The version of the SMX endpoint
link GraphQL Schema definition
- enum CalixIntegrationVersion {
- # Supports SMx versions up to 23.2
- # Supports SMx versions 23.3 through 24.4
- # Supports SMx versions 25.1 and later
- }
link Require by
- AccountCalixServiceDetailHolds information for provisioning service on Calix devices.
- CalixIntegrationA configuration for a specific Calix SMx endpoint.
- CreateCalixIntegrationMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createCalixIntegration mutation.
- Querynull
- ScheduledEventAccountCalixServiceDetailThe `AccountCalixServiceDetail` records used to configure the Calix integrations when a `ScheduledEvent` is executed.
- UpdateCalixIntegrationMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateCalixIntegration mutation.