A permission associated with a Role
link GraphQL Schema definition
- enum Permission {
- # View all log files, regardless of the entity they are attached to
- # Manage Sonar billing
- # Update system settings.
- # Update password policy.
- # Create a new account, and related entities
- # View accounts and related entities
- # Update an account and related entities
- # Create a new account status.
- # View account statuses.
- # Update an account status.
- # Delete an account status.
- # Create a new account group.
- # View account groups.
- # Update an account group.
- # Delete an account group.
- # Create a new account type.
- # View account types.
- # Update an account type.
- # Delete an account type.
- # Create a new custom field.
- # View all custom fields.
- # Update a custom field.
- # Delete a custom field.
- # Create a new custom link.
- # View all custom links.
- # Update a custom link.
- # Delete a custom link.
- # Create a new phone number type.
- # View phone number types.
- # Update a phone number type.
- # Delete a phone number type.
- # Read account calix service detail.
- # Create account calix service detail.
- # Update account calix service detail.
- # Delete account calix service detail.
- # View FiberMap service locations
- # View all network site serviceable address lists
- # Create a new triggered email
- # View triggered emails
- # Update a triggered email
- # Delete a triggered email
- # Create a new saved message category.
- # View saved message category.
- # Update a saved message category.
- # Delete a saved message category.
- # Create a new saved message
- # View saved messages
- # Update a saved message
- # Delete a saved message
- # Create a new serviceable address
- # View serviceable addresses
- # Update a serviceable address
- # Delete a serviceable address
- # Create a new general ledger code
- # View general ledger codes
- # Update a general ledger code
- # Delete a general ledger code
- # Create a new service
- # View services
- # Update a service
- # Delete a service
- # Create a voice service details generic parameter.
- # Update a voice service details generic parameter.
- # Delete a voice service details generic parameter.
- # Create a new tax provider
- # View tax providers
- # Update a tax provider
- # Delete a tax provider
- # Create a new tax exemption
- # View tax exemptions
- # Update a tax exemption
- # Delete a tax exemption
- # Create a new tax
- # View taxes
- # Update a tax
- # Delete a tax
- # Add and remove account services
- # Modify account service parameters, such as quantity, name override, and
- # proration
- # Update the billing parameters on an account
- # Create a new set of billing defaults
- # View billing defaults
- # Update a set of billing defaults
- # Delete a set billing default
- # View configured payment processors
- # Update a payment processor
- # Create a new payment processor
- # Delete a payment processor
- # Create a new payment method (e.g. credit card.)
- # View all payment methods
- # Update a payment method
- # Delete a payment method
- # View all disbursements
- # View all disputes
- # Create a FiberMap plan
- # View all FiberMap plans
- # Update a FiberMap plan
- # Delete a FiberMap plan
- # Create a FiberMap Integration
- # View all FiberMap Integrations
- # Update a FiberMap Integration
- # Delete a FiberMap Integration
- # Perform an action that creates an account transaction (e.g. a payment, debit,
- # discount.)
- # View all account transactions
- # Update an account transaction
- # Delete an account transaction
- # Whether a user can reverse transactions
- # Update the system billing settings
- # Create a new company
- # Update a company
- # Create a new task
- # Update a task
- # Delete a task
- # Whether a user can complete tasks that are not assigned to them
- # Whether a user can override the default proration on account status change
- # Can alter notes created by other users
- # Create a new note
- # Update a note
- # Delete a note
- # Can alter Files created by other users
- # Read Files
- # Create a new File
- # Update a File
- # Delete a File
- # Create a new contact
- # Update a contact
- # Delete a contact
- # Resend a contract
- # Create a new network site
- # View all network sites
- # Update a network site
- # Delete a network site
- # Update links between accounts and invoices
- # Create a new delinquency exclusion
- # View all delinquency exclusions
- # Update a delinquency exclusion
- # Delete a delinquency exclusion
- # Create a new payment
- # Update a payment
- # Whether a user can issue payment refunds
- # View all inventory
- # Only view inventory assigned to accounts and network sites that you have
- # permission to view, to yourself, or assigned to a vehicle that you are a driver
- # of
- # Create a new manufacturer
- # Update a manufacturer
- # Delete a manufacturer
- # Create a new inventory model category
- # Update an inventory model category
- # Delete an inventory model category
- # Read a global inventory model min/max
- # Create a global inventory model min/max
- # Update a global inventory model min/max
- # Delete a global inventory model min/max
- # Create a new inventory model
- # Update an inventory model
- # Delete an inventory model
- # Create a new vehicle
- # Update a vehicle
- # Delete a vehicle
- # Create a new inventory location
- # Update an inventory location
- # Delete an inventory location
- # Create a generic inventory assignee
- # Update a generic inventory assignee
- # Delete a generic inventory assignee
- # Create a new inventory item
- # Update an inventory item
- # Delete an inventory item
- # Change claim status of inventory items
- # Update the drivers of a vehicle
- # Can assign inventory to accounts, yourself, or a vehicle you drive
- # View all IP assignments
- # Create an IP assignment
- # Update an IP assignment
- # Delete an IP assignment
- # Create an element in IPAM
- # Update an element in IPAM
- # Delete an element in IPAM
- # View all RADIUS accounts
- # Create a RADIUS account
- # Update a RADIUS account
- # Delete a RADIUS account
- # View all uninventoried MAC addresses
- # Create an uninventoried MAC address
- # Update an uninventoried MAC address
- # Delete an uninventoried MAC address
- # View all non-private tickets
- # Create a ticket
- # Update a ticket
- # Delete a ticket
- # View all ticket groups
- # Create a ticket group
- # Update a ticket group
- # Delete a ticket group
- # View all ticket categories
- # Create a ticket category
- # Update a ticket category
- # Delete a ticket category
- # View all email domains
- # Create an email domain
- # Delete an email domain
- # View all inbound mailboxes
- # Update an inbound mailbox
- # Create an inbound mailbox
- # Delete an inbound mailbox
- # View all canned replies
- # Update a canned reply
- # Create a new canned reply
- # Delete a canned reply
- # View all job types
- # Update a job type
- # Create a job type
- # Delete a job type
- # View all geofences
- # Update a geofence
- # Create a geofence
- # Delete a geofence
- # View all schedule availabilities
- # Update a schedule availability
- # Create a schedule availability
- # Delete a schedule availability
- # View all jobs
- # Update a job
- # Update a job skipping validation
- # Create a job
- # Delete a job
- # View all schedule time offs
- # Update a schedule time off
- # Create a schedule time off
- # Delete a schedule time off
- # View all schedule blockers
- # Update a schedule blocker
- # Create a schedule blocker
- # Delete a schedule blocker
- # Reschedule a schedule blocker
- # Allows a user to check themselves in to a job
- # Allows a user to check anyone in to a job
- # Allows a user to complete their own job
- # Allows a user to complete any job
- # View all schedule addresses
- # Update a schedule address
- # Create a schedule address
- # Delete a schedule address
- # View all packages
- # Update a package
- # Create a package
- # Delete a package
- # View all scheduled events
- # Update a scheduled event
- # Create a scheduled event
- # Delete a scheduled event
- # View all account voice service details for a scheduled event
- # Update an account voice service detail for a scheduled event
- # View all contract templates
- # Update a contract template
- # Create a contract template
- # Delete a contract template
- # View all contracts
- # Update a contract
- # Create a contract
- # Delete a contract
- # Update a tax override
- # Create a tax override
- # Delete a tax override
- # View all address lists
- # Update an address list
- # Create an address list
- # Delete an address list
- # View all DHCP servers
- # Update a DHCP server
- # Create a DHCP server
- # Delete a DHCP server
- # View all call logs
- # Create a call log
- # Update a call log
- # Delete a call log
- # View all task templates
- # Update a task template
- # Create a task template
- # Delete a task template
- # View all LTE providers
- # Update an LTE provider
- # Create an LTE provider
- # Delete an LTE provider
- # View all RADIUS servers
- # Update a RADIUS server
- # Create a RADIUS server
- # Delete a RADIUS server
- # View all RADIUS groups
- # Update a RADIUS group
- # Create a RADIUS group
- # Delete a RADIUS group
- # Read an external marketing integration
- # Create an external marketing integration
- # Update an external marketing integration
- # Delete an external marketing integration
- # View all inline devices
- # Update an inline device
- # Create an inline device
- # Delete an inline device
- # View all Calix integrations
- # Update a Calix integration
- # Create a Calix integration
- # Delete a Calix integration
- # View all Calix Cloud setups
- # Update a Calix Cloud setup
- # Create a Calix Cloud setup
- # Delete a Calix Cloud setup
- # View all integration field mappings
- # Update an integration field mapping
- # Create an integration field mapping
- # Delete an integration field mapping
- # View all integration service mappings
- # Update an integration service mapping
- # Create an integration service mapping
- # Delete an integration service mapping
- # View all cable modem provisioners
- # Update a cable modem provisioner
- # Create a cable modem provisioner
- # Delete a cable modem provisioner
- # View all gps tracking providers
- # Update a gps tracking provider
- # Create a gps tracking provider
- # Delete a gps tracking provider
- # View all network monitoring templates
- # Create a network monitoring template
- # Update a network monitoring template
- # Delete a network monitoring template
- # View all invoice messages
- # Create an invoice message
- # Update an invoice message
- # Delete an invoice message
- # View all invoice attachments
- # Create an invoice attachment
- # Update an invoice attachment
- # Delete an invoice attachment
- # Resend an email invoice batch
- # View all printed invoice batches
- # Create a printed invoice batch
- # View all pollers
- # Create a poller
- # Update a poller
- # Delete a poller
- # Update poller configuration settings
- # View all SNMP overrides
- # Create SNMP override
- # Update SNMP override
- # Delete SNMP override
- # View all application firewall rules
- # Create an application firewall rule
- # Update an application firewall rule
- # Delete an application firewall rule
- # View all deposit slips
- # Create a deposit slip
- # Update a deposit slip
- # Delete a deposit slip
- # View all alerting rotations
- # Create an alerting rotation
- # Update an alerting rotation
- # Delete an alerting rotation
- # View all ACH batches
- # Create an ACH batch
- # Delete an ACH batch
- # Update Preseem integration
- # View all timeseries data
- # Create data usage entries
- # View all data usage history entries
- # Update a data usage history entry
- # Create a data usage top off
- # View all Netflow endpoints
- # Create a Netflow endpoint
- # Update a Netflow endpoint
- # Delete a Netflow endpoint
- # View all mass emails
- # Create a mass email communication
- # View TowerCoverage integration
- # Update TowerCoverage integration
- # View all TowerCoverage submissions
- # Update a TowerCoverage submission
- # View generated FCC Form 477 reports.
- # Create a FCC Form 477 report
- # View account reports.
- # View financial reports.
- # View all Voice Providers.
- # Create a Voice Provider.
- # Update a Voice Provider.
- # Delete a Voice Provider.
- # View all DIDs.
- # Create a DID.
- # Update a DID.
- # Delete a DID.
- # View all DID assignments.
- # Create a DID assignment.
- # Update a DID assignment.
- # Delete a DID assignment.
- # View webhook endpoints.
- # Create a webhook endpoint.
- # Update a webhook endpoint.
- # Delete a webhook endpoint.
- # View webhook endpoint events.
- # Create a webhook endpoint event.
- # Delete a webhook endpoint event.
- # View all daily aggregate values.
- # Update the ticketing settings.
- # Update the print to mail settings.
- # View a print to mail batch.
- # View a print to mail order.
- # View a print to mail order error.
- # Resend a print to mail batch.
- # Cancel a print to mail batch.
- # Update a print to mail order error.
- # Update the SMS settings.
- # View an SMS outbound message.
- # View all access logs.
- # Create an entry in the access log.
- # Read all search filters.
- # Create a saved search filter.
- # Update an existing search filter.
- # Delete an existing search filter.
- # Create a public saved filter.
- # Update a public saved filter.
- # Delete a public saved filter.
- # View all Voice Provider Rates.
- # Create a Voice Provider Rate.
- # Update a Voice Provider Rate.
- # Delete a Voice Provider Rate.
- # View all Voice Provider Rate imports.
- # View all call detail records (CDRs).
- # Create a call detail record (CDR).
- # Update a call detail record (CDR).
- # Delete a call detail record (CDR).
- # View all call detail record (CDR) imports.
- # Update a RADIUS session history.
- # Update an Auth provider
- # View all Auth providers
- # Create an identity provider
- # Update an identity provider
- # View all identity providers
- # Delete an identity provider
- # Create a vendor.
- # Update an existing vendor.
- # Read all vendors.
- # Create a vendor item.
- # Update an existing vendor item.
- # Read all vendor items.
- # Delete an existing vendor item.
- # Create a purchase order.
- # Update an existing purchase order.
- # Read all purchase order.
- # Receive a purchase order and create inventory items.
- # Modify purchase order items after they have been received.
- # Create a order group.
- # Update an existing order group.
- # Read all order group.
- # Delete an existing order group.
- # Create a non-inventory item.
- # Read all non-inventory items.
- # Delete an existing non-inventory item.
- # Update an existing non-inventory item.
- # Create a map overlay
- # View all map overlays
- # Delete a map overlay
- # Update a map overlay
- # Create a Rate Center.
- # View all Rate Centers.
- # Update a Rate Center.
- # Delete a Rate Center.
- # Create calendar settings.
- # View all of your calendar settings.
- # Update your calendar settings.
- # Delete your calendar settings.
- # Create address status.
- # Read address status.
- # Update address status.
- # Delete address status.
- # Create a call detail record (CDR) import.
- # View all call detail record (CDR) imports.
- # Create a DID import.
- # View all DID imports.
- # Create a Sonar Import.
- # Read a Sonar Import.
- # Create a Voice Provider Rate import.
- # View all Voice Provider Rate imports.
- # Delete a department
- # Create a new SMS message
- # View SMS messages
- # Update a SMS message
- # Delete a SMS message
- # Create a new triggered SMS message
- # View triggered SMS messages
- # Update a triggered SMS message
- # Delete a triggered SMS message
- # Create a new messaging category
- # View messaging categories
- # Update a messaging category
- # Delete a messaging category
- # Create Adtran Mosaic settings
- # View Adtran Mosaic settings
- # Update Adtran Mosaic settings
- # Delete Adtran Mosaic settings
- # Read account Adtran Mosaic service detail.
- # Create account Adtran Mosaic service detail.
- # Update account Adtran Mosaic service detail.
- # Delete account Adtran Mosaic service detail.
- # Create a new invoice template
- # View invoice templates
- # Update an invoice template
- # Delete an invoice template
- # Create a new future serviceable address
- # View future serviceable addresses
- # Update a future serviceable address
- # Delete a future serviceable address
- # Update multi-factor authentication admin settings
- }
link Require by
- AdjustmentServiceDetailDetails about an adjustment `Service`.
- CreateRoleMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createRole mutation.
- Querynull
- RoleA role defines the permission set that a user has.
- UpdateRoleMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateRole mutation.
- UserA user that can login to Sonar.