
The input object that defines the fields for the createAccountAdtranMosaicServiceDetail mutation.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input CreateAccountAdtranMosaicServiceDetailMutationInput {
  • # The ID of an AccountService.
  • account_service_id: Int64Bit!
  • # The ID of an Adtran Mosaic setting
  • adtran_mosaic_setting_id: Int64Bit!
  • # The name of the Adtran Mosaic content provider.
  • uplink_content_provider_name: String
  • # The name of the Adtran Mosaic uplink inner tag vlan.
  • uplink_inner_tag_vlan: String
  • # The name of the Adtran Mosaic uplink outer tag vlan.
  • uplink_outer_tag_vlan: String
  • # The name of the Adtran Mosaic downlink interface.
  • downlink_interface_name: String
  • # The name of the Adtran Mosaic downlink inner tag vlan.
  • downlink_inner_tag_vlan: String
  • # The name of the Adtran Mosaic downlink outer tag vlan.
  • downlink_outer_tag_vlan: String
  • # A note about this entity.
  • note: NoteMutationInput
  • }

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