
The type of a Job.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type JobType implements NoteableInterface, LoggableInterface, AccessloggableInterface {
  • # The ID of the entity.
  • id: Int64Bit!
  • # An ID that uniquely identifies this entity across the whole Sonar system.
  • sonar_unique_id: ID!
  • # The date and time this entity was created.
  • created_at: Datetime!
  • # The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • updated_at: Datetime!
  • # A string that shows the version of this entity. It will be incremented whenever
  • # the entity is modified.
  • _version: String!
  • # If this is set, any `Job` using this `JobType` that is completed successfully
  • # while associated with an `Account` will change the `Account` to this
  • # `AccountStatus`.
  • account_status_id_completion: Int64Bit
  • # If this is set, any `Job` using this `JobType` that is completed unsuccessfully
  • # while associated with an `Account` will change the `Account` to this
  • # `AccountStatus`.
  • account_status_id_failure: Int64Bit
  • # Completion ticket action.
  • action_on_completion: JobTypeAction!
  • # Failure ticket action.
  • action_on_failure: JobTypeAction!
  • # Whether or not this `JobType` is valid for all `Companies`.
  • all_companies: Boolean!
  • # Whether `Job`s associated with this `JobType` should be able to be completed
  • # with incomplete tasks.
  • allow_completion_with_incomplete_tasks: Boolean!
  • # Color.
  • color: HtmlHexColor!
  • # The ID of a `ContractTemplate`.
  • contract_template_id: Int64Bit
  • # The default length for a `Job` created using this `JobType`.
  • default_length_in_minutes: Int!
  • # If this is set, any `Job` using this `JobType` that is completed successfully
  • # while associated with an `Account` will trigger the disconnection of the
  • # `Account`.
  • disconnects_account: Boolean
  • # Whether or not this is enabled.
  • enabled: Boolean!
  • # An icon.
  • icon: Icon!
  • # A descriptive name.
  • name: String!
  • # The ID of a `TaskTemplate`.
  • task_template_id: Int64Bit
  • # If this is set, any `Job` using this `JobType` that is completed successfully
  • # will create a `Ticket` and assign it to this `TicketGroup`.
  • ticket_group_id_completion: Int64Bit
  • # If this is set, any `Job` using this `JobType` that is completed unsuccessfully
  • # will create a `Ticket` and assign it to this `TicketGroup`.
  • ticket_group_id_failure: Int64Bit
  • # Ticket status on completion.
  • ticket_status_on_completion: TicketStatus!
  • # Ticket status on failure.
  • ticket_status_on_failure: TicketStatus!
  • # A service.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # amount: The amount, in the smallest currency value (e.g. cents,
  • # pence, pesos.)
  • # application: How this is applied.
  • # company_id: The ID of the company that this entity operates
  • # under.
  • # display_if_zero: If the amount for this service is zero, it
  • # will still display on invoices.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # general_ledger_code_id: The ID of a GeneralLedgerCode.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # reverse_tax_definition_id: The ID of a tax definition on a
  • # reversed transaction.
  • # tax_definition_id: The ID of a tax definition on a transaction.
  • # type: The type.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • services(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • amount: Int,
  • application: ServiceApplication,
  • company_id: Int64Bit,
  • display_if_zero: Boolean,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • general_ledger_code_id: Int64Bit,
  • name: String,
  • reverse_tax_definition_id: Int64Bit,
  • tax_definition_id: Int64Bit,
  • type: ServiceType,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ServiceConnection!
  • # A company you do business as.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # billing_communication_delay_end_local_time: The daily end time
  • # of the period during which billing communication e.g. new invoices, delinquency,
  • # etc. will not be sent.
  • # billing_communication_delay_start_local_time: The daily start
  • # time of the period during which billing communication e.g. new invoices,
  • # delinquency, etc. will not be sent.
  • # checks_payable_to: On an enabled remittance slip, who should
  • # checks be made payable to?
  • # country: A two character country code.
  • # customer_portal_url: The URL to your customer portal.
  • # default: Whether or not this entity is a default entry.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # isp_type: The ISP type of this `Company`.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # phone_number: A telephone number.
  • # primary_color: The primary color to use in Sonar.
  • # secondary_color: The secondary color to use in Sonar.
  • # show_remittance_slip: Whether or not to include a detachable
  • # remittance slip on the invoice.
  • # tax_identification: A tax identification number. Should only be
  • # entered if you are required to share some type of tax identification information
  • # with your customers.
  • # website_address: The address of the company website.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • companies(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • billing_communication_delay_end_local_time: Time,
  • billing_communication_delay_start_local_time: Time,
  • checks_payable_to: String,
  • country: Country,
  • customer_portal_url: URL,
  • default: Boolean,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • isp_type: IspType,
  • name: String,
  • phone_number: Numeric,
  • primary_color: HtmlHexColor,
  • secondary_color: HtmlHexColor,
  • show_remittance_slip: Boolean,
  • tax_identification: String,
  • website_address: URL,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): CompanyConnection!
  • # Availability for `Job`s to be scheduled.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # available: Whether this `ScheduleAvailability` creates
  • # available time, or blocks available time.
  • # geofence_id: The ID of a `Geofence`.
  • # infinite_repetitions: Whether this repeats forever or not.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # repetitions: The number of times this repeats.
  • # start_date: The start date for this `ScheduleAvailability`.
  • # weeks_between_repetitions: The number of weeks between
  • # repetitions.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • schedule_availabilities(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • available: Boolean,
  • geofence_id: Int64Bit,
  • infinite_repetitions: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • repetitions: Int,
  • start_date: Date,
  • weeks_between_repetitions: Int,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ScheduleAvailabilityConnection!
  • # The status that an `Account` will be changed to upon successful completion.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # activates_account: Whether or not this status activates the
  • # account.
  • # color: Color.
  • # icon: An icon.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • account_status_completion(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • activates_account: Boolean,
  • color: HtmlHexColor,
  • icon: Icon,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AccountStatus
  • # The status that an `Account` will be changed to upon unsuccessful completion.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # activates_account: Whether or not this status activates the
  • # account.
  • # color: Color.
  • # icon: An icon.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • account_status_failure(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • activates_account: Boolean,
  • color: HtmlHexColor,
  • icon: Icon,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AccountStatus
  • # The `TicketGroup` for a `Ticket` created upon successful completion.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # private: If a group is private, only members of the group can
  • # view emails within it.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • ticket_group_completion(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • private: Boolean,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): TicketGroup
  • # The `TicketGroup` for a `Ticket` created upon unsuccessful completion.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # private: If a group is private, only members of the group can
  • # view emails within it.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • ticket_group_failure(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • private: Boolean,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): TicketGroup
  • # A contract template.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # body: The body.
  • # company_id: The ID of the company that this entity operates
  • # under.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # term_in_months: The term in months.
  • # ticket_group_id: The ID of a `TicketGroup`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • contract_template(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • body: Text,
  • company_id: Int64Bit,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • term_in_months: Int,
  • ticket_group_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): ContractTemplate
  • # A `task template`.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • task_template(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • name: String,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): TaskTemplate
  • # A job, typically in the field.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # address_on_completion: The serviceable address where this job
  • # was completed.
  • # complete: Whether or not this is complete.
  • # completed_by_user_id: The `User` that completed this.
  • # completed_successfully: Whether this `Job` was completed
  • # successfully or not.
  • # completion_datetime: The date and time this `Job` was
  • # completed.
  • # completion_notes: Any notes entered when this `Job` was
  • # completed.
  • # job_type_id: The ID of a `JobType`.
  • # jobbable_id: The ID of the entity that this `Job` is associated
  • # with.
  • # jobbable_type: The type of entity that this `Job` is associated
  • # with.
  • # length_in_minutes: The length in minutes for this `Job`.
  • # scheduled_datetime: The date and time this `Job` is scheduled
  • # for.
  • # serviceable_address_account_assignment_future_id: The ID of the
  • # serviceable address account assignment future.
  • # skips_validation: Indicates this entity has skipped the
  • # validations which would normally apply.
  • # ticket_id: The ID of a `Ticket`.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • jobs(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • address_on_completion: String,
  • complete: Boolean,
  • completed_by_user_id: Int64Bit,
  • completed_successfully: Boolean,
  • completion_datetime: Datetime,
  • completion_notes: Text,
  • job_type_id: Int64Bit,
  • jobbable_id: Int64Bit,
  • jobbable_type: JobbableType,
  • length_in_minutes: Int,
  • scheduled_datetime: Datetime,
  • serviceable_address_account_assignment_future_id: Int64Bit,
  • skips_validation: Boolean,
  • ticket_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): JobConnection!
  • # A message that is sent when a specific event occurs.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # allow_children: Whether or not child accounts are allowed.
  • # count: The count associated with this `TriggeredMessage`. This
  • # is defined by the trigger, and could be something like a number of days, months,
  • # gigabytes, etc.
  • # email_message_id: The ID of an EmailMessage.
  • # enabled: Whether or not this is enabled.
  • # job_type_id: The ID of a `JobType`.
  • # name: A descriptive name.
  • # protected: If an item is protected, it cannot be modified or
  • # deleted.
  • # signature_id: The ID of a signature.
  • # sms_message_id: The ID of the SMS message.
  • # trigger: The trigger for this message.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • triggered_messages(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • allow_children: Boolean,
  • count: Int,
  • email_message_id: Int64Bit,
  • enabled: Boolean,
  • job_type_id: Int64Bit,
  • name: String,
  • protected: Boolean,
  • signature_id: Int64Bit,
  • sms_message_id: Int64Bit,
  • trigger: MessageTrigger,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): TriggeredMessageConnection!
  • # A note.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # message: The message.
  • # noteable_id: The ID of the entity that owns this note.
  • # noteable_type: The type of entity that owns this note.
  • # priority: The priority of this item.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • notes(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • message: Text,
  • noteable_id: Int64Bit,
  • noteable_type: NoteableType,
  • priority: NotePriority,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): NoteConnection!
  • # A log entry.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # current: Current data.
  • # legacy: Whether or not this log was transferred from a Sonar v1
  • # instance. If so, the formatting will not match current version logs.
  • # legacy_title: A title which is only populated on logs that were
  • # imported from Sonar v1.
  • # level: The severity level.
  • # loggable_id: The ID of the entity that this log is attached to.
  • # loggable_type: The type of entity that this log is attached to.
  • # logged_entity_id: The entity ID that triggered the log.
  • # logged_entity_type: The entity that triggered the log.
  • # message: The message.
  • # previous: Previous data.
  • # relation_data: Data from objects related to this change.
  • # type: The type.
  • # user_id: The ID of a User.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • logs(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • current: Text,
  • legacy: Boolean,
  • legacy_title: String,
  • level: LogLevel,
  • loggable_id: Int64Bit,
  • loggable_type: String,
  • logged_entity_id: Int64Bit,
  • logged_entity_type: String,
  • message: Text,
  • previous: Text,
  • relation_data: Text,
  • type: LogType,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): LogConnection!
  • # An access log history on an entity.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the entity.
  • # sonar_unique_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this entity
  • # across the whole Sonar system.
  • # created_at: The date and time this entity was created.
  • # updated_at: The last date and time this entity was modified.
  • # _version: A string that shows the version of this entity. It
  • # will be incremented whenever the entity is modified.
  • # access_datetime: The date and time that this entity was
  • # accessed.
  • # accessloggable_id: The ID of the entity that this access log
  • # belongs to.
  • # accessloggable_type: The entity that this access log belongs
  • # to.
  • # entity_id: The ID of the entity that this access log belongs
  • # to.
  • # entity_name: The entity that this access log belongs to.
  • # user_id: The ID of the user that accessed this entity.
  • # paginator: Provides the ability to paginate through results.
  • # sorter: Provides the ability to sort results.
  • # search: Complex search parameters.
  • # general_search: Search across all string fields with partial
  • # matching.
  • # aggregation: Provides the ability to return aggregated
  • # mathematical data about your results.
  • # reverse_relation_filters: Reverse relation filters allow you to
  • # filter the result of a relation, and use that filter to affect the returned root
  • # elements.
  • access_logs(
  • id: Int64Bit,
  • sonar_unique_id: ID,
  • created_at: Datetime,
  • updated_at: Datetime,
  • _version: String,
  • access_datetime: Datetime,
  • accessloggable_id: Int64Bit,
  • accessloggable_type: String,
  • entity_id: Int64Bit,
  • entity_name: String,
  • user_id: Int64Bit,
  • paginator: Paginator,
  • sorter: [Sorter],
  • search: [Search],
  • general_search: String,
  • aggregation: [Aggregator],
  • reverse_relation_filters: [ReverseRelationFilter]
  • ): AccessLogConnection!
  • }