
The input object that defines the fields for the updateVoiceServiceGenericParameter mutation.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input UpdateVoiceServiceGenericParameterMutationInput {
  • # A human readable description.
  • description: String
  • # The price per unit of this item.
  • price: Int
  • # The taxes applied when this voice service generic parameter creates a
  • # transaction.
  • taxes: [VoiceServiceGenericParameterTaxMutationInput]
  • # The ID of a tax definition on a transaction.
  • tax_definition_id: Int64Bit
  • # The ID of a tax definition on a reversed transaction.
  • reverse_tax_definition_id: Int64Bit
  • # Unset the ID of a tax definition on a transaction.
  • unset_tax_definition_id: Boolean
  • # Unset the ID of a tax definition on a reversed transaction.
  • unset_reverse_tax_definition_id: Boolean
  • # A note about this entity.
  • note: NoteMutationInput
  • }

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