
An entity that can have a Note associated with it.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • enum NoteableType {
  • # An access log history on an entity.
  • AccessLog
  • # A customer account.
  • Account
  • # A tracked event that has occurred for an `Account`.
  • AccountEvent
  • # An account group.
  • AccountGroup
  • # The status of an account.
  • AccountStatus
  • # The account type.
  • AccountType
  • # A voice service configuration that links a service parameter to an account.
  • AccountVoiceServiceDetail
  • # An ACH batch file.
  • AchBatch
  • # An address list defines some criteria by which to group accounts for network
  • # policy enforcement.
  • AddressList
  • # An address status.
  • AddressStatus
  • # An alerting rotation.
  • AlertingRotation
  • # An alerting rotation day.
  • AlertingRotationDay
  • # An application firewall IP address or subnet rule.
  • ApplicationFirewallRule
  • # A tax category defined by Avalara.
  • AvalaraTaxCategory
  • # A bank account.
  • BankAccount
  • # A credential used when processing bank account payments.
  • BankAccountProcessorCredential
  • # A cable modem provisioner.
  • CableModemProvisioner
  • # A cable modem provisioner credential.
  • CableModemProvisionerCredential
  • # A Calix Cloud audit record.
  • CalixCloudAudit
  • # A Calix Cloud setting.
  • CalixCloudSetting
  • # A configuration for a specific Calix SMx endpoint.
  • CalixIntegration
  • # An import of call data records (CDRs).
  • CallDataRecordImport
  • # An import of call detail records (CDRs).
  • CallDetailRecordImport
  • # A recipe for importing call detail records (CDRs).
  • CallDetailRecordImportRecipe
  • # A canned reply.
  • CannedReply
  • # A canned reply category.
  • CannedReplyCategory
  • # A company you do business as.
  • Company
  • # A contact person.
  • Contact
  • # A contract.
  • Contract
  • # A contract template.
  • ContractTemplate
  • # A credit card.
  • CreditCard
  • # A user defined field.
  • CustomField
  • # Details regarding a specific data `Service`.
  • DataServiceDetail
  • # A data usage history entry.
  • DataUsageHistory
  • # A data usage top off.
  • DataUsageTopOff
  • # A period of time when invoices are not evaluated for delinquency.
  • DelinquencyExclusion
  • # A department.
  • Department
  • # The mode that an inventory item is deployed in.
  • DeploymentType
  • # A deposit slip.
  • DepositSlip
  • # A DHCP server.
  • DhcpServer
  • # A specific identifier for a DHCP server.
  • DhcpServerIdentifier
  • # A direct inward dial (DID).
  • Did
  • # A direct inward dial (DID) assignment.
  • DidAssignment
  • # A recipe for importing DIDs.
  • DidImportRecipe
  • # A disbursement.
  • Disbursement
  • # A disbursement detail.
  • DisbursementDetail
  • # The `Account` disconnections log.
  • DisconnectionLog
  • # A dispute.
  • Dispute
  • # A categorization of an `Email` by type.
  • EmailCategory
  • # An email domain.
  • EmailDomain
  • # An email message.
  • EmailMessage
  • # An LTE EPC.
  • Epc
  • # The `ExternalMarketingProvider` credentials for integration.
  • ExternalMarketingProviderCredential
  • # FiberMap integration.
  • FibermapIntegration
  • # FiberMap plan.
  • FibermapPlan
  • # FiberMap service location.
  • FibermapServiceLocation
  • # A fractional debit, stored to accurately calculate multi month billing.
  • FractionalDebit
  • # A fractional tax transaction, stored to accurately calculate multi month
  • # billing.
  • FractionalTaxTransaction
  • # A general ledger code.
  • GeneralLedgerCode
  • # A generic assignee for inventory items.
  • GenericInventoryAssignee
  • # A generic inventory item.
  • GenericInventoryItem
  • # A geographical tax zone.
  • GeoTaxZone
  • # A geographical restriction.
  • Geofence
  • # Defines the minimum and maximum of an inventory level for all locations per
  • # inventory model.
  • GlobalInventoryModelMinMax
  • # Details regarding an ActiveDirectory `IdentityProvider`.
  • IdentityProviderActiveDirectoryDetail
  • # Details regarding a Google `IdentityProvider`.
  • IdentityProviderGoogleDetail
  • # Details regarding a Microsoft `IdentityProvider`.
  • IdentityProviderMicrosoftDetail
  • # Details regarding a SAML `IdentityProvider`.
  • IdentityProviderSamlDetail
  • # An import.
  • Import
  • # An inbound mailbox.
  • InboundMailbox
  • # A device that sits inline with customer traffic to impose network policy.
  • InlineDevice
  • # An inline device credential.
  • InlineDeviceCredential
  • # An entity which maps an inventory model field to a vendor specific integration
  • # field type (ie serial number)
  • IntegrationFieldMapping
  • # An entity which maps a service to a vendor specific service name
  • IntegrationServiceMapping
  • # A location inside an `InventoryLocation` (e.g. a shelf or a room.)
  • InternalLocation
  • # An inventory item.
  • InventoryItem
  • # A location that inventory is stored in.
  • InventoryLocation
  • # A type of item stored in inventory.
  • InventoryModel
  • # A category of item stored in inventory.
  • InventoryModelCategory
  • # A field on an inventory model.
  • InventoryModelField
  • # Defines the minimum and maximum of an inventory level per location per inventory
  • # model.
  • InventoryModelMinMax
  • # A PDF to attach to invoices.
  • InvoiceAttachment
  • # A message that is appended to specific invoices.
  • InvoiceMessage
  • # A template for generating invoices.
  • InvoiceTemplate
  • # A version of a template for generating invoices, preserved for historical
  • # purposes.
  • InvoiceTemplateVersion
  • # An IP address assignment.
  • IpAssignment
  • # An IP pool, used for single address assignments (e.g. DHCP, PPPoE.)
  • IpPool
  • # A job, typically in the field.
  • Job
  • # The type of a `Job`.
  • JobType
  • # A local prefix for a voice service.
  • LocalPrefix
  • # A report builder license.
  • LookerExploreLicense
  • # A report viewer license.
  • LookerViewLicense
  • # A provider of LTE provisioning.
  • LteProvider
  • # Credentials for an `LteProvider`.
  • LteProviderCredential
  • # A manufacturer of an item stored in inventory.
  • Manufacturer
  • # Map Overlay.
  • MapOverlay
  • # A mass email communication.
  • MassEmail
  • # A categorization of a message by type.
  • MessageCategory
  • # A record of a monthly billing cycle.
  • MonthlyBillingCompletion
  • # A subnet allowed to send data to a Netflow endpoint.
  • NetflowAllowedSubnet
  • # A Netflow endpoint.
  • NetflowEndpoint
  • # A whitelisted subnet for a Netflow endpoint.
  • NetflowWhitelist
  • # A `NetworkMonitoringGraph`.
  • NetworkMonitoringGraph
  • # A `NetworkMonitoringTemplate`.
  • NetworkMonitoringTemplate
  • # A network site.
  • NetworkSite
  • # Network site serviceable address list.
  • NetworkSiteServiceableAddressList
  • # An item purchasable from vendors that does not have an `Inventory Model`
  • # associated with it
  • NonInventoryItem
  • # An order group.
  • OrderGroup
  • # Details regarding a specific overage `Service`.
  • OverageServiceDetail
  • # A collection of `Service`s.
  • Package
  • # Paypal credentials for external payments.
  • PayPalCredential
  • # An access token for the API.
  • PersonalAccessToken
  • # A `Poller`.
  • Poller
  • # Poller configuration settings.
  • PollerSetting
  • # Preseem integration.
  • Preseem
  • # A single PDF containing multiple invoices for printing.
  • PrintedInvoiceBatch
  • # A purchase order for items from a third party vendor.
  • PurchaseOrder
  • # A line item on a purchase order.
  • PurchaseOrderItem
  • # A RADIUS account.
  • RadiusAccount
  • # A RADIUS group.
  • RadiusGroup
  • # A RADIUS group reply attribute.
  • RadiusGroupReplyAttribute
  • # A RADIUS server.
  • RadiusServer
  • # The history of a RADIUS session.
  • RadiusSessionHistory
  • # A rate center.
  • RateCenter
  • # A record of a refund applied to a `Payment`.
  • RefundedPayment
  • # A record a `Payment` reversal.
  • ReversedPayment
  • # A role defines the permission set that a user has.
  • Role
  • # Saved message category.
  • SavedMessageCategory
  • # The geographical point that a technician starts or ends their day at.
  • ScheduleAddress
  • # Availability for `Job`s to be scheduled.
  • ScheduleAvailability
  • # An event that blocks off part of a calendar otherwise availability due to
  • # `ScheduleAvailability`.
  • ScheduleBlocker
  • # An override to a particular day and time a `ScheduleBlocker` would otherwise
  • # cover.
  • ScheduleBlockerOverride
  • # Time off that removes availability from a `ScheduleAvailability`.
  • ScheduleTimeOff
  • # The `AccountVoiceServiceDetail` records used to configure a voice service when a
  • # `ScheduledEvent` is executed.
  • ScheduledEventAccountVoiceServiceDetail
  • # A service.
  • Service
  • # A signature.
  • Signature
  • # An SMS message.
  • SmsMessage
  • # An SMS message content.
  • SmsMessageContent
  • # SMS configuration settings.
  • SmsSetting
  • # An `SnmpOid`.
  • SnmpOid
  • # An `SnmpOidThreshold`.
  • SnmpOidThreshold
  • # An `SnmpOverride`.
  • SnmpOverride
  • # A saved view.
  • StoredView
  • # An IPv4/IPv6 subnet.
  • Subnet
  • # The largest example of a unique subnet on your network. A supernet contains many
  • # subnets. An example of a supernet is
  • Supernet
  • # A backup of your Sonar instance's data.
  • SystemBackup
  • # A configured destination to export system backups to.
  • SystemBackupDestination
  • # A credential used to authenticate against configured destinations to export
  • # system backups to.
  • SystemBackupDestinationCredential
  • # A log of a system backup export attempt.
  • SystemBackupExport
  • # The settings for system backups in your Sonar instance.
  • SystemBackupSetting
  • # A tax.
  • Tax
  • # A tax exemption.
  • TaxExemption
  • # An override to the default taxation rate.
  • TaxOverride
  • # A tax provider.
  • TaxProvider
  • # Credentials for a `TaxProvider`.
  • TaxProviderCredential
  • # types.test_read_only_file_model
  • TestReadOnlyFileModel
  • # A ticket category.
  • TicketCategory
  • # A ticket group.
  • TicketGroup
  • # A ticket recipient.
  • TicketRecipient
  • # TowerCoverage integration.
  • TowercoverageConfiguration
  • # A TowerCoverage submission.
  • TowercoverageSubmission
  • # An `Email` that is sent when a particular event occurs.
  • TriggeredEmail
  • # A message that is sent when a specific event occurs.
  • TriggeredMessage
  • # A MAC address that is not recorded in the inventory system.
  • UninventoriedMacAddress
  • # A usage based billing policy.
  • UsageBasedBillingPolicy
  • # A period of free time in a `UsageBasedBillingPolicy`.
  • UsageBasedBillingPolicyFreePeriod
  • # A vehicle.
  • Vehicle
  • # A third party vendor of inventory models.
  • Vendor
  • # An item that can be purchased from a particular vendor.
  • VendorItem
  • # A `VoiceProvider`.
  • VoiceProvider
  • # An import of voice provider rates.
  • VoiceProviderRateImport
  • # A recipe for importing voice provider rates.
  • VoiceProviderRateImportRecipe
  • # Details regarding a specific voice `Service`.
  • VoiceServiceDetail
  • # A configurable attribute for a voice service.
  • VoiceServiceGenericParameter
  • # A record of a `Payment` that was voided.
  • VoidedPayment
  • # A URL to an endpoint that a webhook can be sent to.
  • WebhookEndpoint
  • # An event on a model that can fire a webhook
  • WebhookEndpointEvent
  • # A webhook for a model and event that has been queued to be sent.
  • WebhookEndpointEventDispatch
  • # A send attempt of a dispatched webhook for a model and event.
  • WebhookEndpointEventDispatchAttempt
  • }

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