The input object that defines the fields for the createAdtranMosaicSetting mutation.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input CreateAdtranMosaicSettingMutationInput {
- # The ID of the company that this entity operates under.
- Int64Bit :
- # The base API URL.
- String! :
- # A username, used for authentication.
- String! :
- # A password.
- String! :
- # Whether or not to run audit after creation.
- Boolean! :
- # Whether or not to suspend unattached services.
- Boolean! :
- # Controls if Sonar should add SMx device alarms to inventory item logs
- Boolean! :
- # Controls if Sonar updates the ICMP device status from SMx alarms
- Boolean! :
- # The name of the default Adtran Mosaic content provider.
- String! :
- # The name of the default Adtran Mosaic uplink inner tag vlan.
- String! :
- # The name of the default Adtran Mosaic uplink outer tag vlan.
- String! :
- # The name of the default Adtran Mosaic downlink interface.
- String! :
- # The name of the default Adtran Mosaic downlink inner tag vlan.
- String! :
- # The name of the default Adtran Mosaic downlink outer tag vlan.
- String! :
- # Whether or not commercial account type suspends.
- Boolean! :
- # Whether or not government account type suspends.
- Boolean! :
- # Whether or not residential account type suspends.
- Boolean! :
- # Whether or not senior citizen account type suspends.
- Boolean! :
- # Whether or not industrial account type suspends.
- Boolean! :
- # Commercial account type delinquency profile vector.
- String :
- # Government account type delinquency profile vector.
- String :
- # Residential account type delinquency profile vector.
- String :
- # Senior citizen account type delinquency profile vector.
- String :
- # Industrial account type delinquency profile vector.
- String :
- # Bounce ports enable profile.
- String! :
- # Bounce ports disable profile.
- String! :
- # An entity which maps an inventory model field to a vendor specific integration
- # field type (ie serial number)
- IntegrationFieldMappingInput]! : [
- # An entity which maps a service to Adtran Mosaic specific items.
- IntegrationServiceMappingAdtranMosaicInput]! : [
- # A note about this entity.
- NoteMutationInput :
- }