A geo-point (lat, lon).
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar Geopoint
link Require by
- AccountA customer account.
- AccountBillingParameterParameters that define the billing settings for an `Account`.
- AccountEventA tracked event that has occurred for an `Account`.
- AccountGroupAn account group.
- AccountServiceThe relationship between an `Account` and a `Service`.
- AccountStatusThe status of an account.
- AccountTypeThe account type.
- AlertingRotationAn alerting rotation.
- BankAccountA bank account.
- CallDetailRecordA call detail record (CDR).
- CallLogA call log.
- CompanyA company you do business as.
- ContractA contract.
- CreditThe application of a `Discount` or `Payment` against an `Invoice`.
- CreditCardA credit card.
- DataUsageHistoryA data usage history entry.
- DataUsageTopOffA data usage top off.
- DebitA debit.
- DidAssignmentA direct inward dial (DID) assignment.
- DidAssignmentHistoryA historical record of a direct inward dial (DID) assignment.
- DisconnectionLogThe `Account` disconnections log.
- DiscountA discount.
- FibermapPlanFiberMap plan.
- GeoTaxZoneA geographical tax zone.
- GpsTrackingProviderA `GpsTrackingProvider`.
- InternalLocationA location inside an `InventoryLocation` (e.g. a shelf or a room.)
- InventoryLocationA location that inventory is stored in.
- InventoryModelMinMaxDefines the minimum and maximum of an inventory level per location per inventory model.
- InvoiceAn invoice.
- MapOverlayMap Overlay.
- MonthlyBillingCompletionA record of a monthly billing cycle.
- NetworkSiteA network site.
- NetworkSiteServiceableAddressListNetwork site serviceable address list.
- PaymentA payment.
- PurchaseOrderA purchase order for items from a third party vendor.
- Querynull
- RadiusAccountA RADIUS account.
- ScheduledEventAn `Account` event that is run at a specific time.
- ServiceableAddressAccountAssignmentFutureAn expected change of serviceable address account assignment.
- ServiceableAddressAccountAssignmentHistoryA `ServiceableAddressAccountAssignmentHistory` for accounts and addresses.
- TaxExemptionA tax exemption.
- TaxOverrideAn override to the default taxation rate.
- TicketA ticket.
- TriggeredEmailAn `Email` that is sent when a particular event occurs.
- TriggeredMessageA message that is sent when a specific event occurs.
- UninventoriedMacAddressA MAC address that is not recorded in the inventory system.
- UserA user that can login to Sonar.
- VehicleA vehicle.
- VehicleLocationHistoryA history of where the vehicle has travelled.