An entity that can have Notification
link Require by
- AdtranMosaicSettingAn Adtran Mosaic settings record.
- CallDetailRecordImportAn import of call detail records (CDRs).
- DhcpServerA DHCP server.
- DisputeA dispute.
- FibermapPlanFiberMap plan.
- ImportAn import.
- InboundMailboxAn inbound mailbox.
- InlineDeviceA device that sits inline with customer traffic to impose network policy.
- InventoryItemAn inventory item.
- JobA job, typically in the field.
- NotificationA `Notification`.
- PrintToMailBatchA batch of invoices to mail and print.
- PurchaseOrderA purchase order for items from a third party vendor.
- SystemBackupA backup of your Sonar instance's data.
- SystemBackupExportA log of a system backup export attempt.
- TaskA task.
- TicketA ticket.
- VoiceProviderRateImportAn import of voice provider rates.