The Boolean
scalar type represents true
or false
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar Boolean
link Require by
- AccessLogAn access log history on an entity.
- AccountA customer account.
- AccountAdtranMosaicServiceDetailAn account Adtran Mosaic service detail.
- AccountBillingParameterParameters that define the billing settings for an `Account`.
- AccountCalixServiceDetailHolds information for provisioning service on Calix devices.
- AccountCalixServiceDetailMutationInputCalix provisioning values for the associated service.
- AccountEventA tracked event that has occurred for an `Account`.
- AccountGroupAn account group.
- AccountServiceThe relationship between an `Account` and a `Service`.
- AccountStatusThe status of an account.
- AccountTypeThe account type.
- AccountVoiceServiceDetailA voice service configuration that links a service parameter to an account.
- AchBatchAn ACH batch file.
- AddPackageToAccountMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the addPackageToAccount mutation.
- AddressA geographical address.
- AddressListAn address list defines some criteria by which to group accounts for network policy enforcement.
- AddressStatusAn address status.
- AddServiceToAccountMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the addServiceToAccount mutation.
- AdjustmentServiceDetailDetails about an adjustment `Service`.
- AdtranMosaicAuditAn Adtran Mosaic audit record.
- AdtranMosaicSettingAn Adtran Mosaic settings record.
- AdtranMosaicWorkflowEventAn Adtran Mosaic workflow event record.
- AlertingRotationAn alerting rotation.
- AlertingRotationDayAn alerting rotation day.
- AlertingRotationInventoryItemAn `InventoryItem` associated with an `AlertingRotation`.
- ApplicationFirewallRuleAn application firewall IP address or subnet rule.
- AssignInventoryItemsMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the assignInventoryItems mutation.
- AssociateFileMutationInputThe details on the individual file to be associated.
- AuthenticationFactorA user's authentication factors.
- AuthProviderAn authentication provider.
- AvailableReportAn available report.
- AvalaraTaxCategoryA tax category defined by Avalara.
- AvalaraTaxDefinitionA tax Transaction/Service pair defined by Avalara.
- BankAccountA bank account.
- BankAccountProcessorA processor or method of processing bank account payments.
- BankAccountProcessorCredentialA credential used when processing bank account payments.
- BillingDefaultDefault billing settings that are applied to some accounts on creation.
- BillingServiceThe service items and overrides for linked billing defaults.
- BillingSettingBilling configuration settings.
- CableModemProvisionerA cable modem provisioner.
- CableModemProvisionerCredentialA cable modem provisioner credential.
- CalendarIcalAn iCalendar calendar.
- CalixCloudAuditA Calix Cloud audit record.
- CalixCloudSettingA Calix Cloud setting.
- CalixIntegrationA configuration for a specific Calix SMx endpoint.
- CallDetailRecordA call detail record (CDR).
- CallDetailRecordImportAn import of call detail records (CDRs).
- CallDetailRecordImportRecipeA recipe for importing call detail records (CDRs).
- CallLogA call log.
- CannedReplyA canned reply.
- CannedReplyCategoryA canned reply category.
- CompanyA company you do business as.
- CompanyDepartmentA department in a company.
- CompleteJobMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the completeJob mutation.
- CompleteTaskMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the completeTask mutation.
- ContactA contact person.
- ContractA contract.
- ContractTemplateA contract template.
- CoreCreditCardA Sonar credit card.
- CorePaymentA Sonar payment.
- CreateAccountCalixServiceDetailMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createAccountCalixServiceDetail mutation.
- CreateAccountStatusMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createAccountStatus mutation.
- CreateAchBatchMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createAchBatch mutation.
- CreateAdjustmentServiceMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createAdjustmentService mutation.
- CreateAdtranMosaicSettingMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createAdtranMosaicSetting mutation.
- CreateAlertingRotationMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createAlertingRotation mutation.
- CreateAvalaraTaxDefinitionMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createAvalaraTaxDefinition mutation.
- CreateBankAccountMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createBankAccount mutation.
- CreateBankAccountPaymentMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createBankAccountPayment mutation.
- CreateBankAccountProcessorMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createBankAccountProcessor mutation.
- CreateBillingDefaultLinkedInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createBillingDefault mutation.
- CreateBillingDefaultMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createBillingDefault mutation.
- CreateCableModemProvisionerMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createCableModemProvisioner mutation.
- CreateCalendarIcalMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createCalendarIcal mutation.
- CreateCalixCloudSettingMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createCalixCloudSetting mutation.
- CreateCalixIntegrationMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createCalixIntegration mutation.
- CreateCompanyMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createCompany mutation.
- CreateContactMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createContact mutation.
- CreateContactPhoneNumberMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the mutation.
- CreateCorePaymentMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createCorePayment mutation.
- CreateCreditCardMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createCreditCard mutation.
- CreateCreditCardPaymentMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createCreditCardPayment mutation.
- CreateCreditCardProcessorMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createCreditCardProcessor mutation.
- CreateCustomFieldMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createCustomField mutation.
- CreateDataServiceMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createDataService mutation.
- CreateDhcpServerMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createDhcpServer mutation.
- CreateEmailCategoryMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createEmailCategory mutation.
- CreateExpiringServiceMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createExpiringService mutation.
- CreateExternalMarketingProviderMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createExternalMarketingProvider mutation.
- CreateFibermapIntegrationMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createFibermapIntegration mutation.
- CreateGeoTaxZoneMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createGeoTaxZone mutation.
- CreateGpsTrackingProviderMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createGpsTrackingProvider mutation.
- CreateIdentityProviderActiveDirectoryMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createIdentityProviderActiveDirectory mutation.
- CreateIdentityProviderGoogleMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createIdentityProviderGoogle mutation.
- CreateIdentityProviderMicrosoftMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createIdentityProviderMicrosoft mutation.
- CreateIdentityProviderSamlMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createIdentityProviderSaml mutation.
- CreateInboundMailboxMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createInboundMailbox mutation.
- CreateInlineDeviceMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createInlineDevice mutation.
- CreateInventoryLocationMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createInventoryLocation mutation.
- CreateInventoryModelFieldMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createInventoryModelField mutation.
- CreateInventoryModelMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createInventoryModel mutation.
- CreateInvoiceTemplateMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createInvoiceTemplate mutation.
- CreateIpAssignmentFromDhcpReservationMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createIpAssignmentFromDhcpReservation mutation.
- CreateIpAssignmentMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createIpAssignment mutation.
- CreateJobTypeMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createJobType mutation.
- CreateLinkedAddressesMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createLinkedAddresses mutation.
- CreateLteProviderMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createLteProvider mutation.
- CreateMapOverlayMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createMapOverlay mutation.
- CreateMassEmailMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createMassEmail mutation.
- CreateMassMessageMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createMassMessage mutation.
- CreateMessageCategoryMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createMessageCategory mutation.
- CreateNetflowEndpointMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createNetflowEndpoint mutation.
- CreateNetworkMonitoringGraphMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createNetworkMonitoringGraph mutation.
- CreateNetworkMonitoringTemplateMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createNetworkMonitoringTemplate mutation.
- CreateOneTimeServiceMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createOneTimeService mutation.
- CreateOrderGroupMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createOrderGroup mutation.
- CreateOverageServiceMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createOverageService mutation.
- CreatePackageMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createPackage mutation.
- CreatePaymentMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createPayment mutation.
- CreatePayPalCredentialMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createPayPalCredential mutation.
- CreatePhoneNumberMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the mutation.
- CreatePhoneNumberTypeMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createPhoneNumberType mutation.
- CreatePollerMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createPoller mutation.
- CreatePrimaryContactMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the Contact mutation.
- CreatePrintedInvoiceBatchMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createPrintedInvoiceBatch mutation.
- CreatePurchaseOrderMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createPurchaseOrder mutation.
- CreateRadiusGroupMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createRadiusGroup mutation.
- CreateRadiusServerMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createRadiusServer mutation.
- CreateRecurringServiceMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createRecurringService mutation.
- CreateScheduleAvailabilityDayTimeMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createScheduleAvailabilityDayTime mutation.
- CreateScheduleAvailabilityMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createScheduleAvailability mutation.
- CreateScheduleBlockerMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createScheduleBlocker mutation.
- CreateScheduledEventMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createScheduledEvent mutation.
- CreateSearchFilterMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createSearchFilter mutation.
- CreateServiceableAddressMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createServiceableAddress mutation.
- CreateSignatureMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createSignature mutation.
- CreateSnmpOidMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createSnmpOid mutation.
- CreateStoredViewMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createStoredView mutation.
- CreateSystemBackupDestinationMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createSystemBackupDestination mutation.
- CreateTaxProviderMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createTaxProvider mutation.
- CreateTicketCategoryMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createTicketCategory mutation.
- CreateTicketGroupMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createTicketGroup mutation.
- CreateTicketReplyMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createTicketReply mutation.
- CreateTokenizedBankAccountMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createTokenizedBankAccount mutation.
- CreateTokenizedCreditCardMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createTokenizedCreditCard mutation.
- CreateTriggeredEmailMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createTriggeredEmail mutation.
- CreateTriggeredMessageMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createTriggeredMessage mutation.
- CreateUsageBasedBillingPolicyMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createUsageBasedBillingPolicy mutation.
- CreateUserMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createUser mutation.
- CreateVehicleMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createVehicle mutation.
- CreateVendorItemMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createVendorItem mutation.
- CreateVendorMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createVendor mutation.
- CreateVoiceServiceGenericParameterMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createVoiceServiceGenericParameter mutation.
- CreateVoiceServiceMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createVoiceService mutation.
- CreateWebhookEndpointMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createWebhookEndpoint mutation.
- CredentialValidationResponsetypes.credential_validation_response
- CreditThe application of a `Discount` or `Payment` against an `Invoice`.
- CreditCardA credit card.
- CreditCardProcessorA company that processes `CreditCard` transactions.
- CreditCardProcessorCredentialCredentials for a `CreditCardProcessor`.
- CustomFieldA user defined field.
- CustomFieldDataData entered into a `CustomField`.
- CustomLinkA user defined link.
- DailyAggregateValueAn aggregated value calculated for a given date.
- DataServiceDetailDetails regarding a specific data `Service`.
- DataUsageHistoryA data usage history entry.
- DataUsageTopOffA data usage top off.
- DebitA debit.
- DeleteAccountServiceMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the deleteAccountService mutation.
- DeleteReversedPaymentMutationInputProvides request options when deleting a reversed payment.
- DeleteVoiceServiceGenericParameterMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the deleteVoiceServiceGenericParameter mutation.
- DelinquencyExclusionA period of time when invoices are not evaluated for delinquency.
- DepartmentA department.
- DeploymentTypeThe mode that an inventory item is deployed in.
- DepositSlipA deposit slip.
- DeviceInterfaceMappingThe interfaces on a device.
- DhcpServerA DHCP server.
- DhcpServerCredentialA credential for a `DhcpServer`.
- DhcpServerIdentifierA specific identifier for a DHCP server.
- DidA direct inward dial (DID).
- DidAssignmentA direct inward dial (DID) assignment.
- DidAssignmentHistoryA historical record of a direct inward dial (DID) assignment.
- DidImportRecipeA recipe for importing DIDs.
- DisbursementA disbursement.
- DisbursementDetailA disbursement detail.
- DisconnectAccountMutationInputDisconnect an account.
- DisconnectionLogThe `Account` disconnections log.
- DiscountA discount.
- DisputeA dispute.
- DriveTimeResulttypes.drive_time_result
- EmailAn email.
- EmailCategoryA categorization of an `Email` by type.
- EmailClickA single click for a sent email.
- EmailDomainAn email domain.
- EmailLocationThe location of a single opened or clicked email.
- EmailMessageAn email message.
- EmailMessageContentThe localized content of an `EmailMessage`.
- EmailOpenA single open for a sent email.
- EpcAn LTE EPC.
- ExpiringServiceDetailDetails regarding a specific expiring `Service`.
- ExternalMarketingProviderA `ExternalMarketingProviderType` for `ExternalMarketingProvider` 3rd party integration.
- ExternalMarketingProviderCredentialThe `ExternalMarketingProvider` credentials for integration.
- FccForm477ReportA generated FCC Form 477 report.
- FibermapIntegrationFiberMap integration.
- FibermapPlanFiberMap plan.
- FibermapServiceLocationFiberMap service location.
- FileA file.
- FractionalDebitA fractional debit, stored to accurately calculate multi month billing.
- FractionalTaxTransactionA fractional tax transaction, stored to accurately calculate multi month billing.
- GeneralLedgerCodeA general ledger code.
- GenericInventoryAssigneeA generic assignee for inventory items.
- GenericInventoryItemA generic inventory item.
- GenericInventoryItemActionLogA log of an action taken against a set of generic inventory items.
- GeofenceA geographical restriction.
- GeoTaxZoneA geographical tax zone.
- GlobalInventoryModelMinMaxDefines the minimum and maximum of an inventory level for all locations per inventory model.
- GpsTrackingProviderA `GpsTrackingProvider`.
- GpsTrackingProviderCredential`GpsTrackingProvider` credentials.
- HandwrittenSignatureThe signature on a contract.
- IdentityProviderAn identity provider.
- IdentityProviderActiveDirectoryDetailDetails regarding an ActiveDirectory `IdentityProvider`.
- IdentityProviderGoogleDetailDetails regarding a Google `IdentityProvider`.
- IdentityProviderMicrosoftDetailDetails regarding a Microsoft `IdentityProvider`.
- IdentityProviderSamlDetailDetails regarding a SAML `IdentityProvider`.
- ImportAn import.
- InboundMailboxAn inbound mailbox.
- InlineDeviceA device that sits inline with customer traffic to impose network policy.
- InlineDeviceCredentialAn inline device credential.
- InstanceManagementRequestRequests from Sonar staff to access your Sonar instance.
- InstanceServiceFundAutoPaytypes.instance_service_fund_auto_pay
- InstanceServiceFundstypes.instance_service_funds
- IntegrationFieldMappingAn entity which maps an inventory model field to a vendor specific integration field type (ie serial number)
- IntegrationServiceMappingAn entity which maps a service to a vendor specific service name
- InternalLocationA location inside an `InventoryLocation` (e.g. a shelf or a room.)
- InventoryItemAn inventory item.
- InventoryItemEventA tracked event that has occurred for an `InventoryItem`.
- InventoryLocationA location that inventory is stored in.
- InventoryModelA type of item stored in inventory.
- InventoryModelCategoryA category of item stored in inventory.
- InventoryModelFieldA field on an inventory model.
- InventoryModelFieldDataData contained within an inventory item field.
- InventoryModelMinMaxDefines the minimum and maximum of an inventory level per location per inventory model.
- InvoiceAn invoice.
- InvoiceAttachmentA PDF to attach to invoices.
- InvoiceMessageA message that is appended to specific invoices.
- InvoiceTemplateA template for generating invoices.
- InvoiceTemplateVersionA version of a template for generating invoices, preserved for historical purposes.
- IpAssignmentAn IP address assignment.
- IpAssignmentHistoryA historical record of an IP assignment.
- IpPoolAn IP pool, used for single address assignments (e.g. DHCP, PPPoE.)
- JobA job, typically in the field.
- JobCheckInThe record of a check in to a `Job`.
- JobServiceA `Service` associated with a `Job`.
- JobTypeThe type of a `Job`.
- LinkTowercoverageSubmissionToServiceableAddressMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the linkTowercoverageSubmissionToServiceableAddress mutation.
- LocalPrefixA local prefix for a voice service.
- LogA log entry.
- LookerExploreLicenseA report builder license.
- LookerViewLicenseA report viewer license.
- LteProviderA provider of LTE provisioning.
- LteProviderCredentialCredentials for an `LteProvider`.
- ManufacturerA manufacturer of an item stored in inventory.
- MapOverlayMap Overlay.
- MassEmailA mass email communication.
- MeYou!
- MessageCategoryA categorization of a message by type.
- MfaAdminSettingThe multi-factor authentication admin settings
- MonthlyBillingCompletionA record of a monthly billing cycle.
- Mutationnull
- NetflowAllowedSubnetA subnet allowed to send data to a Netflow endpoint.
- NetflowEndpointA Netflow endpoint.
- NetflowOnPremiseA Netflow on premise record.
- NetflowWhitelistA whitelisted subnet for a Netflow endpoint.
- NetworkMonitoringGraphA `NetworkMonitoringGraph`.
- NetworkMonitoringTemplateA `NetworkMonitoringTemplate`.
- NetworkSiteA network site.
- NetworkSiteServiceableAddressListNetwork site serviceable address list.
- NonInventoryItemAn item purchasable from vendors that does not have an `Inventory Model` associated with it
- NoteA note.
- NotificationA `Notification`.
- NotificationSettingA user's notification setting.
- OrderGroupAn order group.
- OrderGroupUserThe relationship between an order group and a user.
- OverageServiceDetailDetails regarding a specific overage `Service`.
- PackageA collection of `Service`s.
- PackageServiceThe relationship between a `Package` and a `Service`.
- PasswordPolicyA password policy that defines password requirements.
- PaymentA payment.
- PayPalCredentialPaypal credentials for external payments.
- PersonalAccessTokenAn access token for the API.
- PhoneNumberA phone number.
- PhoneNumberTypeA phone number type (e.g. mobile, home, work.)
- PollerA `Poller`.
- PollerSettingPoller configuration settings.
- PreseemPreseem integration.
- PrintedInvoiceBatchA single PDF containing multiple invoices for printing.
- PrintToMailBatchA batch of invoices to mail and print.
- PrintToMailOrderThe print to mail order.
- PrintToMailOrderErrorAn error associated with the print to mail order.
- PrintToMailSettingPrint to mail configuration settings.
- PurchaseOrderA purchase order for items from a third party vendor.
- PurchaseOrderItemA line item on a purchase order.
- Querynull
- RadiusAccountA RADIUS account.
- RadiusGroupA RADIUS group.
- RadiusGroupReplyAttributeA RADIUS group reply attribute.
- RadiusServerA RADIUS server.
- RadiusServerCredentialA RADIUS server credential.
- RadiusSessionHistoryThe history of a RADIUS session.
- RateCenterA rate center.
- RecentItemA recently viewed entity.
- RecurringServiceDetailDetails regarding a specific recurring `Service`.
- RefundedPaymentA record of a refund applied to a `Payment`.
- ReindexModelMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the reindexModel mutation.
- ReversedPaymentA record a `Payment` reversal.
- ReverseRelationFilterThis filter type allows you to filter the root entity by a relation. For example, you could search for all `Account`s that have an `Address` with a specific city.
- RoleA role defines the permission set that a user has.
- SavedMessageCategorySaved message category.
- ScheduleAddressThe geographical point that a technician starts or ends their day at.
- ScheduleAvailabilityAvailability for `Job`s to be scheduled.
- ScheduleAvailabilityDayTimeA day and time associated with a `ScheduleAvailability`.
- ScheduleBlockerAn event that blocks off part of a calendar otherwise availability due to `ScheduleAvailability`.
- ScheduleBlockerDayTimeA day and time associated with a `ScheduleBlocker`.
- ScheduleBlockerOverrideAn override to a particular day and time a `ScheduleBlocker` would otherwise cover.
- ScheduledEventAn `Account` event that is run at a specific time.
- ScheduledEventAccountCalixServiceDetailThe `AccountCalixServiceDetail` records used to configure the Calix integrations when a `ScheduledEvent` is executed.
- ScheduledEventAccountVoiceServiceDetailThe `AccountVoiceServiceDetail` records used to configure a voice service when a `ScheduledEvent` is executed.
- ScheduleJobMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the scheduleManyJobsAndScheduleBlockerOverrides mutation.
- ScheduleTimeOffTime off that removes availability from a `ScheduleAvailability`.
- SearchBooleanFieldtypes.search_boolean_field
- SearchFilterA user-defined search filter that applies to a specific type of entity.
- SearchIpAddressFieldUsed in the `Search` object. Allows you to search against IP address fields.
- SearchStringFieldUsed in the `Search` object. Allows you to search against string fields.
- SendgridDynamicTemplateExternalReferenceAn external reference to a dynamic template at SendGrid.
- SendgridStatusThe status of Sendgrid.
- ServiceA service.
- ServiceableAddressAccountAssignmentFutureAn expected change of serviceable address account assignment.
- ServiceableAddressAccountAssignmentHistoryA `ServiceableAddressAccountAssignmentHistory` for accounts and addresses.
- ServiceMetadataFields that store metadata about individual instances of `Service`s.
- ServiceMetadataValueThe value of a `ServiceMetadata` field, as it relates to a specific `Service` on a specific `Account`.
- ServiceTaxThe relationship between a `Service` and a `Tax`.
- ServiceTaxDefinitionThe relationship between a `Service` and a `TaxDefinition`.
- SetActiveStoredViewMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the setActiveStoredView mutation.
- SignatureA signature.
- SmsMessageAn SMS message.
- SmsMessageContentAn SMS message content.
- SmsOutboundMessageAn SMS outbound message.
- SmsSettingSMS configuration settings.
- SmtpEventA single SMTP event for an email.
- SnmpOidAn `SnmpOid`.
- SnmpOidThresholdAn `SnmpOidThreshold`.
- SnmpOidThresholdViolationAn `SnmpOidThresholdViolation`.
- SnmpOverrideAn `SnmpOverride`.
- StoredFilterA filter applied in a `StoredView`.
- StoredGroupA group of filters in a `StoredView`.
- StoredViewA stored view.
- StoredViewUserA `StoredView` associated with a `User`.
- SubnetAn IPv4/IPv6 subnet.
- SubscriptionA subscription to notifications for an entity.
- SubscriptionMutationInputAllows subscribing to notifications for an entity.
- SuccessResponseReturned when the result of a mutation is only true or false, and there is no other data to return. The `message` property can sometimes contain a description of the failure, if `success` is false.
- SuccessResponseWithIdReturned when the result of a mutation is not consistent. The `message` property can sometimes contain a description of the failure, if `success` is false. The id may contain the model created if `success` is true.
- SupernetThe largest example of a unique subnet on your network. A supernet contains many subnets. An example of a supernet is
- SystemBackupA backup of your Sonar instance's data.
- SystemBackupDestinationA configured destination to export system backups to.
- SystemBackupDestinationCredentialA credential used to authenticate against configured destinations to export system backups to.
- SystemBackupExportA log of a system backup export attempt.
- SystemBackupSettingThe settings for system backups in your Sonar instance.
- SystemSettingSystem configuration settings.
- TaskA task.
- TaskTemplateA `task template`.
- TaskTemplateItemA `task template item`.
- TaxA tax.
- TaxExemptionA tax exemption.
- TaxOverrideAn override to the default taxation rate.
- TaxProviderA tax provider.
- TaxProviderCredentialCredentials for a `TaxProvider`.
- TaxTransactionA tax transaction.
- TicketA ticket.
- TicketCategoryA ticket category.
- TicketCommentA comment on a `Ticket`.
- TicketGroupA ticket group.
- TicketingSettingTicketing configuration settings.
- TicketRecipientA ticket recipient.
- TicketReplyA reply on a `Ticket`.
- ToggleAllNotificationsMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the toggleAllNotifications mutation.
- ToggleNotificationsMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the toggleNotifications mutation.
- TowercoverageConfigurationTowerCoverage integration.
- TowercoverageSubmissionA TowerCoverage submission.
- Transactiontypes.transaction
- TriggeredEmailAn `Email` that is sent when a particular event occurs.
- TriggeredMessageA message that is sent when a specific event occurs.
- UninventoriedMacAddressA MAC address that is not recorded in the inventory system.
- UpdateAccountAdtranMosaicServiceDetailMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateAccountAdtranMosaicServiceDetail mutation.
- UpdateAccountBillingParameterMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateAccountBillingParameter mutation.
- UpdateAccountCalixServiceDetailMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateAccountCalixServiceDetail mutation.
- UpdateAccountMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateAccount mutation.
- UpdateAccountServiceMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateAccountService mutation.
- UpdateAccountStatusMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateAccountStatus mutation.
- UpdateAccountTypeMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateAccountType mutation.
- UpdateAccountVoiceServiceDetailMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateAccountVoiceServiceDetail mutation.
- UpdateAdjustmentServiceMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateAdjustmentService mutation.
- UpdateAdtranMosaicAuditMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateAdtranMosaicAudit mutation.
- UpdateAdtranMosaicSettingMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateAdtranMosaicSetting mutation.
- UpdateAlertingRotationMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateAlertingRotation mutation.
- UpdateAuthProviderMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateAuthProvider mutation.
- UpdateAvalaraTaxDefinitionMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateAvalaraTaxDefinition mutation.
- UpdateBankAccountMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateBankAccount mutation.
- UpdateBankAccountProcessorMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateBankAccountProcessor mutation.
- UpdateBillingDefaultLinkedInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateBillingDefault mutation.
- UpdateBillingDefaultMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateBillingDefault mutation.
- UpdateBillingSettingsMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateBillingSettings mutation.
- UpdateCableModemProvisionerMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateCableModemProvisioner mutation.
- UpdateCalendarIcalMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateCalendarIcal mutation.
- UpdateCalendarSystemSettingsMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateCalendarSystemSettings mutation.
- UpdateCalixCloudSettingMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateCalixCloudSetting mutation.
- UpdateCalixIntegrationMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateCalixIntegration mutation.
- UpdateCompanyMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateCompany mutation.
- UpdateContactMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateContact mutation.
- UpdateContractMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateContract mutation.
- UpdateContractTemplateMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateContractTemplate mutation.
- UpdateCreditCardMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateCreditCard mutation.
- UpdateCreditCardProcessorMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateCreditCardProcessor mutation.
- UpdateCustomFieldMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateCustomField mutation.
- UpdateCustomLinkMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateCustomLink mutation.
- UpdateDataServiceMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateDataService mutation.
- UpdateDebitMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateDebit mutation.
- UpdateDelinquencyExclusionMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateDelinquencyExclusion mutation.
- UpdateDeploymentTypeMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateDeploymentType mutation.
- UpdateDepositSlipMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateDepositSlip mutation.
- UpdateDhcpServerMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateDhcpServer mutation.
- UpdateDidAssignmentMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateDidAssignment mutation.
- UpdateDiscountMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateDiscount mutation.
- UpdateEmailCategoryMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateEmailCategory mutation.
- UpdateEmailMessageContentMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateEmailMessageContent mutation.
- UpdateEmailMessageMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateEmailMessage mutation.
- UpdateExpiringServiceMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateExpiringService mutation.
- UpdateExternalMarketingProviderMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateExternalMarketingProvider mutation.
- UpdateFibermapIntegrationMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateFibermapIntegration mutation.
- UpdateFibermapPlanMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateFibermapPlan mutation.
- UpdateFibermapServiceLocationMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateFibermapServiceLocation mutation.
- UpdateFileMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateFile mutation.
- UpdateGeoTaxZoneMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateGeoTaxZone mutation.
- UpdateGlobalInventoryModelMinMaxMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateGlobalInventoryModelMinMax mutation.
- UpdateGpsTrackingProviderMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateGpsTrackingProvider mutation.
- UpdateIdentityProviderActiveDirectoryMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateIdentityProviderActiveDirectory mutation.
- UpdateIdentityProviderGoogleMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateIdentityProviderGoogle mutation.
- UpdateIdentityProviderMicrosoftMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateIdentityProviderMicrosoft mutation.
- UpdateIdentityProviderSamlMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateIdentityProviderSaml mutation.
- UpdateInboundMailboxMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateInboundMailbox mutation.
- UpdateInlineDeviceMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateInlineDevice mutation.
- UpdateInstanceServiceFundAutoPayMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateInstanceServiceFundAutoPay mutation.
- UpdateInventoryItemFieldMutationInputInventory model field data information when updating inventory item fields.
- UpdateInventoryItemsMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateInventoryItems mutation.
- UpdateInventoryItemStatusMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateInventoryItemStatus mutation.
- UpdateInventoryLocationMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateInventoryLocation mutation.
- UpdateInventoryModelCategoryMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateInventoryModelCategory mutation.
- UpdateInventoryModelFieldMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateInventoryModelField mutation.
- UpdateInventoryModelMinMaxMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateInventoryModelMinMax mutation.
- UpdateInventoryModelMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateInventoryModel mutation.
- UpdateInvoiceAttachmentMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateInvoiceAttachment mutation.
- UpdateInvoiceMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateInvoice mutation.
- UpdateInvoiceTemplateMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateInvoiceTemplate mutation.
- UpdateIpAssignmentMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateIpAssignment mutation.
- UpdateIpPoolMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateIpPool mutation.
- UpdateJobMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateJob mutation.
- UpdateJobTypeMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateJobType mutation.
- UpdateLookerExploreLicenseMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateLookerExploreLicense mutation.
- UpdateLookerViewLicenseMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateLookerViewLicense mutation.
- UpdateLteProviderMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateLteProvider mutation.
- UpdateMailingAddressMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateMailingAddress mutation.
- UpdateMapOverlayMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateMapOverlay mutation.
- UpdateMeMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateMe mutation.
- UpdateMessageCategoryMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateMessageCategory mutation.
- UpdateMfaAdminSettingsMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateMfaAdminSettings mutation.
- UpdateNetflowEndpointMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateNetflowEndpoint mutation.
- UpdateNetflowOnPremiseMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateNetflowOnPremise mutation.
- UpdateNetworkMonitoringGraphMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateNetworkMonitoringGraph mutation.
- UpdateNetworkMonitoringTemplateMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateNetworkMonitoringTemplate mutation.
- UpdateNonInventoryItemMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateNonInventoryItem mutation.
- UpdateOneTimeServiceMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateOneTimeService mutation.
- UpdateOrCreateAddressMutationInputThe fields necessary to update or create an address.
- UpdateOrderGroupMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateOrderGroup mutation.
- UpdateOverageServiceMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateOverageService mutation.
- UpdatePackageMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updatePackage mutation.
- UpdatePasswordPolicyMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updatePasswordPolicy mutation.
- UpdatePaymentMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updatePayment mutation.
- UpdatePayPalCredentialInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updatePayPalCredential mutation.
- UpdatePhoneNumberMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updatePhoneNumber mutation.
- UpdatePhoneNumberTypeMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updatePhoneNumberType mutation.
- UpdatePollerMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updatePoller mutation.
- UpdatePreseemMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updatePreseem mutation.
- UpdatePrintToMailOrderErrorMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updatePrintToMailOrderError mutation.
- UpdatePrintToMailSettingsMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updatePrintToMailSettings mutation.
- UpdatePurchaseOrderMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updatePurchaseOrder mutation.
- UpdatePurchaseOrderOrderItemsMutationInputAdd items to a new purchase order.
- UpdateRadiusAccountMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateRadiusAccount mutation.
- UpdateRadiusGroupMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateRadiusGroup mutation.
- UpdateRadiusServerMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateRadiusServer mutation.
- UpdateRecurringServiceMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateRecurringService mutation.
- UpdateScheduleAvailabilityDayTimeMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateScheduleAvailabilityDayTime mutation.
- UpdateScheduleAvailabilityMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateScheduleAvailability mutation.
- UpdateScheduleBlockerMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateScheduleBlocker mutation.
- UpdateScheduledEventAccountVoiceServiceDetailMutationInputThe fields necessary to update an account voice service detail on a scheduled event.
- UpdateScheduledEventMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateScheduledEvent mutation.
- UpdateSearchFilterMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateSearchFilter mutation.
- UpdateServiceableAddressAccountAssignmentFutureMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateServiceableAddressAccountAssignmentFuture mutation.
- UpdateServiceableAddressMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateServiceableAddress mutation.
- UpdateSignatureMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateSignature mutation.
- UpdateSmsSettingsMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateSmsSettings mutation.
- UpdateSnmpOidMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateSnmpOid mutation.
- UpdateSnmpOverrideMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateSnmpOverride mutation.
- UpdateStoredViewMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateStoredView mutation.
- UpdateSubnetMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateSubnet mutation.
- UpdateSupernetMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateSupernet mutation.
- UpdateSystemBackupDestinationMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateSystemBackupDestination mutation.
- UpdateSystemBackupSettingsMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateSystemBackupSettings mutation.
- UpdateSystemSettingsMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateSystemSettings mutation.
- UpdateTaskMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateTask mutation.
- UpdateTaxProviderMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateTaxProvider mutation.
- UpdateTicketCategoryMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateTicketCategory mutation.
- UpdateTicketGroupMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateTicketGroup mutation.
- UpdateTicketingSettingsMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateTicketingSettings mutation.
- UpdateTicketMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateTicket mutation.
- UpdateTowercoverageConfigurationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateTowercoverageConfiguration mutation.
- UpdateTowercoverageSubmissionMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateTowercoverageSubmission mutation.
- UpdateTriggeredEmailMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateTriggeredEmail mutation.
- UpdateTriggeredMessageMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateTriggeredMessage mutation.
- UpdateUsageBasedBillingPolicyMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateUsageBasedBillingPolicy mutation.
- UpdateUserMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateUser mutation.
- UpdateVehicleMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateVehicle mutation.
- UpdateVendorItemMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateVendorItem mutation.
- UpdateVendorMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateVendor mutation.
- UpdateVoiceServiceGenericParameterMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateVoiceServiceGenericParameter mutation.
- UpdateVoiceServiceMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateVoiceService mutation.
- UpdateWebhookEndpointMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateWebhookEndpoint mutation.
- UsageBasedBillingPolicyA usage based billing policy.
- UsageBasedBillingPolicyFreePeriodA period of free time in a `UsageBasedBillingPolicy`.
- UserA user that can login to Sonar.
- UserPreferencenull
- VehicleA vehicle.
- VehicleLocationHistoryA history of where the vehicle has travelled.
- VendorA third party vendor of inventory models.
- VendorItemAn item that can be purchased from a particular vendor.
- VoiceProviderA `VoiceProvider`.
- VoiceProviderRateA voice provider rate.
- VoiceProviderRateImportAn import of voice provider rates.
- VoiceProviderRateImportRecipeA recipe for importing voice provider rates.
- VoiceServiceDetailDetails regarding a specific voice `Service`.
- VoiceServiceGenericParameterA configurable attribute for a voice service.
- VoiceServiceGenericParameterMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createVoiceServiceGenericParameter mutation.
- VoiceServiceGenericParameterTaxThe relationship between a `VoiceServiceGenericParameter` and a `Tax`.
- VoiceServiceGenericParameterTaxDefinitionThe relationship between a `VoiceServiceGenericParameter` and a `TaxDefinition`.
- VoidedPaymentA record of a `Payment` that was voided.
- WebhookEndpointA URL to an endpoint that a webhook can be sent to.
- WebhookEndpointEventAn event on a model that can fire a webhook
- WebhookEndpointEventDispatchA webhook for a model and event that has been queued to be sent.
- WebhookEndpointEventDispatchAttemptA send attempt of a dispatched webhook for a model and event.
- WebhookTestResponseThe result of a test webhook send attempt. Contains the success state, status code, and response body.
- __DirectiveA Directive provides a way to describe alternate runtime execution and type validation behavior in a GraphQL document. In some cases, you need to provide options to alter GraphQL's execution behavior in ways field arguments will not suffice, such as conditionally including or skipping a field. Directives provide this by describing additional information to the executor.
- __EnumValueOne possible value for a given Enum. Enum values are unique values, not a placeholder for a string or numeric value. However an Enum value is returned in a JSON response as a string.
- __FieldObject and Interface types are described by a list of Fields, each of which has a name, potentially a list of arguments, and a return type.
- __TypeThe fundamental unit of any GraphQL Schema is the type. There are many kinds of types in GraphQL as represented by the `__TypeKind` enum. Depending on the kind of a type, certain fields describe information about that type. Scalar types provide no information beyond a name and description, while Enum types provide their values. Object and Interface types provide the fields they describe. Abstract types, Union and Interface, provide the Object types possible at runtime. List and NonNull types compose other types.