An Snmp3PrivProtocol
link GraphQL Schema definition
- enum Snmp3PrivProtocol {
- # DES
- # AES
- }
link Require by
- CreateNetworkMonitoringTemplateMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createNetworkMonitoringTemplate mutation.
- CreateSnmpOverrideMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the createSnmpOverride mutation.
- DeploymentTypeThe mode that an inventory item is deployed in.
- InventoryItemAn inventory item.
- InventoryModelA type of item stored in inventory.
- NetworkMonitoringGraphA `NetworkMonitoringGraph`.
- NetworkMonitoringTemplateA `NetworkMonitoringTemplate`.
- Querynull
- SnmpOverrideAn `SnmpOverride`.
- UpdateNetworkMonitoringTemplateMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateNetworkMonitoringTemplate mutation.
- UpdateSnmpOverrideMutationInputThe input object that defines the fields for the updateSnmpOverride mutation.