The input object that defines the fields for the updateInventoryModel mutation.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input UpdateInventoryModelMutationInput {
- # Whether or not this is enabled.
- Boolean :
- # The ID of a Manufacturer.
- Int64Bit :
- # The ID of an InventoryModelCategory.
- Int64Bit :
- # An icon.
- Icon :
- # The actual model name/part number.
- String :
- # A descriptive name.
- String :
- # The TCP port that the web interface of this type of device is available on.
- Int :
- # The protocol used to access the web interface.
- Protocol :
- # A generic inventory model does not have any fields, and is used for items that
- # you don't need to track individually (for example, a box of screws, or a spool
- # of cable.)
- Boolean :
- # The type of inventory model.
- InventoryModelDeviceType :
- # If this is a SIM card for LTE provisioning, which provider this SIM is for.
- LteProviderType :
- # The ID of a `NetworkMonitoringTemplate`.
- Int64Bit :
- # Sets the default vendor to be used for purchasing this inventory model.
- Int64Bit :
- # Whether or not inventory item can be broken down into segments.
- Boolean :
- # The quantity of this inventory model.
- Int :
- # The unit of measurement for this inventory model.
- UnitOfMeasurementType :
- # A note about this entity.
- NoteMutationInput :
- # A list of file IDs to be associated with this object. These must first have been
- # uploaded to the /files endpoint and must be currently unassociated.
- AssociateFileMutationInput] : [
- # Setting this value to `true` will set `model_name` to null.
- Boolean :
- # Setting this value to `true` will set `port` to null.
- Boolean :
- # Setting this value to `true` will set `protocol` to null.
- Boolean :
- # Setting this value to `true` will set `lte_sim_type` to null.
- Boolean :
- # Setting this value to `true` will set `network_monitoring_template_id` to null.
- Boolean :
- # Setting this value to `true` will set `quantity` to null.
- Boolean :
- # Setting this value to `true` will set `unit_of_measurement` to null.
- Boolean :
- }