
The input object that defines the fields for the updateBillingSettings mutation.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input UpdateBillingSettingsMutationInput {
  • # Whether or not service addition and removal is prorated by default.
  • prorate_services: Boolean
  • # Whether or not service quantity changes are prorated by default.
  • prorate_service_quantity: Boolean
  • # Whether or not changing the status from an active to inactive status is prorated
  • # by default.
  • prorate_account_status_change: Boolean
  • # Whether or not changing an account bill day is prorated by default.
  • prorate_billing_day_change: Boolean
  • # Whether or not to round prorated transactions to the nearest major unit (e.g. to
  • # the nearest dollar, euro, pound, etc.)
  • round_prorated_amounts: Boolean
  • # The date that the accounting period was closed.
  • accounting_period_close_date: Date
  • # How often the accounting period automatically closes.
  • accounting_period_auto_close: AccountingPeriodCloseOption
  • # Monday.
  • delinquency_check_day_monday: Boolean
  • # Tuesday.
  • delinquency_check_day_tuesday: Boolean
  • # Wednesday.
  • delinquency_check_day_wednesday: Boolean
  • # Thursday.
  • delinquency_check_day_thursday: Boolean
  • # Friday.
  • delinquency_check_day_friday: Boolean
  • # Saturday.
  • delinquency_check_day_saturday: Boolean
  • # Sunday.
  • delinquency_check_day_sunday: Boolean
  • # The smallest credit card payment amount allowed.
  • minimum_credit_card_payment: Int
  • # The smallest bank account payment amount allowed.
  • minimum_bank_account_payment: Int
  • # The minimum account an invoice must be delinquent for before being flagged
  • # delinquent.
  • minimum_amount_due_for_delinquency: Int
  • # Whether or not to delete expired credit cards from Sonar.
  • delete_expired_credit_cards: Boolean
  • # Whether the automatic payment process should just run the invoice amount, or the
  • # entire amount due on the account.
  • autopay_runs_entire_amount_due: Boolean
  • # The number of times to attempt a credit card automatic payment.
  • autopay_credit_card_attempts: Int
  • # The number of days between retries for credit card automatic payments.
  • autopay_credit_card_retry_interval_in_days: Int
  • # The number of times to attempt a bank account automatic payment.
  • autopay_bank_account_attempts: Int
  • # The number of days between retries for bank account automatic payments.
  • autopay_bank_account_retry_interval_in_days: Int
  • # Autopay the initial invoice.
  • autopay_initial_invoice: Boolean
  • # The number of days between invoice date and the Autopay date.
  • autopay_initial_invoice_days: Int64Bit
  • # Whether or not the daily billing process is enabled.
  • daily_billing: Boolean
  • # The service ID of a one time `Service` to charge for accounts with
  • # `print_invoice` enabled in their `AccountBillingParameter`.
  • printed_invoice_fee_service_id: Int64Bit
  • # The `AccountStatus` for disconnected accounts.
  • disconnect_account_status_id: Int64Bit
  • # Whether or not to apply a late fee to past due invoices.
  • apply_late_fees: Boolean
  • # Whether late fees should be applied to child invoices.
  • apply_late_fees_to_child_invoices: Boolean
  • # Whether to invoice and email late fees immediately, or add them to the next
  • # invoice.
  • invoice_and_email_late_fees_immediately: Boolean
  • # Whether to exclude inactive accounts from late fee application.
  • exclude_inactive_accounts_from_late_fees: Boolean
  • # The ID of a one time `Service` to use for late fee application.
  • late_fee_service_id: Int64Bit
  • # The mode for late fee application.
  • late_fee_mode: LateFeeMode
  • # If late fees are applied as a percentage, the percentage of the past due balance
  • # to apply.
  • late_fee_percentage: Float
  • # The minimum amount an invoice must be past due for a late fee to be applied.
  • late_fee_minimum_delinquency_amount: Int
  • # The number of days after the due date on a delinquent invoice for a late fee to
  • # be applied.
  • days_after_invoice_due_for_late_fee_application: Int
  • # Accounts of these types will be excluded from late fee application.
  • account_type_ids_to_exclude_from_late_fees: [Int64Bit]
  • # Generate an invoice on an account when it is first activated, if there are any
  • # uninvoiced debits.
  • generate_invoice_on_initial_activation: Boolean
  • # Always round taxes up.
  • always_round_taxes_up: Boolean
  • # Printed invoice batch duplex.
  • printed_invoice_batch_duplex: Boolean
  • # Use modular invoice templates for all invoices.
  • use_invoice_templates: Boolean
  • # Whether or not to include late fee invoices in printed batches.
  • include_late_fee_invoices_in_printed_batches: Boolean
  • # Setting this value to `true` will set `printed_invoice_fee_service_id` to null.
  • unset_printed_invoice_fee_service_id: Boolean
  • }

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