
The input object that defines the fields for the createJob mutation.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input CreateJobMutationInput {
  • # The ID of a `JobType`.
  • job_type_id: Int64Bit!
  • # The ID of a `Ticket`.
  • ticket_id: Int64Bit
  • # The date and time this `Job` is scheduled for.
  • scheduled_datetime: Datetime
  • # The length in minutes for this `Job`.
  • length_in_minutes: Int
  • # The type of entity that this `Job` is associated with.
  • jobbable_type: JobbableType!
  • # The ID of the entity that this `Job` is associated with.
  • jobbable_id: Int64Bit!
  • # IDs of `User`s.
  • user_ids: [Int64Bit]
  • # The ID of the serviceable address account assignment future.
  • serviceable_address_account_assignment_future_id: Int64Bit
  • # Data to insert into custom fields.
  • custom_field_data: [CustomFieldDataMutationInput]
  • # If IDs of `CustomField` objects that are associated with this entity are
  • # provided here, they will be unset and removed. You cannot unset data where the
  • # `CustomField` property `required` is set to `true`.
  • unset_custom_field_data: [Int64Bit]
  • # A note about this entity.
  • note: NoteMutationInput
  • # A list of file IDs to be associated with this object. These must first have been
  • # uploaded to the /files endpoint and must be currently unassociated.
  • files: [AssociateFileMutationInput]
  • # The task to be performed.
  • tasks: [TaskMutationInput]
  • }

link Require by