Expected timeframe for payment
link GraphQL Schema definition
- enum PaymentTerm {
- # Cash on delivery
- # Cash in advance
- # Cash concentration and disbursement
- # End of month
- # Payment net 30 days
- # Payment net 60 days
- # Payment net 90 days
- }
link Require by
- CreatePurchaseOrderMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createPurchaseOrder mutation.
- CreateVendorMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createVendor mutation.
- InventoryLocationA location that inventory is stored in.
- InventoryModelA type of item stored in inventory.
- OrderGroupAn order group.
- PurchaseOrderA purchase order for items from a third party vendor.
- PurchaseOrderItemA line item on a purchase order.
- Querynull
- TaxA tax.
- UpdatePurchaseOrderMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updatePurchaseOrder mutation.
- UpdateVendorMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateVendor mutation.
- VendorA third party vendor of inventory models.
- VendorItemAn item that can be purchased from a particular vendor.