The connection wrapper around the NoteConnection
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type NoteConnection {
- # A list of the entities provided by this connection.
- Note]! : [
- # An object providing information about the page of results being displayed, as
- # well as the total amount of pages/records available.
- PageInfo! :
- # Provides the ability to return aggregated mathematical data about your results.
- Aggregation]! : [
- }
link Require by
- AccessLogAn access log history on an entity.
- AccountA customer account.
- AccountAdtranMosaicServiceDetailAn account Adtran Mosaic service detail.
- AccountEventA tracked event that has occurred for an `Account`.
- AccountGroupAn account group.
- AccountStatusThe status of an account.
- AccountTypeThe account type.
- AccountVoiceServiceDetailA voice service configuration that links a service parameter to an account.
- AchBatchAn ACH batch file.
- AddressListAn address list defines some criteria by which to group accounts for network policy enforcement.
- AddressStatusAn address status.
- AdtranMosaicAuditAn Adtran Mosaic audit record.
- AdtranMosaicSettingAn Adtran Mosaic settings record.
- AdtranMosaicWorkflowEventAn Adtran Mosaic workflow event record.
- AlertingRotationAn alerting rotation.
- AlertingRotationDayAn alerting rotation day.
- ApplicationFirewallRuleAn application firewall IP address or subnet rule.
- AvalaraTaxCategoryA tax category defined by Avalara.
- BankAccountA bank account.
- BankAccountProcessorCredentialA credential used when processing bank account payments.
- CableModemProvisionerA cable modem provisioner.
- CableModemProvisionerCredentialA cable modem provisioner credential.
- CalixCloudAuditA Calix Cloud audit record.
- CalixCloudSettingA Calix Cloud setting.
- CalixIntegrationA configuration for a specific Calix SMx endpoint.
- CallDetailRecordImportAn import of call detail records (CDRs).
- CallDetailRecordImportRecipeA recipe for importing call detail records (CDRs).
- CannedReplyA canned reply.
- CannedReplyCategoryA canned reply category.
- CompanyA company you do business as.
- ContactA contact person.
- ContractA contract.
- ContractTemplateA contract template.
- CreditCardA credit card.
- CustomFieldA user defined field.
- DataServiceDetailDetails regarding a specific data `Service`.
- DataUsageHistoryA data usage history entry.
- DataUsageTopOffA data usage top off.
- DelinquencyExclusionA period of time when invoices are not evaluated for delinquency.
- DepartmentA department.
- DeploymentTypeThe mode that an inventory item is deployed in.
- DepositSlipA deposit slip.
- DhcpServerA DHCP server.
- DhcpServerIdentifierA specific identifier for a DHCP server.
- DidA direct inward dial (DID).
- DidAssignmentA direct inward dial (DID) assignment.
- DidImportRecipeA recipe for importing DIDs.
- DisbursementA disbursement.
- DisbursementDetailA disbursement detail.
- DisconnectionLogThe `Account` disconnections log.
- DisputeA dispute.
- EmailCategoryA categorization of an `Email` by type.
- EmailDomainAn email domain.
- EmailMessageAn email message.
- EpcAn LTE EPC.
- ExternalMarketingProviderCredentialThe `ExternalMarketingProvider` credentials for integration.
- FibermapIntegrationFiberMap integration.
- FibermapPlanFiberMap plan.
- FibermapServiceLocationFiberMap service location.
- FractionalDebitA fractional debit, stored to accurately calculate multi month billing.
- FractionalTaxTransactionA fractional tax transaction, stored to accurately calculate multi month billing.
- GeneralLedgerCodeA general ledger code.
- GenericInventoryAssigneeA generic assignee for inventory items.
- GenericInventoryItemA generic inventory item.
- GeofenceA geographical restriction.
- GeoTaxZoneA geographical tax zone.
- GlobalInventoryModelMinMaxDefines the minimum and maximum of an inventory level for all locations per inventory model.
- IdentityProviderActiveDirectoryDetailDetails regarding an ActiveDirectory `IdentityProvider`.
- IdentityProviderGoogleDetailDetails regarding a Google `IdentityProvider`.
- IdentityProviderMicrosoftDetailDetails regarding a Microsoft `IdentityProvider`.
- IdentityProviderSamlDetailDetails regarding a SAML `IdentityProvider`.
- ImportAn import.
- InboundMailboxAn inbound mailbox.
- InlineDeviceA device that sits inline with customer traffic to impose network policy.
- InlineDeviceCredentialAn inline device credential.
- IntegrationFieldMappingAn entity which maps an inventory model field to a vendor specific integration field type (ie serial number)
- IntegrationServiceMappingAn entity which maps a service to a vendor specific service name
- InternalLocationA location inside an `InventoryLocation` (e.g. a shelf or a room.)
- InventoryItemAn inventory item.
- InventoryLocationA location that inventory is stored in.
- InventoryModelA type of item stored in inventory.
- InventoryModelCategoryA category of item stored in inventory.
- InventoryModelFieldA field on an inventory model.
- InventoryModelMinMaxDefines the minimum and maximum of an inventory level per location per inventory model.
- InvoiceAttachmentA PDF to attach to invoices.
- InvoiceMessageA message that is appended to specific invoices.
- InvoiceTemplateA template for generating invoices.
- InvoiceTemplateVersionA version of a template for generating invoices, preserved for historical purposes.
- IpAssignmentAn IP address assignment.
- IpPoolAn IP pool, used for single address assignments (e.g. DHCP, PPPoE.)
- JobA job, typically in the field.
- JobTypeThe type of a `Job`.
- LocalPrefixA local prefix for a voice service.
- LookerExploreLicenseA report builder license.
- LookerViewLicenseA report viewer license.
- LteProviderA provider of LTE provisioning.
- LteProviderCredentialCredentials for an `LteProvider`.
- ManufacturerA manufacturer of an item stored in inventory.
- MapOverlayMap Overlay.
- MassEmailA mass email communication.
- MessageCategoryA categorization of a message by type.
- MonthlyBillingCompletionA record of a monthly billing cycle.
- NetflowAllowedSubnetA subnet allowed to send data to a Netflow endpoint.
- NetflowEndpointA Netflow endpoint.
- NetflowWhitelistA whitelisted subnet for a Netflow endpoint.
- NetworkMonitoringGraphA `NetworkMonitoringGraph`.
- NetworkMonitoringTemplateA `NetworkMonitoringTemplate`.
- NetworkSiteA network site.
- NetworkSiteServiceableAddressListNetwork site serviceable address list.
- NonInventoryItemAn item purchasable from vendors that does not have an `Inventory Model` associated with it
- OrderGroupAn order group.
- OverageServiceDetailDetails regarding a specific overage `Service`.
- PackageA collection of `Service`s.
- PayPalCredentialPaypal credentials for external payments.
- PersonalAccessTokenAn access token for the API.
- PollerA `Poller`.
- PollerSettingPoller configuration settings.
- PreseemPreseem integration.
- PrintedInvoiceBatchA single PDF containing multiple invoices for printing.
- PurchaseOrderA purchase order for items from a third party vendor.
- PurchaseOrderItemA line item on a purchase order.
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- RadiusAccountA RADIUS account.
- RadiusGroupA RADIUS group.
- RadiusGroupReplyAttributeA RADIUS group reply attribute.
- RadiusServerA RADIUS server.
- RadiusSessionHistoryThe history of a RADIUS session.
- RateCenterA rate center.
- RefundedPaymentA record of a refund applied to a `Payment`.
- ReversedPaymentA record a `Payment` reversal.
- RoleA role defines the permission set that a user has.
- SavedMessageCategorySaved message category.
- ScheduleAddressThe geographical point that a technician starts or ends their day at.
- ScheduleAvailabilityAvailability for `Job`s to be scheduled.
- ScheduleBlockerAn event that blocks off part of a calendar otherwise availability due to `ScheduleAvailability`.
- ScheduleBlockerOverrideAn override to a particular day and time a `ScheduleBlocker` would otherwise cover.
- ScheduledEventAccountVoiceServiceDetailThe `AccountVoiceServiceDetail` records used to configure a voice service when a `ScheduledEvent` is executed.
- ScheduleTimeOffTime off that removes availability from a `ScheduleAvailability`.
- ServiceA service.
- SignatureA signature.
- SmsMessageAn SMS message.
- SmsMessageContentAn SMS message content.
- SmsSettingSMS configuration settings.
- SnmpOidAn `SnmpOid`.
- SnmpOidThresholdAn `SnmpOidThreshold`.
- SnmpOverrideAn `SnmpOverride`.
- StoredViewA saved view.
- SubnetAn IPv4/IPv6 subnet.
- SupernetThe largest example of a unique subnet on your network. A supernet contains many subnets. An example of a supernet is
- SystemBackupA backup of your Sonar instance's data.
- SystemBackupDestinationA configured destination to export system backups to.
- SystemBackupDestinationCredentialA credential used to authenticate against configured destinations to export system backups to.
- SystemBackupExportA log of a system backup export attempt.
- SystemBackupSettingThe settings for system backups in your Sonar instance.
- TaxA tax.
- TaxExemptionA tax exemption.
- TaxOverrideAn override to the default taxation rate.
- TaxProviderA tax provider.
- TaxProviderCredentialCredentials for a `TaxProvider`.
- TicketCategoryA ticket category.
- TicketGroupA ticket group.
- TicketRecipientA ticket recipient.
- TowercoverageConfigurationTowerCoverage integration.
- TowercoverageSubmissionA TowerCoverage submission.
- TriggeredEmailAn `Email` that is sent when a particular event occurs.
- TriggeredMessageA message that is sent when a specific event occurs.
- UninventoriedMacAddressA MAC address that is not recorded in the inventory system.
- UsageBasedBillingPolicyA usage based billing policy.
- UsageBasedBillingPolicyFreePeriodA period of free time in a `UsageBasedBillingPolicy`.
- UserA user that can login to Sonar.
- VehicleA vehicle.
- VendorA third party vendor of inventory models.
- VendorItemAn item that can be purchased from a particular vendor.
- VoiceProviderA `VoiceProvider`.
- VoiceProviderRateImportAn import of voice provider rates.
- VoiceProviderRateImportRecipeA recipe for importing voice provider rates.
- VoiceServiceDetailDetails regarding a specific voice `Service`.
- VoiceServiceGenericParameterA configurable attribute for a voice service.
- VoidedPaymentA record of a `Payment` that was voided.
- WebhookEndpointA URL to an endpoint that a webhook can be sent to.
- WebhookEndpointEventAn event on a model that can fire a webhook
- WebhookEndpointEventDispatchA webhook for a model and event that has been queued to be sent.
- WebhookEndpointEventDispatchAttemptA send attempt of a dispatched webhook for a model and event.