whether or not a synchronization
  • # request is queued.
  • # synchronization_start: The date/time that synchronization
  • # started.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • fibermap_integrations(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_status_id: Int64Bit,
  • account_type_id: Int64Bit,
  • always_create_new_network_sites: Boolean,
  • api_token: String,
  • company_id: Int64Bit,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • import_accounts_and_contacts: Boolean,
  • import_serviceable_addresses: Boolean,
  • last_synchronized: Datetime,
  • name: String,
  • status: ProvisioningDeviceStatus,
  • status_message: String,
  • synchronization_queued: Boolean,
  • synchronization_start: Datetime,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): FibermapIntegrationConnection!
  • # FiberMap plans.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # build: Build
  • # country: A two character country code.
  • # drop: Drop
  • # fibermap_integration_id: FiberMap integration ID
  • # fibermap_plan_id: FiberMap plan ID
  • # fibermap_project_id: Fibermap project ID.
  • # fibermap_project_name: Fibermap project name.
  • # fibermap_updated_at: FiberMap updated at
  • # height_in_meters: Height in meters.
  • # is_visible: is_visible of the information
  • # latitude: A decimal latitude.
  • # longitude: A decimal longitude.
  • # map_overlay_id: The ID of a map overlay.
  • # mapped_at: Mapped at
  • # mapping_user: Mapping user
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # network_site_id: Network site id.
  • # subdivision: A state, province, or other country subdivision.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • fibermap_plans(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • build: String,
  • country: String,
  • drop: String,
  • fibermap_integration_id: Int64Bit,
  • fibermap_plan_id: Int64Bit,
  • fibermap_project_id: Int64Bit,
  • fibermap_project_name: String,
  • fibermap_updated_at: Datetime,
  • height_in_meters: Int,
  • is_visible: Boolean,
  • latitude: Latitude,
  • longitude: Longitude,
  • map_overlay_id: Int64Bit,
  • mapped_at: Datetime,
  • mapping_user: String,
  • name: String,
  • network_site_id: Int64Bit,
  • subdivision: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): FibermapPlanConnection!
  • # FiberMap service locations
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # address_id: The ID of the address.
  • # child_properties_json: Child properties JSON
  • # child_vetro_id: Child Vetro ID
  • # fibermap_integration_id: FiberMap integration ID
  • # fibermap_plan_id: FiberMap plan ID
  • # is_visible: is_visible of the information
  • # properties_json: Properties JSON
  • # vetro_id: Vetro ID
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • fibermap_service_locations(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • address_id: Int64Bit,
  • child_properties_json: String,
  • child_vetro_id: String,
  • fibermap_integration_id: Int64Bit,
  • fibermap_plan_id: Int64Bit,
  • is_visible: Boolean,
  • properties_json: Text,
  • vetro_id: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): FibermapServiceLocationConnection!
  • # Files.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # description: A human readable description.
  • # file_size_in_bytes: The file size, in bytes.
  • # fileable_id: The ID of the entity that owns this file.
  • # fileable_type: The type of entity that owns this file.
  • # filename: The file name.
  • # mime_type: The MIME type of the file.
  • # primary_image: An image file may be set to the primary image.
  • # This will be used as the displayed image for the object that this file is
  • # associated to throughout Sonar.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • files(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • description: String,
  • file_size_in_bytes: Int64Bit,
  • fileable_id: Int64Bit,
  • fileable_type: FileableType,
  • filename: String,
  • mime_type: String,
  • primary_image: Boolean,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): FileConnection!
  • # Find address by fibermap service location.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # fibermap_service_location_id: Fibermap service location ID.
  • # country: country
  • find_address_by_fibermap_service_location(
  • fibermap_service_location_id: Int64Bit!,
  • country: String!
  • ): Address!
  • # Fractional debits.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # amount: The amount, in the smallest currency value (e.g. cents,
  • # pence, pesos.)
  • # date: A date
  • # debit_id: The ID of a `Debit`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • fractional_debits(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • amount: Int,
  • date: Date,
  • debit_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): FractionalDebitConnection!
  • # Fractional tax transactions.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # amount: The amount, in the smallest currency value (e.g. cents,
  • # pence, pesos.)
  • # amount_taxed: The amount of this `Debit` that was taxed.
  • # date: A date
  • # description: A human readable description.
  • # tax_transaction_id: The ID of a `TaxTransactions`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • fractional_tax_transactions(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • amount: Int,
  • amount_taxed: Int,
  • date: Date,
  • description: String,
  • tax_transaction_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): FractionalTaxTransactionConnection!
  • # General ledger codes.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # code: A code.
  • # description: A human readable description.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • general_ledger_codes(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • code: String,
  • description: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): GeneralLedgerCodeConnection!
  • # This query provides the ability to perform a general, partial matching search
  • # across various entities at the same time.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # entities: fields.general_search_entities
  • # search: fields.general_search_search
  • general_search(
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • entities: [String]!,
  • search: String!
  • ): GeneralSearchConnection!
  • # Generic inventory assignees.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • generic_inventory_assignees(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): GenericInventoryAssigneeConnection!
  • # Logs of changes made to generic inventory items.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # action: The action that was performed.
  • # genericinventoryitemactionloggable_id: The ID of the entity
  • # that this `GenericInventoryItemActionLog` is for.
  • # genericinventoryitemactionloggable_type: The type of entity
  • # that this `GenericInventoryItemActionLog` is for.
  • # inventory_model_id: The ID of an `InventoryModel`.
  • # purchase_price: The purchase price of this item.
  • # quantity: The quantity for this service.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • generic_inventory_item_action_logs(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • action: GenericInventoryItemActionLogAction,
  • genericinventoryitemactionloggable_id: Int64Bit,
  • genericinventoryitemactionloggable_type: InventoryitemableType,
  • inventory_model_id: Int64Bit,
  • purchase_price: Float,
  • quantity: Int,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): GenericInventoryItemActionLogConnection!
  • # Generic inventory items.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # genericinventoryitemable_id: The type of entity that owns this
  • # generic `InventoryItem`.
  • # genericinventoryitemable_type: The ID of the entity that owns
  • # this generic `InventoryItem`.
  • # inventory_model_id: The ID of an `InventoryModel`.
  • # quantity: The quantity for this service.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • generic_inventory_items(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • genericinventoryitemable_id: Int64Bit,
  • genericinventoryitemable_type: InventoryitemableType,
  • inventory_model_id: Int64Bit,
  • quantity: Int,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): GenericInventoryItemConnection!
  • # Geographical tax zones.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # city: A city.
  • # country: A two character country code.
  • # county: A US county. Only used for US addresses.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # rate: The rate.
  • # subdivision: A state, province, or other country subdivision.
  • # tax_id: The ID of a Tax.
  • # zip: A ZIP or postal code.
  • # zip_partial_match: Whether to match on partial ZIP/postal
  • # codes.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • geo_tax_zones(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • city: String,
  • country: Country,
  • county: UsCounty,
  • name: String,
  • rate: Float,
  • subdivision: Subdivision,
  • tax_id: Int64Bit,
  • zip: String,
  • zip_partial_match: Boolean,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): GeoTaxZoneConnection!
  • # Geofences.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • geofences(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): GeofenceConnection!
  • # Get list of vehicles from external GPS tracking provider.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # gps_tracking_provider_id: A `GpsTrackingProvider` ID.
  • # filter_assigned: Filter out vehicles already assigned from
  • # external provider list.
  • get_gps_tracking_provider_vehicles(
  • gps_tracking_provider_id: Int64Bit!,
  • filter_assigned: Boolean!
  • ): GetGpsTrackingProviderVehiclesConnection
  • # Returns the next IP address in the IP pool.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # ip_pool_id: The ID of an `IpPool`.
  • get_next_ip_address_in_ip_pool(
  • ip_pool_id: Int64Bit!
  • ): NextIpAddress!
  • # Returns the next subnet in the subnet.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # subnet_id: The ID of a `Subnet`.
  • # cidr_size: fields.cidr_size
  • get_next_subnet_in_subnet(
  • subnet_id: Int64Bit!,
  • cidr_size: Int!
  • ): NextSubnet!
  • # Returns the next available subnet of the requested size in the supernet.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # supernet_id: The ID of a `Supernet`.
  • # cidr_size: fields.cidr_size
  • get_next_subnet_in_supernet(
  • supernet_id: Int64Bit!,
  • cidr_size: Int!
  • ): NextSubnet!
  • # Global inventory model minimums/maximums.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # inventory_model_id: The ID of an `InventoryModel`.
  • # maximum: Maximum value
  • # minimum: Minimum value
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • global_inventory_model_min_maxes(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • inventory_model_id: Int64Bit,
  • maximum: Int,
  • minimum: Int,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): GlobalInventoryModelMinMaxConnection!
  • # GPS tracking provider credentials.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # gps_tracking_provider_id: A `GpsTrackingProvider` ID.
  • # key: Key for a specific value.
  • # value: The value.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • gps_tracking_provider_credentials(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • gps_tracking_provider_id: Int64Bit,
  • key: GpsTrackingProviderAuthCredential,
  • value: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): GpsTrackingProviderCredentialConnection!
  • # GPS tracking providers.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # oauth_required: Whether OAuth authentication required.
  • # provider: A type of GPS tracking provider.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • gps_tracking_providers(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • oauth_required: Boolean,
  • provider: GpsTrackingProviderType,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): GpsTrackingProviderConnection!
  • # Signatures on signed contracts.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # contact_email_address: The email address of the contact that
  • # the contract was originally sent to.
  • # contact_name: The name of the contact that the contract was
  • # originally sent to.
  • # contact_role: The role of the contact that the contract was
  • # originally sent to.
  • # signer_ip: The IP address of the contract signatory.
  • # signer_name: The name provided by the contract signatory.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • handwritten_signatures(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • contact_email_address: EmailAddress,
  • contact_name: String,
  • contact_role: String,
  • signer_ip: IP,
  • signer_name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): HandwrittenSignatureConnection!
  • # ICMP results.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # start_datetime: The date and time that this starts.
  • # end_datetime: The date and time that this ends.
  • # inventory_item_id: The ID of an `InventoryItem`.
  • icmp_results(
  • start_datetime: Datetime,
  • end_datetime: Datetime,
  • inventory_item_id: Int64Bit!
  • ): IcmpNetworkMonitoringResultConnection!
  • # Details related to an ActiveDirectory identity provider.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # cert_auth: Whether to use client SSL certificate authentication
  • # or not.
  • # disable_cache: Whether to disable the cache or not.
  • # domain_aliases: The list of domains that can be authenticated.
  • # icon_url: The ActiveDirectory icon URL.
  • # identity_provider_id: The ID of an `IdentityProvider`.
  • # ips: The range of IPs with which to use Windows Integrated Auth
  • # (Kerberos).
  • # kerberos: Whether to use Windows Integrated Auth (Kerberos) or
  • # not.
  • # ticket_url: The ActiveDirectory provisioning ticket URL.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • identity_provider_active_directory_details(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • cert_auth: Boolean,
  • disable_cache: Boolean,
  • domain_aliases: [String],
  • icon_url: URL,
  • identity_provider_id: Int64Bit,
  • ips: [String],
  • kerberos: Boolean,
  • ticket_url: URL,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): IdentityProviderActiveDirectoryDetailConnection!
  • # Details related to a Google identity provider.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # client_id: The client ID for this identity provider.
  • # client_secret: The client secret for this identity provider.
  • # identity_provider_id: The ID of an `IdentityProvider`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • identity_provider_google_details(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • client_id: String,
  • client_secret: String,
  • identity_provider_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): IdentityProviderGoogleDetailConnection!
  • # Details related to a Microsoft identity provider.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # client_id: The client ID for this identity provider.
  • # client_secret: The client secret for this identity provider.
  • # identity_provider_id: The ID of an `IdentityProvider`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • identity_provider_microsoft_details(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • client_id: String,
  • client_secret: String,
  • identity_provider_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): IdentityProviderMicrosoftDetailConnection!
  • # Details related to a SAML identity provider.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # auth_domains: Authentication domains.
  • # certificate: The X.509 signing certificate contents.
  • # debug: Whether to include more verbose logging during the
  • # authentication process or not.
  • # digest_algorithm: The sign request algorithm digest.
  • # identity_provider_id: The ID of an `IdentityProvider`.
  • # protocol_binding: The SAML protocol binding.
  • # sign_in_endpoint: The SAML sign in URL.
  • # sign_out_endpoint: The SAML sign out URL.
  • # sign_saml_request: Whether to sign the SAML request or not.
  • # signature_algorithm: The sign request algorithm.
  • # user_id_attribute: The attribute in the SAML token that will be
  • # mapped to the user_id property.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • identity_provider_saml_details(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • auth_domains: String,
  • certificate: Text,
  • debug: Boolean,
  • digest_algorithm: SamlDigestAlgorithm,
  • identity_provider_id: Int64Bit,
  • protocol_binding: SamlProtocolBinding,
  • sign_in_endpoint: URL,
  • sign_out_endpoint: URL,
  • sign_saml_request: Boolean,
  • signature_algorithm: SamlSignatureAlgorithm,
  • user_id_attribute: URL,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): IdentityProviderSamlDetailConnection!
  • # Identity providers.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # auth0_connection_id: The Auth0 connection ID.
  • # auth0_connection_name: Name of connection in Auth0.
  • # display_name: The display name.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # type: The type.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • identity_providers(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • auth0_connection_id: String,
  • auth0_connection_name: String,
  • display_name: String,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • type: IdentityProviderType,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): IdentityProviderConnection!
  • # Imports of entities in bulk.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # global_updated_at: The last date and time this entity was
  • # updated, or was the subject of a log.
  • # importrecipeable_id: The ID of the entity that owns this
  • # import.
  • # importrecipeable_type: The type of entity that owns this
  • # import.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • imports(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • global_updated_at: Datetime,
  • importrecipeable_id: Int64Bit,
  • importrecipeable_type: ImportrecipeableType,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ImportConnection!
  • # Inbound mailboxes.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # append_signature: Whether or not to append a signature.
  • # auto_reply: The auto reply to send.
  • # email_domain_id: The ID of an `EmailDomain`.
  • # enable_slack_integration: Whether or not to enable Slack
  • # integration.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # from_mailbox: The mailbox email is sent from.
  • # from_name: The name to send from when using this email message.
  • # If `null`, then the system default will be used.
  • # inbound_mailbox: The inbound mailbox.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # post_email_body_to_slack: Whether the email body should be
  • # posted to Slack, or just the email subject.
  • # priority: The priority of this item.
  • # send_auto_reply: Whether or not an auto reply should be sent.
  • # signature: The signature to append. You can include
  • # `[PUBLIC_NAME]` as a variable to insert the user's public name when the
  • # signature is appended.
  • # slack_webhook_url: The URL of a Slack webhook. You can generate
  • # one at https://my.slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook.
  • # ticket_group_id: The ID of a `TicketGroup`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • inbound_mailboxes(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • append_signature: Boolean,
  • auto_reply: Text,
  • email_domain_id: Int64Bit,
  • enable_slack_integration: Boolean,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • from_mailbox: String,
  • from_name: String,
  • inbound_mailbox: String,
  • name: String,
  • post_email_body_to_slack: Boolean,
  • priority: TicketPriority,
  • send_auto_reply: Boolean,
  • signature: Text,
  • slack_webhook_url: URL,
  • ticket_group_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): InboundMailboxConnection!
  • # Inline device credentials.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # credential: An individual credential to authenticate to an
  • # inline device.
  • # inline_device_id: The ID of an `InlineDevice`.
  • # value: The credential value (e.g. username, password, etc.)
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • inline_device_credentials(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • credential: InlineDeviceAuthenticationCredential,
  • inline_device_id: Int64Bit,
  • value: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): InlineDeviceCredentialConnection!
  • # Inline devices.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # all_subnets: Whether this device should write entries for all
  • # subnets or not.
  • # bandwidth_collection_queued: Whether or not a bandwidth
  • # collection request is queued.
  • # bandwidth_collection_start: The date/time that bandwidth
  • # collection started.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # ip_address: An IPv4/IPv6 address.
  • # last_synchronized: The date and time this device was last
  • # synchronized.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # port: A TCP port.
  • # status: The status.
  • # status_message: A message describing what caused the current
  • # status of this device.
  • # synchronization_queued: Whether or not a synchronization
  • # request is queued.
  • # synchronization_start: The date/time that synchronization
  • # started.
  • # type: The type.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • inline_devices(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • all_subnets: Boolean,
  • bandwidth_collection_queued: Boolean,
  • bandwidth_collection_start: Datetime,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • ip_address: IP,
  • last_synchronized: Datetime,
  • name: String,
  • port: Port,
  • status: ProvisioningDeviceStatus,
  • status_message: String,
  • synchronization_queued: Boolean,
  • synchronization_start: Datetime,
  • type: InlineDeviceType,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): InlineDeviceConnection!
  • # Instance management requests.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # authorization_valid_until: The date until which the
  • # authorization is valid.
  • # reason: The reason.
  • # responded_at: The date and time responded.
  • # responded_by_user_id: The id of the `User` that responded to
  • # the request.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • instance_management_requests(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • authorization_valid_until: Date,
  • reason: Text,
  • responded_at: Datetime,
  • responded_by_user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): InstanceManagementRequestConnection!
  • # Instance Service Funds
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # instance_service_fund_type: The instance service fund type.
  • instance_service_funds(
  • instance_service_fund_type: InstanceServiceFundType
  • ): InstanceServiceFunds!
  • # Integration field mappings. Mapping of Sonar model field with vendor specific
  • # field.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # integration_field_type: The vendor specific type for field.
  • # integrationconfigurable_id: The ID of the configuration entity
  • # which owns this mapping.
  • # integrationconfigurable_type: The type of the configuration
  • # entity which owns this mapping.
  • # inventory_model_field_id: The ID of an `InventoryModelField`.
  • # inventory_model_id: The ID of an `InventoryModel`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • integration_field_mappings(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • integration_field_type: IntegrationFieldType,
  • integrationconfigurable_id: Int64Bit,
  • integrationconfigurable_type: String,
  • inventory_model_field_id: Int64Bit,
  • inventory_model_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): IntegrationFieldMappingConnection!
  • # Integration service mappings. One-to-one mapping of Sonar service with vendor
  • # service name.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # adtran_mosaic_profile_vector: The profile vector name in Adtran
  • # Mosaic this mapping refers to.
  • # integrationconfigurable_id: The ID of the configuration entity
  • # which owns this mapping.
  • # integrationconfigurable_type: The type of the configuration
  • # entity which owns this mapping.
  • # policy_map: Policy Map.
  • # service_id: The ID of a Service.
  • # service_template_name: The service name in vendor system this
  • # mapping refers to.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • integration_service_mappings(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • adtran_mosaic_profile_vector: String,
  • integrationconfigurable_id: Int64Bit,
  • integrationconfigurable_type: String,
  • policy_map: String,
  • service_id: Int64Bit,
  • service_template_name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): IntegrationServiceMappingConnection!
  • # Internal locations within an inventory location (e.g. a shelf or room.)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # inventory_location_id: The ID of an `InventoryLocation`.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • internal_locations(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • inventory_location_id: Int64Bit,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): InternalLocationConnection!
  • # Inventory item events.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # current: Current data.
  • # event: An event.
  • # event_datetime: The date and time of an event sent from
  • # Mandrill
  • # inventory_item_id: The ID of an `InventoryItem`.
  • # previous: Previous data.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • inventory_item_events(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • current: Text,
  • event: InventoryItemUpdateEvent,
  • event_datetime: Datetime,
  • inventory_item_id: Int64Bit,
  • previous: Text,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): InventoryItemEventConnection!
  • # Inventory items.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # claimed_user_id: The ID of the `User` that claimed this.
  • # deployment_type_id: The ID of a `DeploymentType`.
  • # flapping: Whether this inventory item is flapping or not.
  • # icmp_device_status: The current ICMP monitoring status of an
  • # `InventoryItem`.
  • # icmp_status_flap_count: The number of times the ICMP status has
  • # flapped.
  • # icmp_status_last_change: The timestamp of when the ICMP status
  • # last changed.
  • # icmp_threshold_violation: The ICMP monitoring threshold
  • # violation type.
  • # inventory_model_id: The ID of an `InventoryModel`.
  • # inventoryitemable_id: The ID of the entity that this inventory
  • # item is assigned to.
  • # inventoryitemable_type: The type of entity that this inventory
  • # item is assigned to.
  • # latitude: A decimal latitude.
  • # longitude: A decimal longitude.
  • # metadata: The metadata.
  • # overall_status: The overall status of an `InventoryItem` (the
  • # worse of ICMP/SNMP status).
  • # parent_inventory_item_id: The ID of the parent `InventoryItem`.
  • # preseem_status: The status of the device, as read from Preseem.
  • # purchase_order_item_id: The ID of a purchase order item
  • # purchase_price: The purchase price of this item.
  • # snmp_device_status: The current SNMP monitoring status of an
  • # `InventoryItem`.
  • # snmp_status_flap_count: The number of times the SNMP status has
  • # flapped.
  • # snmp_status_last_change: The timestamp of when the SNMP status
  • # last changed.
  • # snmp_status_message: The SNMP monitoring status message.
  • # status: The physical status of this item.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • inventory_items(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • claimed_user_id: Int64Bit,
  • deployment_type_id: Int64Bit,
  • flapping: Boolean,
  • icmp_device_status: InventoryItemDeviceStatus,
  • icmp_status_flap_count: Int,
  • icmp_status_last_change: Datetime,
  • icmp_threshold_violation: InventoryItemIcmpThresholdViolation,
  • inventory_model_id: Int64Bit,
  • inventoryitemable_id: Int64Bit,
  • inventoryitemable_type: InventoryitemableType,
  • latitude: Latitude,
  • longitude: Longitude,
  • metadata: String,
  • overall_status: InventoryItemDeviceStatus,
  • parent_inventory_item_id: Int64Bit,
  • preseem_status: PreseemStatus,
  • purchase_order_item_id: Int64Bit,
  • purchase_price: Int,
  • snmp_device_status: InventoryItemDeviceStatus,
  • snmp_status_flap_count: Int,
  • snmp_status_last_change: Datetime,
  • snmp_status_message: String,
  • status: InventoryItemStatus,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): InventoryItemConnection!
  • # Locations that inventory can be stored.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # default_shipping_location: Marks this inventory location as the
  • # default shipping location for purchase orders.
  • # geopoint: A geo-point.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • inventory_locations(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • default_shipping_location: Boolean,
  • geopoint: Geopoint,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): InventoryLocationConnection!
  • # Categories of inventory.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # general_ledger_code_id: The ID of a GeneralLedgerCode.
  • # icon: An icon.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • inventory_model_categories(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • general_ledger_code_id: Int64Bit,
  • icon: Icon,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): InventoryModelCategoryConnection!
  • # Data stored on an inventory field (e.g. a MAC address or serial number.)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # inventory_item_id: The ID of an `InventoryItem`.
  • # inventory_model_field_id: The ID of an `InventoryModelField`.
  • # value: The value.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • inventory_model_field_data(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • inventory_item_id: Int64Bit,
  • inventory_model_field_id: Int64Bit,
  • value: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): InventoryModelFieldDataConnection!
  • # Fields that contain data about an inventory item.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # inventory_model_id: The ID of an `InventoryModel`.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # primary: A single inventory model field can be set to be the
  • # primary field. This will be used as the primary identifier for items of this
  • # model throughout Sonar.
  • # regexp: A PCRE regular expression. Omit the leading and closing
  • # /.
  • # required: Whether or not this field is required.
  • # secondary_type: Secondary types that inventory model fields can
  • # be set to.
  • # type: Types that inventory model fields can be set to.
  • # unique: Whether or not the field contents must be unique.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • inventory_model_fields(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • inventory_model_id: Int64Bit,
  • name: String,
  • primary: Boolean,
  • regexp: String,
  • required: Boolean,
  • secondary_type: InventoryModelFieldSecondaryType,
  • type: InventoryModelFieldType,
  • unique: Uniqueness,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): InventoryModelFieldConnection!
  • # Inventory model minimums/maximums.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # inventory_location_id: The ID of an `InventoryLocation`.
  • # inventory_model_id: The ID of an `InventoryModel`.
  • # maximum: Maximum value
  • # minimum: Minimum value
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • inventory_model_min_maxes(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • inventory_location_id: Int64Bit,
  • inventory_model_id: Int64Bit,
  • maximum: Int,
  • minimum: Int,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): InventoryModelMinMaxConnection!
  • # Inventory models.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # default_vendor_id: Sets the default vendor to be used for
  • # purchasing this inventory model.
  • # device_type: The type of inventory model.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # generic: Whether or not this is generic.
  • # icon: An icon.
  • # inventory_model_category_id: The ID of an
  • # InventoryModelCategory.
  • # lte_sim_type: If this is a SIM card for LTE provisioning, which
  • # provider this SIM is for.
  • # manufacturer_id: The ID of a Manufacturer.
  • # model_name: The actual model name/part number.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # network_monitoring_template_id: The ID of a
  • # `NetworkMonitoringTemplate`.
  • # port: The TCP port that the web interface of this type of
  • # device is available on.
  • # protocol: The protocol used to access the web interface.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • inventory_models(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • default_vendor_id: Int64Bit,
  • device_type: InventoryModelDeviceType,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • generic: Boolean,
  • icon: Icon,
  • inventory_model_category_id: Int64Bit,
  • lte_sim_type: LteProviderType,
  • manufacturer_id: Int64Bit,
  • model_name: String,
  • name: String,
  • network_monitoring_template_id: Int64Bit,
  • port: Int,
  • protocol: Protocol,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): InventoryModelConnection!
  • # Invoice attachments.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # end: The date to stop attaching this PDF to invoices.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # start: The date to start attaching this PDF to invoices.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • invoice_attachments(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • end: Date,
  • name: String,
  • start: Date,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): InvoiceAttachmentConnection!
  • # Invoice messages.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # message: The message.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • invoice_messages(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • message: String,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): InvoiceMessageConnection!
  • # Invoice Template Versions.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # invoice_template_id: The ID of an Invoice Template.
  • # with_remittance: The content of an Invoice Template which
  • # includes a remittance slip.
  • # without_remittance: The content of an Invoice Template which
  • # does not include a remittance slip.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • invoice_template_versions(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • invoice_template_id: Int64Bit,
  • with_remittance: String,
  • without_remittance: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): InvoiceTemplateVersionConnection!
  • # Invoice Templates.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # protected: If an item is protected, it cannot be modified or
  • # deleted.
  • # with_remittance: The content of an Invoice Template which
  • # includes a remittance slip.
  • # without_remittance: The content of an Invoice Template which
  • # does not include a remittance slip.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • invoice_templates(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • protected: Boolean,
  • with_remittance: String,
  • without_remittance: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): InvoiceTemplateConnection!
  • # Invoices.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # auto_pay_attempts: The number of times that autopay has been
  • # attempted.
  • # auto_pay_date: The date that autopay will be attempted.
  • # child_invoice_remaining_due: The sum of all due amounts on
  • # child invoices.
  • # company_id: The ID of the company that this entity operates
  • # under.
  • # date: A date
  • # delinquency_date: The date that this became delinquent.
  • # delinquent: Whether or not this entity is delinquent.
  • # due_date: The date this invoice is due by.
  • # end_date: The date that this ends.
  • # frozen: If an invoice is frozen, payments will not be
  • # automatically applied to it, and it cannot be modified.
  • # invoice_template_version_id: The ID of the Invoice Template
  • # Version which was active when this invoice was generated.
  • # late_fee_applied: Whether or not a late fee has been applied.
  • # late_fee_only: Whether or not the invoice includes only late
  • # fees.
  • # message: The message.
  • # number_of_months: The number of months of service this invoice
  • # was billed for.
  • # parent_invoice_id: The ID of the `Invoice` that is this
  • # `Invoice`s master.
  • # pending_email: Used by system to indicate the invoice has been
  • # marked to be sent to email contacts.
  • # remaining_due: The amount remaining to be paid.
  • # status: The phase of the invoice moving through creation.
  • # tax_committed: Whether this entity's taxes have been committed
  • # or not.
  • # tax_provider_id: The ID of an `TaxProvider`.
  • # total_debits: The sum of all debits that make up this invoice.
  • # total_taxes: The sum of all taxes on debits that make up this
  • # invoice.
  • # void: Whether or not this entity has been voided.
  • # voided_at: When this was voided.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • invoices(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • auto_pay_attempts: Int,
  • auto_pay_date: Date,
  • child_invoice_remaining_due: Int,
  • company_id: Int64Bit,
  • date: Date,
  • delinquency_date: Date,
  • delinquent: Boolean,
  • due_date: Date,
  • end_date: Date,
  • frozen: Boolean,
  • invoice_template_version_id: Int64Bit,
  • late_fee_applied: Boolean,
  • late_fee_only: Boolean,
  • message: Text,
  • number_of_months: Int,
  • parent_invoice_id: Int64Bit,
  • pending_email: Boolean,
  • remaining_due: Int,
  • status: String,
  • tax_committed: Boolean,
  • tax_provider_id: Int64Bit,
  • total_debits: Int,
  • total_taxes: Int,
  • void: Boolean,
  • voided_at: Datetime,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): InvoiceConnection!
  • # IP assignment histories.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # assigned_datetime: The date and time of assignment.
  • # description: A human readable description.
  • # ip_assignment_id: The ID of an `IpAssignment`.
  • # ipassignmentable_id: The ID of the owner of this
  • # `IpAssignment`.
  • # ipassignmentable_type: The owner of this `IpAssignment`.
  • # ipassignmenthistoryable_id: The ID of the entity that the IP
  • # address was assigned to.
  • # ipassignmenthistoryable_type: The parent entity that the IP
  • # address was assigned to (e.g. `Account`, `NetworkSite`.)
  • # reference: Some reference data regarding this IP assignment.
  • # removed_datetime: The date and time of removal.
  • # soft: If this IP was assigned automatically (e.g. via DHCP or
  • # RADIUS) then it will be marked as a soft assignment.
  • # subnet: An IPv4/IPv6 subnet.
  • # unique_identifier: Some unique identifier that was related to
  • # the IP (e.g. a MAC address, IMSI, RADIUS username.)
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • ip_assignment_histories(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • assigned_datetime: Datetime,
  • description: String,
  • ip_assignment_id: Int64Bit,
  • ipassignmentable_id: Int64Bit,
  • ipassignmentable_type: IpassignmentableType,
  • ipassignmenthistoryable_id: Int64Bit,
  • ipassignmenthistoryable_type: IpassignmenthistoryableType,
  • reference: Text,
  • removed_datetime: Datetime,
  • soft: Boolean,
  • subnet: SubnetScalar,
  • unique_identifier: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): IpAssignmentHistoryConnection!
  • # IP assignments.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # description: A human readable description.
  • # ip_pool_id: The ID of an `IpPool`.
  • # ipassignmentable_id: The ID of the owner of this
  • # `IpAssignment`.
  • # ipassignmentable_type: The owner of this `IpAssignment`.
  • # reference: Some reference data regarding this IP assignment.
  • # soft: If this IP was assigned automatically (e.g. via DHCP or
  • # RADIUS) then it will be marked as a soft assignment.
  • # subnet: An IPv4/IPv6 subnet.
  • # subnet_id: The ID of a `Subnet`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • ip_assignments(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • description: String,
  • ip_pool_id: Int64Bit,
  • ipassignmentable_id: Int64Bit,
  • ipassignmentable_type: IpassignmentableType,
  • reference: Text,
  • soft: Boolean,
  • subnet: SubnetScalar,
  • subnet_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): IpAssignmentConnection!
  • # IP pools.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # dhcp_server_identifier_id: The ID of a `DhcpServerIdentifier`.
  • # ip_range: A range of IPv4 addresses.
  • # ips_available: The number of IP addresses available.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # subnet_id: The ID of a `Subnet`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • ip_pools(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • dhcp_server_identifier_id: Int64Bit,
  • ip_range: IpRange,
  • ips_available: Int,
  • name: String,
  • subnet_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): IpPoolConnection!
  • # Job available times.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # job_id: The ID of a `Job`.
  • # user_ids: IDs of `User`s.
  • # require_all_users: When true, find times where all `user_ids`
  • # are available. When `false`, find the availabilities for each individual user.
  • # start_datetime: The date and time that this starts.
  • # end_datetime: The date and time that this ends.
  • job_available_times(
  • job_id: Int64Bit!,
  • user_ids: [Int64Bit],
  • require_all_users: Boolean,
  • start_datetime: Datetime!,
  • end_datetime: Datetime!
  • ): [JobAvailableTimes]
  • # Job check ins.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # check_in_datetime: The date and time that this `Job` was
  • # checked into.
  • # check_out_datetime: The date and time that this `Job` was
  • # checked out of.
  • # checked_in_by_user_id: The ID of the `User` that created this
  • # check in.
  • # checked_out_by_user_id: The ID of the `User` that updated this
  • # check in with a check out date and time.
  • # job_id: The ID of a `Job`.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • job_check_ins(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • check_in_datetime: Datetime,
  • check_out_datetime: Datetime,
  • checked_in_by_user_id: Int64Bit,
  • checked_out_by_user_id: Int64Bit,
  • job_id: Int64Bit,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): JobCheckInConnection!
  • # Services associated with jobs.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # job_id: The ID of a `Job`.
  • # quantity: The quantity for this service.
  • # service_id: The ID of a Service.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • job_services(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • job_id: Int64Bit,
  • quantity: Int,
  • service_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): JobServiceConnection!
  • # Job types.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_status_id_completion: If this is set, any `Job` using
  • # this `JobType` that is completed successfully while associated with an `Account`
  • # will change the `Account` to this `AccountStatus`.
  • # account_status_id_failure: If this is set, any `Job` using this
  • # `JobType` that is completed unsuccessfully while associated with an `Account`
  • # will change the `Account` to this `AccountStatus`.
  • # action_on_completion: Completion ticket action.
  • # action_on_failure: Failure ticket action.
  • # all_companies: Whether or not this `JobType` is valid for all
  • # `Companies`.
  • # allow_completion_with_incomplete_tasks: Whether `Job`s
  • # associated with this `JobType` should be able to be completed with incomplete
  • # tasks.
  • # color: Color.
  • # contract_template_id: The ID of a `ContractTemplate`.
  • # default_length_in_minutes: The default length for a `Job`
  • # created using this `JobType`.
  • # disconnects_account: If this is set, any `Job` using this
  • # `JobType` that is completed successfully while associated with an `Account` will
  • # trigger the disconnection of the `Account`.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # icon: An icon.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # task_template_id: The ID of a `TaskTemplate`.
  • # ticket_group_id_completion: If this is set, any `Job` using
  • # this `JobType` that is completed successfully will create a `Ticket` and assign
  • # it to this `TicketGroup`.
  • # ticket_group_id_failure: If this is set, any `Job` using this
  • # `JobType` that is completed unsuccessfully will create a `Ticket` and assign it
  • # to this `TicketGroup`.
  • # ticket_status_on_completion: Ticket status on completion.
  • # ticket_status_on_failure: Ticket status on failure.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • job_types(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_status_id_completion: Int64Bit,
  • account_status_id_failure: Int64Bit,
  • action_on_completion: JobTypeAction,
  • action_on_failure: JobTypeAction,
  • all_companies: Boolean,
  • allow_completion_with_incomplete_tasks: Boolean,
  • color: HtmlHexColor,
  • contract_template_id: Int64Bit,
  • default_length_in_minutes: Int,
  • disconnects_account: Boolean,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • icon: Icon,
  • name: String,
  • task_template_id: Int64Bit,
  • ticket_group_id_completion: Int64Bit,
  • ticket_group_id_failure: Int64Bit,
  • ticket_status_on_completion: TicketStatus,
  • ticket_status_on_failure: TicketStatus,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): JobTypeConnection!
  • # Jobs.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # address_on_completion: The serviceable address where this job
  • # was completed.
  • # complete: Whether or not this is complete.
  • # completed_by_user_id: The `User` that completed this.
  • # completed_successfully: Whether this `Job` was completed
  • # successfully or not.
  • # completion_datetime: The date and time this `Job` was
  • # completed.
  • # completion_notes: Any notes entered when this `Job` was
  • # completed.
  • # job_type_id: The ID of a `JobType`.
  • # jobbable_id: The ID of the entity that this `Job` is associated
  • # with.
  • # jobbable_type: The type of entity that this `Job` is associated
  • # with.
  • # length_in_minutes: The length in minutes for this `Job`.
  • # scheduled_datetime: The date and time this `Job` is scheduled
  • # for.
  • # serviceable_address_account_assignment_future_id: The ID of the
  • # serviceable address account assignment future.
  • # skips_validation: Indicates this entity has skipped the
  • # validations which would normally apply.
  • # ticket_id: The ID of a `Ticket`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • jobs(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • address_on_completion: String,
  • complete: Boolean,
  • completed_by_user_id: Int64Bit,
  • completed_successfully: Boolean,
  • completion_datetime: Datetime,
  • completion_notes: Text,
  • job_type_id: Int64Bit,
  • jobbable_id: Int64Bit,
  • jobbable_type: JobbableType,
  • length_in_minutes: Int,
  • scheduled_datetime: Datetime,
  • serviceable_address_account_assignment_future_id: Int64Bit,
  • skips_validation: Boolean,
  • ticket_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): JobConnection!
  • # Local prefixes for voice services.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # prefix: A telephone number prefix.
  • # voice_service_detail_id: The ID of the `VoiceServiceDetail`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • local_prefixes(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • prefix: Numeric,
  • voice_service_detail_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): LocalPrefixConnection!
  • # Log entries for various events throughout Sonar.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # current: Current data.
  • # legacy: Whether or not this log was transferred from a Sonar v1
  • # instance. If so, the formatting will not match current version logs.
  • # legacy_title: A title which is only populated on logs that were
  • # imported from Sonar v1.
  • # level: The severity level.
  • # loggable_id: The ID of the entity that this log is attached to.
  • # loggable_type: The type of entity that this log is attached to.
  • # logged_entity_id: The entity ID that triggered the log.
  • # logged_entity_type: The entity that triggered the log.
  • # message: The message.
  • # previous: Previous data.
  • # relation_data: Data from objects related to this change.
  • # type: The type.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • logs(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • current: Text,
  • legacy: Boolean,
  • legacy_title: String,
  • level: LogLevel,
  • loggable_id: Int64Bit,
  • loggable_type: String,
  • logged_entity_id: Int64Bit,
  • logged_entity_type: String,
  • message: Text,
  • previous: Text,
  • relation_data: Text,
  • type: LogType,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): LogConnection!
  • # Report builder licenses.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • looker_explore_licenses(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): LookerExploreLicenseConnection!
  • # Report viewer licenses.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • looker_view_licenses(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): LookerViewLicenseConnection!
  • # The credentials for an LTE provider.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # credential: The credential name.
  • # lte_provider_id: The ID of an `LteProvider`.
  • # value: The value.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • lte_provider_credentials(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • credential: LteProviderAuthenticationCredential,
  • lte_provider_id: Int64Bit,
  • value: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): LteProviderCredentialConnection!
  • # LTE providers.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # deactivate_on_delinquency: Automatically detach UE when account
  • # is changed to delinquency status.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # floating_license: Whether or not a floating license model is
  • # used with BreezeVIEW.
  • # last_synchronized: The date and time this device was last
  • # synchronized.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # status: The status.
  • # status_message: A message describing what caused the current
  • # status of this device.
  • # synchronization_queued: Whether or not a synchronization
  • # request is queued.
  • # synchronization_start: The date/time that synchronization
  • # started.
  • # type: The type.
  • # write_pdn_address_allocation: Write PDN address allocation into
  • # BreezeVIEW.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • lte_providers(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • deactivate_on_delinquency: Boolean,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • floating_license: Boolean,
  • last_synchronized: Datetime,
  • name: String,
  • status: ProvisioningDeviceStatus,
  • status_message: String,
  • synchronization_queued: Boolean,
  • synchronization_start: Datetime,
  • type: LteProviderType,
  • write_pdn_address_allocation: Boolean,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): LteProviderConnection!
  • # Manufacturers.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • manufacturers(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ManufacturerConnection!
  • # Map Overlays.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # contents: Map Overlay Language (KML) file contents.
  • # file_type: file type
  • # latitude: A decimal latitude.
  • # longitude: A decimal longitude.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # network_site_id: Network site id.
  • # radius: Radius in KM.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • map_overlays(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • contents: String,
  • file_type: MapOverlayFileType,
  • latitude: Latitude,
  • longitude: Longitude,
  • name: String,
  • network_site_id: Int64Bit,
  • radius: Float,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): MapOverlayConnection!
  • # Returns all map overlays within a camera view represented by the north, south,
  • # east and west arguments
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # north: north
  • # east: north
  • # south: north
  • # west: north
  • map_overlays_within_box(
  • north: Float!,
  • east: Float!,
  • south: Float!,
  • west: Float!
  • ): MapOverlayConnection!
  • # Mass email communications.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # from_email_address: The email address to send from when using
  • # this email message. If `null`, then the system default will be used.
  • # from_name: The name to send from when using this email message.
  • # If `null`, then the system default will be used.
  • # inbox_preview: A short sentence that will be shown as a preview
  • # in compatible email clients.
  • # message: The message.
  • # subject: The subject.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • mass_emails(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • from_email_address: EmailAddress,
  • from_name: String,
  • inbox_preview: String,
  • message: Text,
  • subject: String,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): MassEmailConnection!
  • # Get information about yourself!
  • me: Me!
  • # Message categories are associated with contacts, and define the types of
  • # messages those contacts receive. The "default" property determines whether or
  • # not the category is added to newly created contacts by default.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # default: Whether or not this entity is a default entry.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • message_categories(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • default: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): MessageCategoryConnection!
  • # Logs of when billing ran successfully for an `Account`.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # date: A date
  • # invoice_id: The ID of an `Invoice`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • monthly_billing_completions(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • date: Date,
  • invoice_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): MonthlyBillingCompletionConnection!
  • # Get your IP address
  • my_ip_address: MyIpAddress!
  • # Netflow allowed subnets.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # netflow_endpoint_id: The ID of a `NetflowEndpoint`.
  • # subnet: An IPv4/IPv6 subnet.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • netflow_allowed_subnets(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • netflow_endpoint_id: Int64Bit,
  • subnet: SubnetScalar,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): NetflowAllowedSubnetConnection!
  • # Netflow endpoints.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # hostname: Hostname.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # port: A TCP port.
  • # whitelist_mode: Whitelist mode.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • netflow_endpoints(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • hostname: DomainName,
  • name: String,
  • port: Port,
  • whitelist_mode: Boolean,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): NetflowEndpointConnection!
  • # Netflow whitelists.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # netflow_endpoint_id: The ID of a `NetflowEndpoint`.
  • # subnet: An IPv4/IPv6 subnet.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • netflow_whitelists(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • netflow_endpoint_id: Int64Bit,
  • subnet: SubnetScalar,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): NetflowWhitelistConnection!
  • # Network monitoring graphs.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # network_monitoring_template_id: The ID of a
  • # `NetworkMonitoringTemplate`.
  • # stacked: Stacked
  • # type: The type.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • network_monitoring_graphs(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • name: String,
  • network_monitoring_template_id: Int64Bit,
  • stacked: Boolean,
  • type: NetworkMonitoringGraphType,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): NetworkMonitoringGraphConnection!
  • # Network monitoring templates.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # collect_interface_statistics: Whether or not to collect
  • # interface statistics.
  • # icmp_latency_threshold: ICMP latency threshold (ms).
  • # icmp_loss_threshold: ICMP loss threshold (%).
  • # icmp_monitoring: Whether or not ICMP monitoring is enabled.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # snmp3_auth_passphrase: SNMPv3 auth passphrase
  • # snmp3_auth_protocol: SNMPv3 auth protocol
  • # snmp3_context_engineid: SNMPv3 context engine ID
  • # snmp3_context_name: SNMPv3 context name
  • # snmp3_priv_passphrase: SNMPv3 privacy passphrase
  • # snmp3_priv_protocol: SNMPv3 privacy protocol
  • # snmp3_sec_level: SNMPv3 security level
  • # snmp_community: SNMP community/securityName
  • # snmp_version: SNMP version
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • network_monitoring_templates(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • collect_interface_statistics: Boolean,
  • icmp_latency_threshold: Int,
  • icmp_loss_threshold: Int,
  • icmp_monitoring: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • snmp3_auth_passphrase: Text,
  • snmp3_auth_protocol: Snmp3AuthProtocol,
  • snmp3_context_engineid: Text,
  • snmp3_context_name: Text,
  • snmp3_priv_passphrase: Text,
  • snmp3_priv_protocol: Snmp3PrivProtocol,
  • snmp3_sec_level: Snmp3SecurityLevel,
  • snmp_community: Text,
  • snmp_version: SnmpVersion,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): NetworkMonitoringTemplateConnection!
  • # Network site serviceable address lists.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # network_site_id: Network site id.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • network_site_serviceable_address_lists(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • network_site_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): NetworkSiteServiceableAddressListConnection!
  • # Network sites.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # geopoint: A geo-point.
  • # height_in_meters: Height in meters.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • network_sites(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • geopoint: Geopoint,
  • height_in_meters: Float,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): NetworkSiteConnection!
  • # Items sold by vendors that are not convertible to an inventory model (i.e. labor
  • # charges).
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # general_ledger_code_id: The ID of a GeneralLedgerCode.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • non_inventory_items(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • general_ledger_code_id: Int64Bit,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): NonInventoryItemConnection!
  • # Notes.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # message: The message.
  • # noteable_id: The ID of the entity that owns this note.
  • # noteable_type: The type of entity that owns this note.
  • # priority: The priority of this item.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • notes(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • message: Text,
  • noteable_id: Int64Bit,
  • noteable_type: NoteableType,
  • priority: NotePriority,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): NoteConnection!
  • # Notifications.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # is_read: Whether this notification is read or unread.
  • # notifiable_id: The ID of the entity that the notification is
  • # related to.
  • # notifiable_type: The type of entity that the notification is
  • # related to.
  • # type: The type.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • notifications(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • is_read: Boolean,
  • notifiable_id: Int64Bit,
  • notifiable_type: NotifiableType,
  • type: NotificationType,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): NotificationConnection!
  • # Order group relationships to users.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # is_approver: Whether a user is authorized to approve purchase
  • # orders created in this order group.
  • # order_group_id: The ID of an order group.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • order_group_users(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • is_approver: Boolean,
  • order_group_id: Int64Bit,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): OrderGroupUserConnection!
  • # Order groups.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # automatic_approval_threshold: The threshold at which requesters
  • # require approval of their purchase orders.
  • # enabled: Disabled order groups cannot be assigned users or used
  • # to create purchase orders.
  • # name: The name of an order group.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • order_groups(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • automatic_approval_threshold: Int,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): OrderGroupConnection!
  • # Details related to an overage service.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # gigabytes: A value in gigabytes.
  • # service_id: The ID of a Service.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • overage_service_details(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • gigabytes: Int,
  • service_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): OverageServiceDetailConnection!
  • # Services associated with a package.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # package_id: The ID of a `Package`.
  • # quantity: The quantity for this service.
  • # service_id: The ID of a Service.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • package_services(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • package_id: Int64Bit,
  • quantity: Int,
  • service_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): PackageServiceConnection!
  • # Packages.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # company_id: The ID of the company that this entity operates
  • # under.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # rollup_services: Setting to indicate if services in this
  • # package should be rolled up into a package total when this package is displayed.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • # valid_for_account_id: An account ID used for filtering packages
  • # based on common account groups.
  • packages(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • company_id: Int64Bit,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • rollup_services: Boolean,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter],
  • valid_for_account_id: Int64Bit
  • ): PackageConnection!
  • # The password policy for users.
  • password_policy: PasswordPolicy!
  • # PayPal Credentials.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # client_id: The client ID for PayPal.
  • # client_secret: The client secret for PayPal.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • pay_pal_credentials(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • client_id: String,
  • client_secret: String,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): PayPalCredentialConnection!
  • # Payments.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # amount: The amount of the payment, in the smallest currency
  • # value.
  • # amount_remaining: The amount remaining that can be used.
  • # bank_account_id: The ID of a BankAccount.
  • # company_id: The ID of the company that this entity operates
  • # under.
  • # creation_token: A token sent to the payment provider during
  • # payment creation.
  • # credit_card_id: The ID of a CreditCard.
  • # deposit_slip_id: The deposit slip ID.
  • # description: A description of the payment, used for internal
  • # reference.
  • # fee: The fee for this transaction.
  • # fractional_fee: The fee for this transaction in fractional
  • # cents
  • # full_processor_response: The entire response back from the
  • # company that processed the transaction. Not typically human readable.
  • # passed_3ds_check: Whether or not this payment passed the 3DS
  • # security check.
  • # passed_avs_check: Whether or not this payment passed the AVS
  • # security check.
  • # passed_cvv_check: Whether or not this payment passed the CVV
  • # security check.
  • # payment_datetime: The date and time the payment was made.
  • # payment_tracker_id: The unique tracking ID for this payment.
  • # payment_type: The type of payment (e.g. cash, credit card.)
  • # processor_message: The message returned back from the company
  • # that processed the transaction.
  • # processor_status: The status of the payment provided by the
  • # payment processor.
  • # reference: A payment reference like a check number, or wire
  • # transfer confirmation number.
  • # successful: Whether or not this was successful.
  • # transaction_id: The transaction ID from the credit card
  • # provider.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • payments(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • amount: Int,
  • amount_remaining: Int,
  • bank_account_id: Int64Bit,
  • company_id: Int64Bit,
  • creation_token: String,
  • credit_card_id: Int64Bit,
  • deposit_slip_id: Int64Bit,
  • description: String,
  • fee: Int,
  • fractional_fee: Int,
  • full_processor_response: String,
  • passed_3ds_check: Boolean,
  • passed_avs_check: Boolean,
  • passed_cvv_check: Boolean,
  • payment_datetime: Datetime,
  • payment_tracker_id: String,
  • payment_type: PaymentType,
  • processor_message: String,
  • processor_status: String,
  • reference: String,
  • successful: Boolean,
  • transaction_id: String,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): PaymentConnection!
  • # Your personal access tokens.
  • personal_access_tokens: PersonalAccessTokenConnection!
  • # Types of phone numbers (e.g. mobile, home, fax.)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # sms_capable: Whether or not phone numbers of this type are
  • # capable of sending and receiving SMS messages.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • phone_number_types(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • name: String,
  • sms_capable: Boolean,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): PhoneNumberTypeConnection!
  • # Phone numbers.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # contact_id: The ID of the contact that owns this.
  • # country: A two character country code for this phone number.
  • # extension: The extension.
  • # number: The number.
  • # number_formatted: A phone number formatted for human
  • # readability.
  • # phone_number_type_id: The ID of the PhoneNumberType associated
  • # with this phone number.
  • # sms_opt_in: Whether or not SMS messages accepted.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • phone_numbers(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • contact_id: Int64Bit,
  • country: Country,
  • extension: Numeric,
  • number: Numeric,
  • number_formatted: String,
  • phone_number_type_id: Int64Bit,
  • sms_opt_in: Boolean,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): PhoneNumberConnection!
  • # Poller settings.
  • poller_setting: PollerSetting!
  • # Pollers.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # api_key: An API key.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # icmp_time_taken: The amount of time it took to poll ICMP
  • # status.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # results_last_received: When the results were last received.
  • # snmp_time_taken: The amount of time it took to poll SNMP
  • # status.
  • # time_of_last_account_poll: The UTC timestamp for the last time
  • # accounts were polled.
  • # time_of_last_infrastructure_poll: The UTC timestamp for the
  • # last time infrastructure was polled.
  • # version: Version.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • pollers(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • api_key: String,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • icmp_time_taken: Int,
  • name: String,
  • results_last_received: Datetime,
  • snmp_time_taken: Int,
  • time_of_last_account_poll: Datetime,
  • time_of_last_infrastructure_poll: Datetime,
  • version: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): PollerConnection!
  • # Preseem integration.
  • preseem: Preseem!
  • # Print to mail batches.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # batch_type: How the invoices for the batch were generated.
  • # billing_completion_date: The completion date of the billing run
  • # if the batch type is 'BILLING_RUN'.
  • # cost: The cost associated with the print to mail batch.
  • # print_method: The print method for the print to mail batch.
  • # print_type: The print type for the print to mail batch.
  • # status: The current status of the print to mail batch.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • print_to_mail_batches(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • batch_type: PrintToMailBatchType,
  • billing_completion_date: Date,
  • cost: Int,
  • print_method: PrintToMailPrintMethod,
  • print_type: PrintToMailPrintType,
  • status: PrintToMailBatchStatus,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): PrintToMailBatchConnection!
  • # Estimated print to mail document/invoice cost.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # print_method: The print method for the print to mail batch.
  • # print_type: The print type for the print to mail batch.
  • # number_of_digital_pages: The number of digital pages in the
  • # document/invoice.
  • print_to_mail_document_cost_estimate(
  • print_method: PrintToMailPrintMethod!,
  • print_type: PrintToMailPrintType!,
  • number_of_digital_pages: Int!
  • ): PrintToMailDocumentCostEstimate!
  • # Print to mail order errors.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # error_message: An error message associated with a print to mail
  • # order.
  • # error_type: The error type.
  • # invoice_id: The ID of the invoice that has the error.
  • # print_to_mail_order_id: The print to mail order ID.
  • # resolved: Whether or not the error has been marked as resolved.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • print_to_mail_order_errors(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • error_message: String,
  • error_type: PrintToMailOrderErrorType,
  • invoice_id: Int64Bit,
  • print_to_mail_order_id: Int64Bit,
  • resolved: Boolean,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): PrintToMailOrderErrorConnection!
  • # Print to mail orders.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # last_status_check: The last time the order status was checked.
  • # name: The name of the print to mail order.
  • # print_to_mail_batch_id: The print to mail batch ID.
  • # provider_order_id: The provider ID.
  • # status: The current status of the print to mail order.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • print_to_mail_orders(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • last_status_check: Datetime,
  • name: String,
  • print_to_mail_batch_id: Int64Bit,
  • provider_order_id: String,
  • status: PrintToMailOrderStatus,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): PrintToMailOrderConnection!
  • # Print to mail settings.
  • print_to_mail_setting: PrintToMailSetting!
  • # Printed invoice batches.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # date: A date
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • printed_invoice_batches(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • date: Date,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): PrintedInvoiceBatchConnection!
  • # Purchase order line items.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # calculated_tax: The tax transaction that was created for this
  • # purchase order item the last time it was modified.
  • # generic_quantity_received: The quantity of a generic purchase
  • # order item that has already been received.
  • # list_order: The order this item is shown in a list.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # part_number: Part number used by the vendor to identify this
  • # vendor item.
  • # price: The price of the vendor item at the time the purchase
  • # order was created.
  • # purchase_order_id: The ID of a purchase order.
  • # quantity_per_unit: Number of inventory models that are included
  • # in a single unit of this vendors product.
  • # status: The current status of a purchase order item.
  • # units: The quantity of a vendor item on a purchase order.
  • # vendor_item_id: The ID of a vendor item.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • purchase_order_items(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • calculated_tax: Int,
  • generic_quantity_received: Int,
  • list_order: Int,
  • name: String,
  • part_number: String,
  • price: Int64Bit,
  • purchase_order_id: Int64Bit,
  • quantity_per_unit: Int,
  • status: PurchaseOrderItemStatus,
  • units: Int,
  • vendor_item_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): PurchaseOrderItemConnection!
  • # Purchase orders.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # approved_by_user_id: The ID of the user that approved this
  • # purchase order.
  • # canceled_at: The date/time that this purchase order was
  • # cancelled.
  • # canceled_by_user_id: The ID of the user that cancelled this
  • # purchase order.
  • # company_id: The ID of the company that will be used in the
  • # header of this purchase order.
  • # created_by_user_id: The ID of the user that created this
  • # purchase order.
  • # currency: The currency the system displays money in.
  • # external_message: A message to be included on purchase orders
  • # when sent to vendors.
  • # inventory_location_id: The source of the shipping address for a
  • # purchase order.
  • # is_paid: Whether or not the purchase order has been marked as
  • # being paid.
  • # last_status_change: The date and time that the inventory item
  • # status last changed.
  • # order_group_id: The ID of an order group related to this
  • # purchase order.
  • # order_number: A unique number identifying an approved purchase
  • # order.
  • # payment_terms: The terms of payment for deliveries from this
  • # vendor.
  • # status: The current status of this purchase order.
  • # vendor_id: The ID of a vendor.
  • # vendor_name: The name of a vendor.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • purchase_orders(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • approved_by_user_id: Int64Bit,
  • canceled_at: Datetime,
  • canceled_by_user_id: Int64Bit,
  • company_id: Int64Bit,
  • created_by_user_id: Int64Bit,
  • currency: Currency,
  • external_message: String,
  • inventory_location_id: Int64Bit,
  • is_paid: Boolean,
  • last_status_change: Datetime,
  • order_group_id: Int64Bit,
  • order_number: Int,
  • payment_terms: PaymentTerm,
  • status: PurchaseOrderStatus,
  • vendor_id: Int64Bit,
  • vendor_name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): PurchaseOrderConnection!
  • # RADIUS accounts.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # password: A password.
  • # username: A username, used for authentication.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • radius_accounts(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • password: Text,
  • username: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): RadiusAccountConnection!
  • # RADIUS group reply attributes.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # operator: A RADIUS reply operator.
  • # radius_group_id: The ID of a `RadiusGroup`.
  • # reply: A RADIUS reply.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • radius_group_reply_attributes(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • name: String,
  • operator: RadiusReplyOperator,
  • radius_group_id: Int64Bit,
  • reply: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): RadiusGroupReplyAttributeConnection!
  • # RADIUS groups.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_status: The types of account statuses for accounts that
  • # are part of this grouping.
  • # delinquency: The delinquency state for accounts that are part
  • # of this grouping.
  • # fall_through: Whether or not this is a fall through group.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # priority: The RADIUS priority.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • radius_groups(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_status: AddressListAccountStatus,
  • delinquency: AddressListDelinquency,
  • fall_through: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • priority: Int,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): RadiusGroupConnection!
  • # Radius server credentials.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # credential: The credential name.
  • # radius_server_id: The ID of a `RadiusServer`.
  • # value: The value.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • radius_server_credentials(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • credential: RadiusServerAuthCredential,
  • radius_server_id: Int64Bit,
  • value: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): RadiusServerCredentialConnection!
  • # RADIUS servers.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # coa_secret: The secret used to send a change of authorization
  • # to this device.
  • # collect_bandwidth: Whether or not Sonar should track bandwidth
  • # usage data from this RADIUS server.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # ip_address: An IPv4/IPv6 address.
  • # last_synchronized: The date and time this device was last
  • # synchronized.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # send_change_auth_on_delinquency: Send a change of authorization
  • # on account delinquency to this device.
  • # send_change_auth_on_service_change: Send a change of
  • # authorization on account service change to this device.
  • # send_change_auth_on_status_change: Send a change of
  • # authorization on account status change to this device.
  • # status: The status.
  • # status_message: A message describing what caused the current
  • # status of this device.
  • # synchronization_queued: Whether or not a synchronization
  • # request is queued.
  • # synchronization_start: The date/time that synchronization
  • # started.
  • # type: The type.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • radius_servers(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • coa_secret: String,
  • collect_bandwidth: Boolean,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • ip_address: IP,
  • last_synchronized: Datetime,
  • name: String,
  • send_change_auth_on_delinquency: Boolean,
  • send_change_auth_on_service_change: Boolean,
  • send_change_auth_on_status_change: Boolean,
  • status: ProvisioningDeviceStatus,
  • status_message: String,
  • synchronization_queued: Boolean,
  • synchronization_start: Datetime,
  • type: RadiusServerType,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): RadiusServerConnection!
  • # RADIUS session histories.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_session_id: Account session ID.
  • # called_station_id: Called station ID.
  • # calling_station_id: Calling station ID.
  • # disconnect_requested: The time that a disconnect was requested.
  • # end: The end.
  • # ip_address: An IPv4/IPv6 address.
  • # nas_ip_address: The IP address of the NAS.
  • # radius_account_id: The ID of a `RadiusAccount`.
  • # real_session_id: The real session ID.
  • # start: The start.
  • # terminate_reason: The reason for the session termination.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • radius_session_histories(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_session_id: String,
  • called_station_id: String,
  • calling_station_id: String,
  • disconnect_requested: Datetime,
  • end: Datetime,
  • ip_address: IP,
  • nas_ip_address: IP,
  • radius_account_id: Int64Bit,
  • real_session_id: String,
  • start: Datetime,
  • terminate_reason: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): RadiusSessionHistoryConnection!
  • # Rate Centers.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # default: Whether or not this entity is a default entry.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • rate_centers(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • default: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): RateCenterConnection!
  • # Details related to a recurring service.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # billing_frequency: How often this service bills, in months.
  • # service_id: The ID of a Service.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • recurring_service_details(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • billing_frequency: Int,
  • service_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): RecurringServiceDetailConnection!
  • # Refunded payments.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # amount: The amount, in the smallest currency value (e.g. cents,
  • # pence, pesos.)
  • # description: A human readable description.
  • # payment_id: The ID of a `Payment`.
  • # payment_tracker_id: The unique tracking ID for this payment.
  • # processor_response_message: The response from the payment
  • # processor when this payment was submitted.
  • # transaction_id: The transaction ID from the credit card
  • # provider.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • refunded_payments(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • amount: Int,
  • description: String,
  • payment_id: Int64Bit,
  • payment_tracker_id: String,
  • processor_response_message: String,
  • transaction_id: String,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): RefundedPaymentConnection!
  • # Attempt to translate a latitude and longitude into a street address.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # latitude: A decimal latitude.
  • # longitude: A decimal latitude.
  • reverse_geocode(latitude: Latitude, longitude: Longitude): ValidatedAddress!
  • # Reversed payments.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # amount: The amount, in the smallest currency value (e.g. cents,
  • # pence, pesos.)
  • # description: A human readable description.
  • # payment_id: The ID of a `Payment`.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • reversed_payments(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • amount: Int,
  • description: String,
  • payment_id: Int64Bit,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ReversedPaymentConnection!
  • # Roles for users. Roles define the permission set that a user can have.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # applied_permissions: A list of permissions associated with this
  • # role.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • roles(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • applied_permissions: [Permission],
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): RoleConnection!
  • # Saved message categories.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • saved_message_categories(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): SavedMessageCategoryConnection!
  • # Scheduling data.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # date: A date
  • schedule(date: Date!): ScheduleResult
  • # Starting and ending addresses for technician schedules.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # city: A city.
  • # country: A two character country code.
  • # latitude: A decimal latitude.
  • # line1: Address line 1.
  • # line2: Address line 2.
  • # longitude: A decimal longitude.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # subdivision: A state, province, or other country subdivision.
  • # timezone: The timezone you want times in the system displayed
  • # in.
  • # type: The type.
  • # zip: A ZIP or postal code.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • schedule_addresses(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • city: String,
  • country: Country,
  • latitude: Latitude,
  • line1: String,
  • line2: String,
  • longitude: Longitude,
  • name: String,
  • subdivision: Subdivision,
  • timezone: Timezone,
  • type: ScheduleAddressType,
  • zip: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ScheduleAddressConnection!
  • # Schedule availabilities.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # available: Whether this `ScheduleAvailability` creates
  • # available time, or blocks available time.
  • # geofence_id: The ID of a `Geofence`.
  • # infinite_repetitions: Whether this repeats forever or not.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # repetitions: The number of times this repeats.
  • # start_date: The start date for this `ScheduleAvailability`.
  • # weeks_between_repetitions: The number of weeks between
  • # repetitions.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • schedule_availabilities(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • available: Boolean,
  • geofence_id: Int64Bit,
  • infinite_repetitions: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • repetitions: Int,
  • start_date: Date,
  • weeks_between_repetitions: Int,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ScheduleAvailabilityConnection!
  • # Schedule availability day/times.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # all_day: Whether this day is available from start to finish.
  • # day: A day.
  • # end_time: The end time for the day.
  • # schedule_availability_id: The ID of a `ScheduleAvailability`.
  • # start_time: The start time for the day.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • schedule_availability_day_times(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • all_day: Boolean,
  • day: Day,
  • end_time: Time,
  • schedule_availability_id: Int64Bit,
  • start_time: Time,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ScheduleAvailabilityDayTimeConnection!
  • # Schedule blocker day/times.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # day: A day.
  • # end_time: The end time for the day.
  • # schedule_blocker_id: The ID of a `ScheduleBlocker`.
  • # start_time: The start time for the day.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • schedule_blocker_day_times(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • day: Day,
  • end_time: Time,
  • schedule_blocker_id: Int64Bit,
  • start_time: Time,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ScheduleBlockerDayTimeConnection!
  • # Schedule blocker overrides.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # schedule_blocker_id: The ID of a `ScheduleBlocker`.
  • # start_datetime: The date and time that this starts.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • schedule_blocker_overrides(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • schedule_blocker_id: Int64Bit,
  • start_datetime: Datetime,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ScheduleBlockerOverrideConnection!
  • # Schedule blockers.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # infinite_repetitions: Whether this repeats forever or not.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # repetitions: The number of times this repeats.
  • # start_date: The start date for this `ScheduleAvailability`.
  • # weeks_between_repetitions: The number of weeks between
  • # repetitions.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • schedule_blockers(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • infinite_repetitions: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • repetitions: Int,
  • start_date: Date,
  • weeks_between_repetitions: Int,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ScheduleBlockerConnection!
  • # Schedule time offs.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # end_datetime: The date and time that this ends.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # start_datetime: The date and time that this starts.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • schedule_time_offs(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • end_datetime: Datetime,
  • name: String,
  • start_datetime: Datetime,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ScheduleTimeOffConnection!
  • # Scheduled event account voice service details.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # price_override: The amount that this service price has been
  • # overridden to. If this is null, then the service price is used.
  • # price_override_reason: The reason that the price of a service
  • # has been overridden.
  • # quantity: The quantity for this service.
  • # scheduled_event_id: The ID of a `ScheduledEvent`
  • # voice_service_generic_parameter_id: The ID of a voice service
  • # configuration parameter.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • scheduled_event_account_voice_service_details(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • price_override: Int,
  • price_override_reason: String,
  • quantity: Int,
  • scheduled_event_id: Int64Bit,
  • voice_service_generic_parameter_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ScheduledEventAccountVoiceServiceDetailConnection!
  • # Scheduled events.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # amount: The amount, in the smallest currency value (e.g. cents,
  • # pence, pesos.)
  • # complete: Whether or not this is complete.
  • # datetime: A date and time
  • # description: A human readable description.
  • # event: An event.
  • # primary_event_object_id: The ID of an object described by the
  • # `event` field.
  • # prorate: Whether or not to prorate the transaction.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • scheduled_events(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • amount: Int,
  • complete: Boolean,
  • datetime: Datetime,
  • description: String,
  • event: ScheduledEventEvent,
  • primary_event_object_id: String,
  • prorate: Boolean,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ScheduledEventConnection!
  • # User-defined search filters.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # all_users: Whether the filter is available to every user
  • # (admins only).
  • # entity_type: The type of entity this filter belongs to.
  • # filter: The actual filter, as JSON.
  • # name: The filter's name.
  • # user_id: The ID of the user that created this entity.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • search_filters(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • all_users: Boolean,
  • entity_type: String,
  • filter: Text,
  • name: String,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): SearchFilterConnection!
  • # External references to SendGrid Dynamic Templates.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # company_id: The ID of the company that this entity operates
  • # under.
  • # email_message_content_id: The ID of an `EmailMessageContent`.
  • # sendgrid_identifier: The external identifier of a dynamic
  • # template at SendGrid.
  • # triggered_message_id: The ID of a `TriggeredMessage`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • sendgrid_dynamic_template_external_references(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • company_id: Int64Bit,
  • email_message_content_id: Int64Bit,
  • sendgrid_identifier: String,
  • triggered_message_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): SendgridDynamicTemplateExternalReferenceConnection!
  • # Sendgrid status.
  • sendgrid_status: SendgridStatus
  • # Metadata fields on a service.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # service_id: The ID of a Service.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • service_metadata(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • name: String,
  • service_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ServiceMetadataConnection!
  • # Values entered into service metadata fields.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_service_id: The ID of an AccountService.
  • # service_metadata_id: The ID of a ServiceMetadata field.
  • # value: The value.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • service_metadata_values(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_service_id: Int64Bit,
  • service_metadata_id: Int64Bit,
  • value: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ServiceMetadataValueConnection!
  • # Tax definitions that have been assigned to services.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # discount: Whether this tax definition is for a discount or not.
  • # service_id: The ID of a Service.
  • # taxdefinitionable_id: The ID of entity this tax definition is
  • # related to.
  • # taxdefinitionable_type: The type of entity this tax definition
  • # is related to.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • service_tax_definitions(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • discount: Boolean,
  • service_id: Int64Bit,
  • taxdefinitionable_id: Int64Bit,
  • taxdefinitionable_type: TaxdefinitionableType,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ServiceTaxDefinitionConnection!
  • # The relationship between a service and a tax.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # exemption_amount: The amount of the service that is exempt from
  • # taxation in the smallest currency value (e.g. cents, pence, pesos.)
  • # service_id: The ID of a Service.
  • # tax_id: The ID of a Tax.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • service_taxes(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • exemption_amount: Int,
  • service_id: Int64Bit,
  • tax_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ServiceTaxConnection!
  • # Serviceable address account assignment futures.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # address_id: The ID of the address.
  • # note: A note about this expected change of serviceable address
  • # account assignment.
  • # target_date: The date this is targeted to happen.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • serviceable_address_account_assignment_futures(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • address_id: Int64Bit,
  • note: Text,
  • target_date: Date,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ServiceableAddressAccountAssignmentFutureConnection!
  • # Serviceable address account assignment histories.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # address_id: The ID of the address.
  • # end_date: The date that this ends.
  • # start_date: The start date for this `ScheduleAvailability`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • serviceable_address_account_assignment_histories(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • address_id: Int64Bit,
  • end_date: Date,
  • start_date: Date,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ServiceableAddressAccountAssignmentHistoryConnection!
  • # Services.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # amount: The amount, in the smallest currency value (e.g. cents,
  • # pence, pesos.)
  • # application: How this is applied.
  • # company_id: The ID of the company that this entity operates
  • # under.
  • # display_if_zero: If the amount for this service is zero, it
  • # will still display on invoices.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # general_ledger_code_id: The ID of a GeneralLedgerCode.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # reverse_tax_definition_id: The ID of a tax definition on a
  • # reversed transaction.
  • # tax_definition_id: The ID of a tax definition on a transaction.
  • # type: The type.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • services(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • amount: Int,
  • application: ServiceApplication,
  • company_id: Int64Bit,
  • display_if_zero: Boolean,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • general_ledger_code_id: Int64Bit,
  • name: String,
  • reverse_tax_definition_id: Int64Bit,
  • tax_definition_id: Int64Bit,
  • type: ServiceType,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ServiceConnection!
  • # Signatures.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # department_id: The ID of a department.
  • # mass_default: Whether or not signature is default for mass
  • # messages.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # sms_signature: Body of an SMS signature.
  • # triggered_default: Whether or not signature is default for
  • # triggered messages.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • signatures(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • department_id: Int64Bit,
  • mass_default: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • sms_signature: SmsContactPrefix,
  • triggered_default: Boolean,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): SignatureConnection!
  • # SMS message contents.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # language: A supported language.
  • # non_portal_body: SMS message body for customers without portal.
  • # portal_body: SMS message body for customers with portal.
  • # sms_message_id: The ID of the SMS message.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • sms_message_contents(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • language: Language,
  • non_portal_body: String,
  • portal_body: String,
  • sms_message_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): SmsMessageContentConnection!
  • # SMS Messages.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # is_trigger: Whether or not SMS message is used for triggers.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • sms_messages(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • is_trigger: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): SmsMessageConnection!
  • # SMS outbound messages.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # category: The category of the message.
  • # cost_in_hundredths: The cost associated with the SMS message.
  • # Stored as one hundredth of the smallest currency value (e.g. cents, pence,
  • # pesos.)
  • # destination_country: The country code of the destination mobile
  • # phone number.
  • # error_message: The error message.
  • # last_status_check: The provider message ID.
  • # message_text: The message text.
  • # mobile_number: The destination mobile phone number.
  • # provider_message_id: The provider message ID.
  • # segments: The number of segments needed to deliver message
  • # text.
  • # smsable_id: The ID of the entity that this SMS was sent to.
  • # smsable_type: The type of entity that this SMS was sent to.
  • # status: The current status of the message.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • sms_outbound_messages(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • category: SmsOutboundCategory,
  • cost_in_hundredths: Int,
  • destination_country: String,
  • error_message: String,
  • last_status_check: Datetime,
  • message_text: String,
  • mobile_number: String,
  • provider_message_id: String,
  • segments: Int,
  • smsable_id: Int64Bit,
  • smsable_type: SmsableType,
  • status: SmsOutboundStatus,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): SmsOutboundMessageConnection!
  • # SMS settings.
  • sms_setting: SmsSetting!
  • # All SMTP events for each sent email.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # destination_ip: The remote IP address of the server Mandrill
  • # was connected to for message relay when attempting to send an email.
  • # email_id: The ID of an email.
  • # event_datetime: The date and time of an event sent from
  • # Mandrill
  • # response: The message of the SMTP response.
  • # size: The size of a SMTP message that Mandrill attempted to
  • # relay.
  • # source_ip: The IP address of the Mandrill server that attempted
  • # to send an email.
  • # type: The type.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • smtp_events(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • destination_ip: IP,
  • email_id: Int64Bit,
  • event_datetime: Datetime,
  • response: String,
  • size: Int64Bit,
  • source_ip: IP,
  • type: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): SmtpEventConnection!
  • # SNMP interface numeric results
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # start_datetime: The date and time that this starts.
  • # end_datetime: The date and time that this ends.
  • # time: The time.
  • # inventory_item_id: The ID of an `InventoryItem`.
  • snmp_interface_numeric_results(
  • start_datetime: Datetime,
  • end_datetime: Datetime,
  • time: Datetime,
  • inventory_item_id: Int64Bit!
  • ): [SnmpInterfaceNumericResult]!
  • # SNMP OID threshold violations.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # inventory_item_id: The ID of an `InventoryItem`.
  • # snmp_oid_threshold_id: The ID of an `SnmpOidThreshold`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • snmp_oid_threshold_violations(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • inventory_item_id: Int64Bit,
  • snmp_oid_threshold_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): SnmpOidThresholdViolationConnection!
  • # SNMP OID thresholds.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # operator: An operator.
  • # snmp_oid_id: The ID of an `SnmpOid`.
  • # time_period_in_minutes: The amount of time in minutes that the
  • # threshold must be violated before it is triggered.
  • # value: The value.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • snmp_oid_thresholds(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • operator: RangeOperator,
  • snmp_oid_id: Int64Bit,
  • time_period_in_minutes: Int,
  • value: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): SnmpOidThresholdConnection!
  • # SNMP OIDs.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # auto_scale: Whether or not to auto scale.
  • # color: Color.
  • # display_as_table: Display as table
  • # divide_by: Divide by
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # network_monitoring_graph_id: The ID of a
  • # `NetworkMonitoringGraph`.
  • # oid: An OID
  • # unit_of_measurement: Unit of measurement
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • snmp_oids(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • auto_scale: Boolean,
  • color: HtmlHexColor,
  • display_as_table: Boolean,
  • divide_by: Int,
  • name: String,
  • network_monitoring_graph_id: Int64Bit,
  • oid: String,
  • unit_of_measurement: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): SnmpOidConnection!
  • # SNMP Overrides.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # inventory_item_id: The ID of an `InventoryItem`.
  • # snmp3_auth_passphrase: SNMPv3 auth passphrase
  • # snmp3_auth_protocol: SNMPv3 auth protocol
  • # snmp3_context_engineid: SNMPv3 context engine ID
  • # snmp3_context_name: SNMPv3 context name
  • # snmp3_priv_passphrase: SNMPv3 privacy passphrase
  • # snmp3_priv_protocol: SNMPv3 privacy protocol
  • # snmp3_sec_level: SNMPv3 security level
  • # snmp_community: SNMP community/securityName
  • # snmp_version: SNMP version
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • snmp_overrides(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • inventory_item_id: Int64Bit,
  • snmp3_auth_passphrase: Text,
  • snmp3_auth_protocol: Snmp3AuthProtocol,
  • snmp3_context_engineid: Text,
  • snmp3_context_name: Text,
  • snmp3_priv_passphrase: Text,
  • snmp3_priv_protocol: Snmp3PrivProtocol,
  • snmp3_sec_level: Snmp3SecurityLevel,
  • snmp_community: Text,
  • snmp_version: SnmpVersion,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): SnmpOverrideConnection!
  • # SNMP results.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # start_datetime: The date and time that this starts.
  • # end_datetime: The date and time that this ends.
  • # inventory_item_id: The ID of an `InventoryItem`.
  • snmp_results(
  • start_datetime: Datetime,
  • end_datetime: Datetime,
  • inventory_item_id: Int64Bit!
  • ): SnmpNetworkMonitoringResultConnection!
  • # Vetro FiberMap Splice Report.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the address.
  • splice_report(id: Int64Bit): SpliceReport!
  • # Stored view filters.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # field: The field that is being filtered.
  • # operator: The operator being applied.
  • # order: The order in which the filter is applied.
  • # stored_group_id: The ID of a StoredGroup entity.
  • # value: The value being filtered against.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • stored_filters(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • field: String,
  • operator: StoredFilterOperator,
  • order: Int,
  • stored_group_id: Int64Bit,
  • value: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): StoredFilterConnection!
  • # Stored view groups.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # stored_view_id: The ID of a `StoredView` entity.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • stored_groups(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • stored_view_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): StoredGroupConnection!
  • # Stored views associated with users.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # location: The location in the UI that this view is available.
  • # stored_view_id: The ID of a `StoredView` entity.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • stored_view_users(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • location: String,
  • stored_view_id: Int64Bit,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): StoredViewUserConnection!
  • # Stored views.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # created_by_user_id: The ID of the user that created this
  • # entity.
  • # is_global: Whether or not this StoredView is available to all
  • # users.
  • # location: The location in the UI that this view is available.
  • # name: A name to identify this `StoredView`.
  • # sort_column: The column used to sort the filtered results.
  • # sort_direction: The direction to sort in.
  • # type: The type of `StoredView`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • stored_views(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • created_by_user_id: Int64Bit,
  • is_global: Boolean,
  • location: String,
  • name: String,
  • sort_column: String,
  • sort_direction: SortDirection,
  • type: StoredViewType,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): StoredViewConnection!
  • # Subnets.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # largest_cidr_available: The largest subnet available, as a CIDR
  • # mask.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # poller_id: The ID of a `Poller`.
  • # polling_priority: Polling priority.
  • # subnet: An IPv4/IPv6 subnet.
  • # supernet_id: The ID of a `Supernet`.
  • # type: The type.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • subnets(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • largest_cidr_available: Int,
  • name: String,
  • poller_id: Int64Bit,
  • polling_priority: Int,
  • subnet: SubnetScalar,
  • supernet_id: Int64Bit,
  • type: SubnetType,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): SubnetConnection!
  • # Subscriptions.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # is_suspended: When suspended, the subscription will not send
  • # notifications. Permission changes and other actions may cause a subscription to
  • # become suspended.
  • # subscribable_id: The id of the entity that is being subscribed
  • # to.
  • # subscribable_type: The type of entity that is being subscribed
  • # to.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • subscriptions(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • is_suspended: Boolean,
  • subscribable_id: Int64Bit,
  • subscribable_type: SubscribableType,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): SubscriptionConnection!
  • # Supernets.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # largest_cidr_available: The largest subnet available, as a CIDR
  • # mask.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # subnet: An IPv4/IPv6 subnet.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • supernets(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • largest_cidr_available: Int,
  • name: String,
  • subnet: SubnetScalar,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): SupernetConnection!
  • # The configured credentials for a system backup export destination.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # credential: The credential name.
  • # system_backup_destination_id: The ID of a destination that a
  • # system backup can be exported to.
  • # value: The value.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • system_backup_destination_credentials(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • credential: SystemBackupDestinationProviderCredential,
  • system_backup_destination_id: Int64Bit,
  • value: Text,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): SystemBackupDestinationCredentialConnection!
  • # All configured destinations to export system backups to.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # base_path: The base path to the directory that the file will be
  • # stored in.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # last_export_at: When last system backup export was attempted.
  • # last_export_status: The status of the last system backup
  • # export.
  • # provider: The service that a system backup will be exported to.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • system_backup_destinations(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • base_path: Text,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • last_export_at: Datetime,
  • last_export_status: SystemBackupExportStatus,
  • provider: SystemBackupDestinationProvider,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): SystemBackupDestinationConnection!
  • # A history of all system backup export attempts.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # pruned: Indicates that this entity has been deleted as part of
  • # a pruning.
  • # response: The message of the SMTP response.
  • # status: The status.
  • # system_backup_destination_id: The ID of a destination that a
  • # system backup can be exported to.
  • # system_backup_id: The ID of a system backup.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • system_backup_exports(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • pruned: Boolean,
  • response: Text,
  • status: SystemBackupExportStatus,
  • system_backup_destination_id: Int64Bit,
  • system_backup_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): SystemBackupExportConnection!
  • # System backup settings.
  • system_backup_setting: SystemBackupSetting!
  • # Your system backups.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # password: A password.
  • # status: The status.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • system_backups(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • name: String,
  • password: Text,
  • status: SystemBackupStatus,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): SystemBackupConnection!
  • # System environment.
  • system_environment: SystemEnvironment!
  • # System settings.
  • system_setting: SystemSetting!
  • # Task template items.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # completable_id: The ID of the entity that completes or
  • # completed this task.
  • # completable_type: The type of entity that completes this task.
  • # completion_type: How this task gets marked as completed.
  • # list_order: The order this item is shown in a list.
  • # task: The task to be performed.
  • # task_template_id: The ID of a `TaskTemplate`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • task_template_items(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • completable_id: Int64Bit,
  • completable_type: CompletableType,
  • completion_type: TaskCompletionType,
  • list_order: Int,
  • task: String,
  • task_template_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): TaskTemplateItemConnection!
  • # Task templates.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • task_templates(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): TaskTemplateConnection!
  • # Tasks.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # completable_id: The ID of the entity that completes or
  • # completed this task.
  • # completable_type: The type of entity that completes this task.
  • # complete: Whether or not this is complete.
  • # completed_at: The date and time this was completed.
  • # completed_by_user_id: The `User` that completed this.
  • # completion_type: How this task gets marked as completed.
  • # due: The date on which the task is due.
  • # list_order: The order this item is shown in a list.
  • # task: The task to be performed.
  • # taskable_id: The ID of the entity that the task is associated
  • # with.
  • # taskable_type: The entity that the task is associated with.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • tasks(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • completable_id: Int64Bit,
  • completable_type: CompletableType,
  • complete: Boolean,
  • completed_at: Datetime,
  • completed_by_user_id: Int64Bit,
  • completion_type: TaskCompletionType,
  • due: Date,
  • list_order: Int,
  • task: Text,
  • taskable_id: Int64Bit,
  • taskable_type: TaskableType,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): TaskConnection!
  • # Tax exemptions.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # jurisdictions: The jurisdictions of this `TaxExemption`.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # tax_provider_id: The ID of an `TaxProvider`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • tax_exemptions(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • jurisdictions: [TaxJurisdiction],
  • name: String,
  • tax_provider_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): TaxExemptionConnection!
  • # Overrides of specific taxes on a per account basis.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # rate: The rate.
  • # tax_id: The ID of a Tax.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • tax_overrides(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • rate: Float,
  • tax_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): TaxOverrideConnection!
  • # The credentials for a tax provider.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # credential: The credential name.
  • # tax_provider_id: The ID of an `TaxProvider`.
  • # value: The value.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • tax_provider_credentials(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • credential: TaxProviderCredentialType,
  • tax_provider_id: Int64Bit,
  • value: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): TaxProviderCredentialConnection!
  • # Tax providers.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # subdivisions: The list of subdivisions where this tax provider
  • # will collect taxes.
  • # type: The type.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • tax_providers(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • subdivisions: [Subdivision],
  • type: TaxProviderType,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): TaxProviderConnection!
  • # Tax transactions.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # amount: The amount, in the smallest currency value (e.g. cents,
  • # pence, pesos.)
  • # amount_taxed: The amount of this `Debit` that was taxed.
  • # description: A human readable description.
  • # tax_provider_id: The ID of an `TaxProvider`.
  • # taxdefinitionable_id: The ID of entity this tax definition is
  • # related to.
  • # taxdefinitionable_type: The type of entity this tax definition
  • # is related to.
  • # taxtransactionable_id: The ID of the entity this tax
  • # transaction is related to.
  • # taxtransactionable_type: The type of entity this tax
  • # transaction is related to.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • tax_transactions(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • amount: Int,
  • amount_taxed: Int,
  • description: Text,
  • tax_provider_id: Int64Bit,
  • taxdefinitionable_id: Int64Bit,
  • taxdefinitionable_type: TaxdefinitionableType,
  • taxtransactionable_id: Int64Bit,
  • taxtransactionable_type: TaxtransactionableType,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): TaxTransactionConnection!
  • # Taxes.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # application: Whether this `Tax` is applied as a percentage of
  • # the `Service` charge, or as a flat rate.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # rate: The rate for a tax. For a percentage based tax, this is a
  • # percentage. For a flat tax, it is a currency value in the smallest currency unit
  • # (e.g. cents, pence, pesos.)
  • # type: Whether this tax is applied based on the account being in
  • # a specific geography, or whether it is applied to all accounts.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • taxes(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • application: TaxApplication,
  • name: String,
  • rate: Float,
  • type: TaxType,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): TaxConnection!
  • # Ticket categories.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • ticket_categories(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): TicketCategoryConnection!
  • # Ticket comments.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # body: The body.
  • # ticket_id: The ID of a `Ticket`.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • ticket_comments(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • body: Text,
  • ticket_id: Int64Bit,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): TicketCommentConnection!
  • # Ticket groups.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # private: If a group is private, only members of the group can
  • # view emails within it.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • ticket_groups(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • private: Boolean,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): TicketGroupConnection!
  • # Ticket recipients.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # email_address: An email address.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # ticket_id: The ID of a `Ticket`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • ticket_recipients(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • email_address: EmailAddress,
  • name: String,
  • ticket_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): TicketRecipientConnection!
  • # Ticket replies.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # author: The author.
  • # author_email: The email address of the author.
  • # body: The body.
  • # headers: The email headers.
  • # incoming: Whether or not the reply was incoming (from an
  • # external party) or outgoing (from a Sonar `User`.)
  • # raw_body: The raw body, before any Sonar parsing.
  • # signature: The signature to append. You can include
  • # `[PUBLIC_NAME]` as a variable to insert the user's public name when the
  • # signature is appended.
  • # ticket_id: The ID of a `Ticket`.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • ticket_replies(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • author: String,
  • author_email: EmailAddress,
  • body: Text,
  • headers: Text,
  • incoming: Boolean,
  • raw_body: Text,
  • signature: Text,
  • ticket_id: Int64Bit,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): TicketReplyConnection!
  • # Ticketing settings.
  • ticketing_setting: TicketingSetting!
  • # Tickets.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # global_updated_at: The last date and time this entity was
  • # updated, or was the subject of a log.
  • # closed_at: The time this was closed at.
  • # closed_by_user_id: The ID of the `User` that closed this.
  • # company_id: The ID of the company that this entity operates
  • # under.
  • # description: A human readable description.
  • # due_date: The date this invoice is due by.
  • # inbound_mailbox_id: The ID of an `InboundMailbox`.
  • # parent_ticket_id: The ID of the `Ticket` that this `Ticket` is
  • # a child of.
  • # priority: The priority of this item.
  • # spam_score: Mail processor's spam rating for whether or not
  • # this is spam.
  • # status: The status.
  • # subject: The subject.
  • # ticket_group_id: The ID of a `TicketGroup`.
  • # ticketable_id: The ID of the entity that this `Ticket` is
  • # associated with.
  • # ticketable_type: The type of entity that this `Ticket` is
  • # associated with.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • tickets(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • global_updated_at: Datetime,
  • closed_at: Datetime,
  • closed_by_user_id: Int64Bit,
  • company_id: Int64Bit,
  • description: Text,
  • due_date: Date,
  • inbound_mailbox_id: Int64Bit,
  • parent_ticket_id: Int64Bit,
  • priority: TicketPriority,
  • spam_score: Float,
  • status: TicketStatus,
  • subject: String,
  • ticket_group_id: Int64Bit,
  • ticketable_id: Int64Bit,
  • ticketable_type: TicketableType,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): TicketConnection!
  • # TowerCoverage integration.
  • towercoverage_configuration: TowercoverageConfiguration!
  • # TowerCoverage submissions.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # email_address: An email address.
  • # full_name: The full name.
  • # is_visible: is_visible of the information
  • # message: The message.
  • # note: A note about this TowerCoverage submission.
  • # phone_number: A telephone number.
  • # raw_xml: The raw XML.
  • # received_at: The time that the TowerCoverage submission was
  • # received.
  • # serviceable_address_id: The ID of the serviceable address to
  • # use for this account.
  • # success: Will be true if the operation succeeded.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • towercoverage_submissions(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • email_address: EmailAddress,
  • full_name: String,
  • is_visible: Boolean,
  • message: Text,
  • note: Text,
  • phone_number: Numeric,
  • raw_xml: Text,
  • received_at: Datetime,
  • serviceable_address_id: Int64Bit,
  • success: Boolean,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): TowercoverageSubmissionConnection!
  • # A list of transactions for display on an account.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • transactions(account_id: Int64Bit, paginator: Paginator): TransactionConnection!
  • # Emails that are sent when specific conditions are met.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # allow_children: Whether or not child accounts are allowed.
  • # count: The count associated with this `TriggeredEmail`. This is
  • # defined by the trigger, and could be something like a number of days, months,
  • # gigabytes, etc.
  • # email_message_id: The ID of an EmailMessage.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # job_type_id: The ID of a `JobType`.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # protected: If an item is protected, it cannot be modified or
  • # deleted.
  • # trigger: The trigger for this message.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • triggered_emails(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • allow_children: Boolean,
  • count: Int,
  • email_message_id: Int64Bit,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • job_type_id: Int64Bit,
  • name: String,
  • protected: Boolean,
  • trigger: EmailTrigger,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): TriggeredEmailConnection!
  • # Messages that are sent when specific conditions are met.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # allow_children: Whether or not child accounts are allowed.
  • # count: The count associated with this `TriggeredMessage`. This
  • # is defined by the trigger, and could be something like a number of days, months,
  • # gigabytes, etc.
  • # email_message_id: The ID of an EmailMessage.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # job_type_id: The ID of a `JobType`.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # protected: If an item is protected, it cannot be modified or
  • # deleted.
  • # signature_id: The ID of a signature.
  • # sms_message_id: The ID of the SMS message.
  • # trigger: The trigger for this message.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • triggered_messages(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • allow_children: Boolean,
  • count: Int,
  • email_message_id: Int64Bit,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • job_type_id: Int64Bit,
  • name: String,
  • protected: Boolean,
  • signature_id: Int64Bit,
  • sms_message_id: Int64Bit,
  • trigger: MessageTrigger,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): TriggeredMessageConnection!
  • # Uninventoried MAC addresses.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # account_id: The ID of an Account.
  • # mac_address: A MAC address.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • uninventoried_mac_addresses(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • account_id: Int64Bit,
  • mac_address: MacAddress,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): UninventoriedMacAddressConnection!
  • # Usage based billing policies.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # allow_purchase_of_additional_capacity_during_billing_period:
  • # Whether or not a customer can purchase additional data usage capacity during a
  • # billing period.
  • # assess_charges_at_end_of_billing_period: Whether or not to
  • # assess charges for usage over the bandwidth limit at the end of the billing
  • # period.
  • # cap_in_gigabytes: The available data usage in this policy,
  • # measured in gigabytes.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # rollover_enabled: Whether or not rollover is enabled.
  • # rollover_expiration_enabled: Whether or not rollover expiration
  • # is enabled.
  • # rollover_expiration_months: Rollover expires after this many
  • # months, if rollover expiration is enabled.
  • # service_id: The ID of a Service.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • usage_based_billing_policies(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • allow_purchase_of_additional_capacity_during_billing_period: Boolean,
  • assess_charges_at_end_of_billing_period: Boolean,
  • cap_in_gigabytes: Int,
  • name: String,
  • rollover_enabled: Boolean,
  • rollover_expiration_enabled: Boolean,
  • rollover_expiration_months: Int,
  • service_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): UsageBasedBillingPolicyConnection!
  • # Usage based billing policy free periods.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # day: A day.
  • # end: The end.
  • # start: The start.
  • # usage_based_billing_policy_id: The ID of a
  • # `UsageBasedBillingPolicy`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • usage_based_billing_policy_free_periods(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • day: Day,
  • end: Time,
  • start: Time,
  • usage_based_billing_policy_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): UsageBasedBillingPolicyFreePeriodConnection!
  • # Users that can login to Sonar.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # completed_setup: Whether or not the user has completed the
  • # setup process.
  • # email_address: An email address.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # is_sonar_staff: Whether or not this user is a Sonar employee.
  • # language: A supported language.
  • # mobile_number: A mobile phone number. This will be used to send
  • # SMS messages.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # public_name: The publicly viewable name of this user.
  • # role_id: The ID of a Role.
  • # super_admin: Super admins receive all system permissions
  • # automatically, regardless of their role.
  • # username: A username, used for authentication.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • users(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • completed_setup: Boolean,
  • email_address: EmailAddress,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • is_sonar_staff: Boolean,
  • language: Language,
  • mobile_number: Numeric,
  • name: String,
  • public_name: String,
  • role_id: Int64Bit,
  • super_admin: Boolean,
  • username: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): UserConnection!
  • # Validate an address. This will attempt to resolve the subdivision, geocode if
  • # necessary, etc. The more information you input, the more accurate the output is
  • # likely to be.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # line1: Address line 1.
  • # line2: Address line 2.
  • # city: A city.
  • # subdivision: A state, province, or other country subdivision.
  • # zip: A ZIP or postal code.
  • # country: A two character country code.
  • # latitude: A decimal latitude.
  • # longitude: A decimal latitude.
  • validate_address(
  • line1: String!,
  • line2: String,
  • city: String,
  • subdivision: String,
  • zip: String,
  • country: Country!,
  • latitude: Latitude,
  • longitude: Longitude
  • ): ValidatedAddress!
  • # Validate contact portal credentials.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # username: A username, used for authentication.
  • # password: A password.
  • validate_credential(username: String!, password: String!): Contact!
  • # Vehicle location histories.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # latitude: A decimal latitude.
  • # longitude: A decimal longitude.
  • # odometer: Odometer without unit of measure.
  • # odometer_um: Unit of measure for odometer.
  • # speed: Speed without unit of measure.
  • # speed_um: Unit of measure for speed.
  • # status: The status.
  • # vehicle_id: The ID of a `Vehicle`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • vehicle_location_histories(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • latitude: Latitude,
  • longitude: Longitude,
  • odometer: Int,
  • odometer_um: String,
  • speed: Int,
  • speed_um: String,
  • status: String,
  • vehicle_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): VehicleLocationHistoryConnection!
  • # Vehicles.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # geopoint: A geo-point.
  • # gps_tracking_always: Whether or not to always track the
  • # vehicle.
  • # gps_tracking_day_friday: If not always, then track on Friday.
  • # gps_tracking_day_monday: If not always, then track on Monday.
  • # gps_tracking_day_saturday: If not always, then track on
  • # Saturday.
  • # gps_tracking_day_sunday: If not always, then track on Sunday.
  • # gps_tracking_day_thursday: If not always, then track on
  • # Thursday.
  • # gps_tracking_day_tuesday: If not always, then track on Tuesday.
  • # gps_tracking_day_wednesday: If not always, then track on
  • # Wednesday.
  • # gps_tracking_enabled: Whether or not GPS Tracking enabled for
  • # vehicle.
  • # gps_tracking_end_time: If not always, end time for tracking.
  • # gps_tracking_provider_id: A `GpsTrackingProvider` ID.
  • # gps_tracking_start_time: If not always, start time for
  • # tracking.
  • # gps_tracking_timezone: If not always, timezone for start and
  • # end times.
  • # gps_tracking_uid: A GPS Tracking Provider vehicle unique
  • # identifier.
  • # manufacturer: The manufacturer.
  • # model: The model.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # vin: The vehicle identification number.
  • # year: A year.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • vehicles(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • geopoint: Geopoint,
  • gps_tracking_always: Boolean,
  • gps_tracking_day_friday: Boolean,
  • gps_tracking_day_monday: Boolean,
  • gps_tracking_day_saturday: Boolean,
  • gps_tracking_day_sunday: Boolean,
  • gps_tracking_day_thursday: Boolean,
  • gps_tracking_day_tuesday: Boolean,
  • gps_tracking_day_wednesday: Boolean,
  • gps_tracking_enabled: Boolean,
  • gps_tracking_end_time: Time,
  • gps_tracking_provider_id: Int64Bit,
  • gps_tracking_start_time: Time,
  • gps_tracking_timezone: Timezone,
  • gps_tracking_uid: String,
  • manufacturer: String,
  • model: String,
  • name: String,
  • vin: String,
  • year: Int,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): VehicleConnection!
  • # Items sold by vendors.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # archived: Archived vendor items may not be used for creating
  • # new purchase orders or product requests.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # part_number: Part number used by the vendor to identify this
  • # vendor item.
  • # price: The purchase price of this item from the vendor.
  • # quantity_per_unit: Number of inventory models that are included
  • # in a single unit of this vendors product.
  • # retail_item: Flag for vendor items that should create a
  • # one-time service for retail sale to customers.
  • # retail_item_price: The price of the one-time service created
  • # for this vendor item
  • # retail_item_service_id: The ID of the one-time service created
  • # when this vendor item was created.
  • # vendor_id: The ID of the vendor that sells this item
  • # vendoritemable_id: The ID of the entity that is referred to by
  • # this vendor item.
  • # vendoritemable_type: The type of entity that is referred to by
  • # this vendor item.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • vendor_items(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • archived: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • part_number: String,
  • price: Int,
  • quantity_per_unit: Int,
  • retail_item: Boolean,
  • retail_item_price: Int,
  • retail_item_service_id: Int64Bit,
  • vendor_id: Int64Bit,
  • vendoritemable_id: Int64Bit,
  • vendoritemable_type: VendoritemableType,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): VendorItemConnection!
  • # Third party vendors.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # archived: Archived vendors may not be used for creating new
  • # Purchase Orders or Product Requests.
  • # automate_approved_purchase_orders: Determines if approved
  • # purchase orders for this vendor should automatically dispatch an email to the
  • # vendor.
  • # currency: The currency used for all transactions with this
  • # vendor.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # payment_terms: The terms of payment for deliveries from this
  • # vendor.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • vendors(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • archived: Boolean,
  • automate_approved_purchase_orders: Boolean,
  • currency: Currency,
  • name: String,
  • payment_terms: PaymentTerm,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): VendorConnection!
  • # Voice Provider Rate Import Recipes
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # charge_percent: The percentage over the base rate to charge the
  • # customer.
  • # clean_records: How many records passed validation checks during
  • # import.
  • # errors: Any errors encountered for this import.
  • # failed_records: How many records did not pass validation checks
  • # during import.
  • # flatfile_batch_identifier: The identifier of a unique batch at
  • # Flatfile.
  • # hash: A hash of the data content of an import.
  • # progress: The progress of an import as a percentage.
  • # start_datetime: The start date and time for the import.
  • # status: The status.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # voice_provider_id: The ID of a `VoiceProvider`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • voice_provider_rate_import_recipes(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • charge_percent: Float,
  • clean_records: Int,
  • errors: Clob,
  • failed_records: Int,
  • flatfile_batch_identifier: String,
  • hash: String,
  • progress: Int,
  • start_datetime: Datetime,
  • status: ImportStatus,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • voice_provider_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): VoiceProviderRateImportRecipeConnection!
  • # Voice Provider Rate Imports
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # charge_percent: The percentage over the base rate to charge the
  • # customer.
  • # clean_records: How many records passed validation checks during
  • # import.
  • # errors: Any errors encountered for this import.
  • # failed_records: How many records did not pass validation checks
  • # during import.
  • # status: The status.
  • # voice_provider_id: The ID of a `VoiceProvider`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • voice_provider_rate_imports(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • charge_percent: Float,
  • clean_records: Int,
  • errors: Text,
  • failed_records: Int,
  • status: AsyncImportStatus,
  • voice_provider_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): VoiceProviderRateImportConnection!
  • # Voice Provider Rates.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # base_rate: The rate that is imported from a rate deck.
  • # charge_percent: The percentage over the base rate to charge the
  • # customer.
  • # charge_rate: The rate that is charged to a customer.
  • # description: The description for the rate.
  • # prefix: The prefix for the rate.
  • # voice_provider_id: The ID of a `VoiceProvider`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • voice_provider_rates(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • base_rate: Float,
  • charge_percent: Float,
  • charge_rate: Float,
  • description: String,
  • prefix: String,
  • voice_provider_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): VoiceProviderRateConnection!
  • # Voice Providers.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • voice_providers(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): VoiceProviderConnection!
  • # Details related to a voice service.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # billing_frequency: How often this service bills, in months.
  • # cost_per_minute_local_in_thousandths: The cost per minute for
  • # local calls, in thousandths of the smallest currency value (e.g. cents, pence,
  • # pesos.).
  • # cost_per_minute_long_distance_in_thousandths: The cost per
  • # minute for long distance calls, in thousandths of the smallest currency value
  • # (e.g. cents, pence, pesos.).
  • # country: A two character country code.
  • # first_interval_in_seconds: This is the minimum amount of time
  • # the customer will be charged for a call.
  • # inbound_toll_free_rate_per_minute_in_thousandths: If a customer
  • # has a toll free number, this is the rate charged to them for inbound calls, in
  • # thousandths of the smallest currency value (e.g. cents, pence, pesos.).
  • # local_minutes: The quantity of free local minutes provided, if
  • # `unlimited_local_minutes` is false.
  • # long_distance_minutes: The quantity of free long distance
  • # minutes provided, if `unlimited_long_distance_minutes` is false.
  • # rollup_generic_parameters: Hide parameters of this service on
  • # customer invoices/statements and in the customer portal.
  • # service_id: The ID of a Service.
  • # show_call_detail_records_on_invoice: Indicates if Call Detail
  • # Records (CDRs) for this service should be displayed on an invoice.
  • # sub_interval_in_seconds: After the `first_interval_in_seconds`
  • # time is exceeded, this is the minimum amount of subsequent time. For example, if
  • # `first_interval_in_seconds` is 30, and `sub_interval_in_seconds` is 6, then a 31
  • # second call would be charged at 36 seconds, and a 37 second call would be
  • # charged at 42 seconds.
  • # sub_type: The sub type of this voice service.
  • # unlimited_local_minutes: Whether this service provides
  • # unlimited local minutes.
  • # unlimited_long_distance_minutes: Whether this service provides
  • # unlimited long distance minutes.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • voice_service_details(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • billing_frequency: Int,
  • cost_per_minute_local_in_thousandths: Int,
  • cost_per_minute_long_distance_in_thousandths: Int,
  • country: Country,
  • first_interval_in_seconds: Int,
  • inbound_toll_free_rate_per_minute_in_thousandths: Int,
  • local_minutes: Int,
  • long_distance_minutes: Int,
  • rollup_generic_parameters: Boolean,
  • service_id: Int64Bit,
  • show_call_detail_records_on_invoice: Boolean,
  • sub_interval_in_seconds: Int,
  • sub_type: VoiceServiceDetailSubType,
  • unlimited_local_minutes: Boolean,
  • unlimited_long_distance_minutes: Boolean,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): VoiceServiceDetailConnection!
  • # Tax definitions that have been assigned to voice service generic parameters.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # discount: Whether this tax definition is for a discount or not.
  • # taxdefinitionable_id: The ID of entity this tax definition is
  • # related to.
  • # taxdefinitionable_type: The type of entity this tax definition
  • # is related to.
  • # voice_service_generic_parameter_id: The ID of a voice service
  • # configuration parameter.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • voice_service_generic_parameter_tax_definitions(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • discount: Boolean,
  • taxdefinitionable_id: Int64Bit,
  • taxdefinitionable_type: TaxdefinitionableType,
  • voice_service_generic_parameter_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): VoiceServiceGenericParameterTaxDefinitionConnection!
  • # The relationship between a service and a tax.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # exemption_amount: The amount of the service that is exempt from
  • # taxation in the smallest currency value (e.g. cents, pence, pesos.)
  • # tax_id: The ID of a Tax.
  • # voice_service_generic_parameter_id: The ID of a voice service
  • # configuration parameter.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • voice_service_generic_parameter_taxes(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • exemption_amount: Int,
  • tax_id: Int64Bit,
  • voice_service_generic_parameter_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): VoiceServiceGenericParameterTaxConnection!
  • # Parameters attached to a voice service.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # addition_prorate_date: If this service was prorated when added,
  • # this is the date it was prorated from.
  • # description: A human readable description.
  • # price: The price per unit of this item.
  • # proratable: Indicates if changes to this entity trigger
  • # proration.
  • # reverse_tax_definition_id: The ID of a tax definition on a
  • # reversed transaction.
  • # tax_definition_id: The ID of a tax definition on a transaction.
  • # type: The type.
  • # voice_service_detail_id: The ID of the `VoiceServiceDetail`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • voice_service_generic_parameters(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • addition_prorate_date: Date,
  • description: String,
  • price: Int,
  • proratable: Boolean,
  • reverse_tax_definition_id: Int64Bit,
  • tax_definition_id: Int64Bit,
  • type: VoiceServiceGenericParameterType,
  • voice_service_detail_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): VoiceServiceGenericParameterConnection!
  • # Voided payments.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # amount: The amount, in the smallest currency value (e.g. cents,
  • # pence, pesos.)
  • # description: A human readable description.
  • # payment_id: The ID of a `Payment`.
  • # payment_tracker_id: The unique tracking ID for this payment.
  • # processor_response_message: The response from the payment
  • # processor when this payment was submitted.
  • # transaction_id: The transaction ID from the credit card
  • # provider.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • voided_payments(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • amount: Int,
  • description: String,
  • payment_id: Int64Bit,
  • payment_tracker_id: String,
  • processor_response_message: String,
  • transaction_id: String,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): VoidedPaymentConnection!
  • # All attempts made to send dispatched webhooks for models and events.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # response: The message of the SMTP response.
  • # response_at: The date and time of when a response was received.
  • # response_code: The HTTP status code of the last response.
  • # status: The status.
  • # webhook_endpoint_event_dispatch_id: The ID of a dispatch for a
  • # webhook model event.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • webhook_endpoint_event_dispatch_attempts(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • response: Text,
  • response_at: Datetime,
  • response_code: Int,
  • status: WebhookEndpointEventDispatchAttemptStatus,
  • webhook_endpoint_event_dispatch_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): WebhookEndpointEventDispatchAttemptConnection!
  • # All dispatched webhooks for models and events.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # last_attempted_at: The date and time of when this was last
  • # attempted to be sent.
  • # last_status: The last status of the last send attempt.
  • # payload: The request payload of a fired webhook being sent to
  • # an endpoint.
  • # sent_at: The date and time of when this was successfully sent.
  • # test: Indicates of this is a test or not.
  • # webhook_endpoint_event_id: The model and event attached to the
  • # webhook endpoint
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • webhook_endpoint_event_dispatches(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • last_attempted_at: Datetime,
  • last_status: WebhookEndpointEventDispatchAttemptStatus,
  • payload: Text,
  • sent_at: Datetime,
  • test: Boolean,
  • webhook_endpoint_event_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): WebhookEndpointEventDispatchConnection!
  • # Webhooks models and their events.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # event: An event.
  • # model: The model.
  • # webhook_endpoint_id: The ID of a webhook endpoint.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • webhook_endpoint_events(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • event: WebhookEndpointModelEvent,
  • model: String,
  • webhook_endpoint_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): WebhookEndpointEventConnection!
  • # Webhook endpoints.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # endpoint: The URL to the remote resource that webhooks will be
  • # sent to.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # general_search_mode: The mode to use for general search
  • # requests.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • webhook_endpoints(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • endpoint: HttpsUrl,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • general_search_mode: GeneralSearchMode,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): WebhookEndpointConnection!
  • # Webhook model events.
  • webhook_model_events: WebhookModelEventResultConnection
  • }

link Require by

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